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Chapter 111 Explosion! (4000 word chapter, please subscribe)

Chapter 111 Explosion! (4000 word chapter, please subscribe)
When Wang Lan heard this, she couldn't help but said:

"You still think we don't buy enough prosthetics. The smart prosthetics we bought for 10,000+ last time were smashed by Wenwen within a few days!"

"This kind of prosthetic company is completely cheating money."

Shen Mingxin took another puff of cigarette, and sighed deeply:
"I checked on the company's website, and this smart prosthetic is really different from the one we bought before."

"Moreover, the boss of the company also promised that if there are fake products, the money will be refunded twice."

"The factory site of this company seems to be in Xuhui District, why don't we take Wenwen to see it now?"

Wang Lan immediately said:

"Let me see what this company is like."

After a while.

Looking at the video on the company's homepage, Wang Lan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Is it really as miraculous as it is advertised?"

The smart prosthetics in the video are so realistic.

Whether it is walking or running, it does not seem to be much different from human legs.

This simply subverted her perception of prosthetics!

She used to look at domestic prosthetics for the sake of her son.

Compared to the smart prosthetics in the video, they are all junk!

Shen Mingxin shook his head:
"This promotional video must be exaggerated, you still have to watch it yourself!"

Wang Lan couldn't sit still immediately, and quickly picked up her bag:
"Old man, what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Shen Mingxin said:

"It will take at least an hour to go there by subway now, why don't we go after dinner?"

Wang Lan couldn't wait any longer, she said sharply:
"Whether you eat is more important, or Wenwen's future is more important!"

Only then did Shen Mingxin get up helplessly:
"Okay, I'm going to change clothes, you go and bring Wenwen out."


Changlin Industrial Park, Chengxi Technology.

Sitting in his own independent office, Lu Cheng read the Taoist scriptures and various books that were helpful for entering "Under One Man" with peace of mind.

Now, everything that should be promoted has been publicized, and it is just waiting for the video to ferment.

After posting the video yesterday.

Backstage orders are growing slowly.

There are almost a dozen orders, and all the orders are the upgraded version.

Compared with yesterday's hot searches, this order volume is really pitifully small.

This was also expected by Lu Cheng.

After all, there are a lot of people watching the excitement online, but it is difficult to spend money if you want to eat melons!
Furthermore, smart prosthetics are relatively unpopular products, aimed at special groups of people.

We have to wait for word of mouth to slowly ferment before we can have a good effect.

At this moment, the door rang.

Lu Cheng put down the book in his hand, and said:

"Please come in!"

Gu Qingzhu walked in wearing a black OL suit.

Her hair is slightly coiled up, and she looks more mature and capable than usual!

It can be said that Gu Qingzhu is the ever-changing queen.

Life and work are completely different!
Gu Qingzhu glanced at the "Tao Jing" and other books on Lu Cheng's desk, and pouted:
"Boss, do you still read this kind of book? Why, are you going to become a monk?"

Lu Cheng smiled:
"Just take a look, what's the matter?"

Gu Qingzhu said seriously:

"Boss, a family came outside and said they wanted to see our products."

"I think it's a great publicity opportunity."

Lu Cheng said:

"Is the other party willing to cooperate?"

After all, to promote this thing, you have to get the consent of the person, otherwise you will infringe the right of portrait, which will only increase the trouble.

Gu Qingzhu smirked Ruoqian:
"I will definitely make this clear in advance. At worst, I will give them the prosthetics for free as a publicity fee."

Lu Cheng nodded:

"Okay, this kind of thing, you just need to pay attention."

Gu Qingzhu pouted:
"I'm worried about the company, boss, you have to give me a raise!"

Lu Cheng smiled:
"Then you can hire someone to come over, and you can just do the finances with peace of mind."

During this period of time, Gu Qingzhu was alone in recruiting, looking for venues, finances and other matters.

It was really difficult for her.

Gu Qingzhu said:

"I do have a college classmate who works as a HR supervisor in the world's top [-] companies. Wait for me to find a way to fool her!"

