Get black technology from Meiman

Chapter 163 Return to Marvel!

Chapter 163 Return to Marvel!

There are two versions of the promotional CG video!

In addition to Dabai, there is also a robot named Xiaohei.

Xiao Hei's shape is more like a fighting robot like Transformers, not like a household robot.

More human feeling, more deterrent!
Of course, the content of the video is the same as Dabai's promotional CG.

However, there is an unexpected contrast between letting a combat robot sweep the floor and wash the dishes.

It is suitable for some girls who are insecure.

Such a cute and cute type like Dabai is naturally exclusive to hunk men.

Because the popularity of the previous waves of hot searches is still there, the two promotional CG videos have attracted widespread attention once they were released.

In just one hour, the number of messages has reached thousands!
All the netizens' words revealed excitement and excitement!
[My God, Dabai is too warm, I love it! 】

【Are you sure it's a robot, not a person wearing a puppet? 】

[Dabai can still play games with him, can he help become the king? 】

[This way of thinking, this ability to act, is too smooth, this is the intelligent robot in my mind! 】

[That's right, the mentally handicapped robots on the market are also embarrassed to be called intelligent, I'm so laughing! 】

[Am I the only one who likes macho robots like Xiao Hei? 】

[Fuck, with Xiao Hei, women who live alone no longer have to worry about someone breaking into the house, stealing and robbing, full of sense of security. 】

[Is this the second technological product of Chengxi Technology, is the effect really so good? ! 】

[Everyone just take a look, this is a concept CG, if you want to make it, you don’t know it will take a year of the monkey]

[Yes, this intelligent robot is no better than an intelligent prosthetic limb. Just solving the interaction between robots and humans is a big problem. At present, there is no intelligent AI that has the ability to communicate and think autonomously]

[I am a robot. In theory, such a highly intelligent robot with action patterns like Dabai involves huge calculations and various ultra-precise instruments, which basically only exist in science fiction.]

【Ah, what a pity, if there is such a robot, I will go bankrupt and buy ten or eight of them】

[Chengxi Technology, come on, I still hope to see Dabai come out in my lifetime]

[Haha, is there a maid robot in the shape of Rem, let me make one for you]

【I want too】

【Front Row+1】

[Forget it, even if a robot of this level comes out, the starting price will be at least [-] yuan, can you afford it? 】

Just when all the netizens were talking about it.

The official Weibo of Chengxi Technology released a video again.

This is a video of Lu Cheng's introduction to smart furniture robots.

In front of the camera.

Lu Cheng is wearing a casual white T-shirt and black trousers. He is simple and neat, giving people a very clean and fresh feeling!
Moreover, due to the tempering in "Under One Man", Lu Cheng also revealed a calmness that does not match his age.

Lu Cheng faced the camera, straight to the point and said:

"I believe that many netizens have seen the promotional video of Chengxi Technology's smart home robot. Here, I can tell you clearly that this is indeed the second new product that Chengxi Technology will release soon!"

"Also, the research and development of this product is nearing completion. Judging from the test situation, everything is good!"

"It is estimated that within half a year, it will be officially released to the public!"

"Moreover, the functions in the promotional video are only part of Dabai and Xiaohei. As a smart home robot, Dabai and Xiaohei are definitely not only as simple as sweeping the floor and washing dishes, but also help educate children, accompany the elderly, and prevent thieves, etc. Wait... as long as everyone can think of functions, Dabai and Xiaohei can do it!"

"Perhaps, some people think that smart home robots like Dabai and Xiaohei only exist in science fiction movies. Here, what I want to say is..."

"The purpose of Chengxi Technology is to bring science fiction into reality!"

After a pause, Lu Cheng continued:
"Now, the official pre-sale has started, and the quota is only [-]. For customers who grab the pre-sale quota, the company will mail Dabai or Xiaohe to the delivery address you filled in within three months!"

As soon as the video was released, it immediately caused a stronger sensation.

Almost everyone thinks that this promotional CG is exaggerated.

Intelligent robots like Big White and Little Black cannot be built within three to fifty years.


The truth is far beyond their imagination.

Chengxi Technology has actually developed a finished product, and it will be on sale within half a year!

After the surprise, there is a tide of excitement and ecstasy!
[Wow, Boss Lu is so handsome! 】

【Really, I'm so excited that I want to cry】

[Let science fiction shine into reality, my blood boils when I hear it]

[This is what a technology company that does practical things should look like, much better than a certain degree that sells fake drugs]

[From now on, I will be a loyal fan of Chengxi Technology]

【Didn't you realize that Boss Lu is more handsome than some celebrities? I'm going to be Boss Lu's dog! 】

[I hope Mr. Lu can show his face more in the future, mom loves you! 】

[Fake fans are still commenting here, real fans have already snapped up on the official website]

【Shameless old thief, wait for me】

[Damn, don't grab it so fast, save one for me]

In an instant.

Almost most people clicked on the official website link of Chengxi Technology.

Even if you don't want to buy it, you can check the pre-sale price first, so you can have a good idea!
When they saw the price of the robot listed on the official website, they were stunned.

60000 yuan!
Not too expensive, but simply too cheap!
They originally thought that the starting price of Dabai and Xiaohei would be 10 yuan.

After all, even 10 yuan is too low for such an intelligent robot.


The current price is fully half lower than what they expected.

This was simply beyond their expectations.

Therefore, the speed of panic buying is also extremely fast.

Just 10 minutes.

A total of one hundred intelligent robots were snapped up.

If it weren't for the official website's restriction that each account can only snap up one, I'm afraid these one hundred robots will be immediately snapped up!

There are still a lot of rich people in China!

As long as the quality of the product is acceptable, even if it is a bit more expensive, some people are willing to pay for it.

The smart prosthetics released by Chengxi Technology have accumulated a certain reputation and credibility for Chengxi Technology.

That's why many customers pay so happily.

Want to be the first to experience this new smart home robot that only exists in sci-fi movies!
The customers who have not been grabbed can't help but feel a little disappointed.

This also means that they have to wait another six months to use this robot.

Therefore, many netizens frantically left messages under the official Weibo, requesting an increase in the number of pre-sales.

Don't even hesitate to spend a little extra!

In this regard.

Lu Cheng naturally ignored it.

This is hunger marketing. If more places are added, this marketing will lose its meaning.

Now, what Chengxi smart home robot has to do is to accumulate word of mouth, not mass production.

This time.

The price of Chengxi intelligent robot is much higher than that of Chengxi prosthetics.

Every step you take, you have to be careful!

First look at the feedback from these [-] pre-order customers, and then decide whether it can be put into mass production.

after all.

Although Dabai and Xiaohei have no functional problems, they may inevitably encounter some malfunctions when they are put into real life.

These all need to be resolved.

and so.

Lu Cheng would set aside half a year to improve Dabai and Xiaohei's problems.

The price of Dabai and Xiaohei is 6 yuan, which is relatively cheap compared to the high-end robots on the market that start at 10 yuan.

of course.

Even if the price is 6 yuan, Lu Cheng can still earn twice as much profit as Cheng Xi's prosthetic.

Because, he has solved the core technology.

Most of the money spent was used to purchase special materials for the robot.

For example, polyvinyl alcohol fiber, carbon fiber, etc. used to build the frame, as well as laser detection, lidar detectors, broad-spectrum cameras, etc. that provide equipment assistance for robot hearing and vision.

There are also intelligent chips that contain intelligent AI to control the thinking and actions of robots.

These things add up, and the cost price is about 5 yuan.

Therefore, every time a robot is sold, it can earn a net profit of about 1 yuan.

of course.

6 yuan is just the starting price of Chengxi Robot.

Only the most basic functions!
Chengxi Technology will launch exclusive customized robots in the future.

Customers can be customized additional robots to meet his needs.

Of course, the price will naturally be higher!
The improvement of these functions is basically free of cost.

It only needs to add a more complete database in the background of intelligent AI.

At that time, the profit may be doubled again!
"6 yuan is still not enough for the general public. It's a pity that the prices of various materials are like this. If the price is lowered, other cheaper materials will inevitably be used to replace Dabai's existing materials. This will affect the quality of Dabai. If something goes wrong, the gain outweighs the loss." Lu Cheng shook his head.

Now, in view of the scarcity of materials, only part of the low-end market can be sacrificed.

Of course, he believes that with the increasing reputation of Dabai and Xiaohe, many families are still willing to spend 6 yuan to purchase a smart home robot.

at this time.

Gu Qingzhu dressed in some OL outfits, knocked on the door, and walked into Lu Cheng's office.

She wears light makeup, her skin is fair and clear, and she has the demeanor of an urban beauty.

She looked at Lu Cheng, her beautiful eyes blinked:

"Boss, can Dabai get me one, it's so cute."

Lu Cheng smiled:
"Of course you can, but you have to pay for it."

Gu Qingzhu pouted:
"Boss is so stingy..."

After a pause, she still said proudly:

"However, for the sake of understanding, this amount of money is trivial."

Now she can be said to be a veritable little rich woman.

The monthly dividends are at least tens of millions.

However, these are all she deserves.

After all, when Lu Cheng was down and down, she stood by his side without hesitation.

And for the establishment of the company, paid a lot of hard work.

Seeing that Gu Qingzhu was still standing still, Lu Cheng couldn't help but said:

"Anything else?"

Gu Qingzhu said with a smile:
"Yes, the company has just gone through a public relations crisis, and everyone is tired during this time, so I thought about holding a celebration banquet. After work, everyone will have a meal together. The hotel has already been booked. Come and join."

Lu Cheng nodded:
"Okay, you can send me the address of the hotel, and I will pick up Xi'er after I get off work."

Gu Qingzhu pursed her lips:
"Okay, boss!"

"I'm really envious of sister Xi'er, the boss is there to accompany her all the way, and I can only hope that Dabai will come out soon!"

Lu Cheng smiled:
"You rich woman, you can also find Xiao Xianrou to accompany you."

Gu Qingzhu spat:
"Who wants little fresh meat, boss, you really hate it!"

Gu Qingzhu left angrily.

Lu Cheng was taken aback, wondering why Gu Qingzhu lost his temper inexplicably.

However, he didn't think too much, and turned to think about other things.

"With the gradual emergence of black technology, materials are still a big problem. Now that things are almost done, you can go to Marvel World to see if you can find a breakthrough in materials!"

Lu Cheng didn't hesitate and went directly to the transfer station.

At this moment, there are projection screens in front of Lu Cheng's eyes, showing the images of the various worlds that Lu Cheng entered before.

Lu Cheng took out the world key and opened the door to the Marvel world!
 Thanks to book friend 'Mo Xueyiyun' for the reward of 500 coins, and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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