"After all, the company will gradually expand. If there are more and more people, I can't manage it."

"We still have to have professional personnel to build the organizational structure."

Lu Cheng has black lines all over his head:
"What is cheating, don't mess around, we are an honest company."

Gu Qingzhu said:

"Okay, boss, don't worry, she is a talented student, even if she wants to change jobs, she will come to the field for field investigation, how could she be fooled by me with a few words."

Lu Cheng shook his head:

"Okay, anyway, I'm only in charge of product research and development, you can toss about other things."

Gu Qingzhu giggled, then turned and left.

Chengxi Technology.

In a spacious and bright conference hall.

Shen Mingxin's family was waiting silently with apprehensive expressions.

After a while.

Gu Qingzhu pushed open the door, showing a warm smile:
"Sorry to keep you waiting, please come with me. I specially brought three types of products from the factory, and you can choose one at will."

Shen Mingxin was a little puzzled and said:

"Your product, don't you need to make a special socket?"

He knew that the socket of the prosthetic was the most important part of the prosthetic.

It directly determines the wearing convenience and comfort of the prosthesis.

Gu Qingzhu smiled:

"No, our three smart prosthetics can be automatically adapted according to the residual limb!"

Shen Mingxin and his wife Wang Lan looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They had never heard of this kind of prosthesis.

A fat boy sitting in a wheelchair sneered:
"Liar, you treat me as a three-year-old child, and you automatically adapt, parents, go back!"

The boy's name was Shen Wen, and he was the son of Shen Mingxin and Wang Lan who had a car accident.

Shen Mingxin and Wang Lan were a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Gu Qingzhu was not angry, and said:

"If you don't even try, how do you know we lied to you?"

"Our boss also said that if there is any false publicity, we can double return your money!"

She knows that most people with disabilities have some psychological problems.

Sensitive and suspicious, so he didn't blame the boy.

Hearing Gu Qingzhu's words, the boy in the wheelchair snorted:
"Okay, if there is anything I am not satisfied with, I will expose you on the Internet!"

Gu Qingzhu smiled slightly:
"Let's go then!"

A group of people soon came to a spacious hall, where there was only one table.

There are three types of smart prosthetic products on the table.

After a brief introduction, Gu Qingzhu opened his mouth and said:

"I don't know which one you want to try?"

Shen Mingxin looked at the prosthetic limbs placed on the table with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

At least these three prosthetics, in terms of appearance, killed any prosthetics they had seen before.

It is indeed as realistic as the video.

There was also a hint of surprise in Shen Wen's eyes, but in view of the terrible experience that the prosthetic limb gave him before, he still had a dark face:

"Of course it's the most expensive one!"

Only then did Gu Qingzhu take the full version of the smart prosthesis:
"Try it, there are manual buttons for wearing, removing, power, length, size, etc., of course, you can also switch to the smart mode and perform voice control for adjustment."

"If you don't understand, you can read the manual."

Shen Wen took the prosthetic limb, glanced at the manual, frowned and said:

"Well, just press the interface of the prosthetic limb directly on the residual limb?"

Gu Qingzhu nodded:
"Well, there is a sensor chip on it, which can automatically analyze the type of residual limb, and then adjust the interface. You can try it."

Shen Wen put the sensor chip on the top of the prosthesis on the port of the stump with half-belief.

After a while.

A miraculous scene happened.

The interface of the prosthetic limb changed its shape very quickly, perfectly fitting with the residual limb.

Moreover, it wraps the stump like water!
Gu Qingzhu smiled:

"This is the latest material resin vinyl, which has strong comfort and flexibility."

"Now that the prosthesis has been connected, you can try to get up and walk around."

Shen Wen couldn't believe his eyes.

There is no discomfort and rigidity caused by the previous prosthetics.

When the prosthetic is worn, it is no different from one's own leg.

Shen Wen stood up carefully, and the moment he touched the ground, he could even clearly feel a clear touch.

This is an experience that has never been experienced with prosthetics before!
"Wenwen, how do you feel?"

Shen Mingxin and his wife carefully asked about their son.

Shen Wen nodded:

"Very good, there is no strange feeling at all."

He then followed the instructions in the manual and used his voice to match the size and length of the prosthetic to the other leg.

Then he opened his legs and walked in the hall.

He walked faster and faster, and eventually even started trotting and jumping!
"I, I can run and dance!" Shen Wen was so happy and excited that he couldn't help cheering.

This long-lost feeling made him happy from the bottom of his heart!
Seeing this scene, Shen Mingxin and Wang Lan couldn't help crying.

They hadn't seen their son laugh like this for a long time!
After a while after exercising.

Some sweat oozed from Shen Wen's head, and he stopped.

"How do you feel?" Gu Qingzhu smiled.

Shen Wen regained his youthful vigor and innocence:
"It's great, it's great, it's like the mechanical legs in the game, it's so cool, I feel stronger than my real legs!"

"Thank you sister, when I go back, I will make a video to help your company promote!"

"There is also a group of patients, I will also help to promote it."

Just a short moment of effort.

Shen Wen's appearance changed, and he was completely different from the gloomy one before.

Gu Qingzhu smiled slightly:
"That's good."

Shen Mingxin asked cautiously:
"I don't know how much this prosthesis costs?"

Gu Qingzhu said:

"The current official price is 10 yuan, but I just secretly recorded a video of what you bought with a hidden camera. If you are willing to let the company send the video, the company can give you this prosthetic for free."

Only then did Shen Mingxin's eyes widen:

"Only one hundred thousand?!"

This price was much lower than what he had expected.

He originally thought that this kind of miraculous prosthesis would cost at least 60, [-] or even millions.

This is simply the gospel for people with disabilities!

Shen Wen immediately said:

"I agree, pretty sister, just use my video!"

Shen Mingxin also nodded solemnly:
"Your company saved my son's future, so what is this video?"

Wang Lan watched her son get angry again, and couldn't help crying excitedly:

"Yes, it would be great if I met your company sooner!"

After some discussions.

Only then was Shen Mingxin satisfied and returned home with his son in prosthetics.

Gu Qingzhu didn't delay, and directly posted the edited video on the official Weibo.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Not long after this video was posted, it reached nearly one million views.

There are tens of thousands of comments!
"Really or not, it can't be Tony?"

"This video was obviously taken secretly, and the expressions of these people don't seem to be fake."

"If this is fake, then these extras can apply for Oscars."

"I'll go, automatically change the interface form, isn't this too high-end?"

"I'm kind of convinced that this smart prosthetic is real!"

"I've tried to buy one, it's really great, it's the best prosthetic I've ever used, it's black technology!"

"I bought it too. It's really awesome and worth the money. The prosthetics I used before are all spicy chicken!"

"I am a patient in the video, and I can guarantee with my personality that the smart prosthetics in this video are absolutely real."

After a few days of fermentation, the video became more and more popular, and more and more people became aware of the existence of Cheng Xi's prosthetic limb. .

The trend of netizens has also begun to change, from the initial doubts, to the later refinement, to the later amazement!

The popularity of Chengxi's prosthetic limb is starting to grow little by little!

Those who bought and used Chengxi's prosthetic limbs also spontaneously became tap water.

a time.

The name Chengxi Technology was once again on the hot search list.

Once the fame and brand are opened, Chengxi's prosthetics will also explode.

After the video is sent out.

The order data on the background, from a dozen orders at the beginning, to hundreds of orders later!

Five days later, there were thousands of orders!

Moreover, this data is still soaring.

It grows at a rate visible to the naked eye every day.

It reached its peak after half a month.

The number of orders placed on the day reached [-] orders!

This is almost the output of other factories for one year.

Every day at Chengxi Technology, a large number of people come to consult and investigate.

It made Gu Qingzhu feel overwhelmed!
However, the current production line in Lu Cheng's factory can only reach a monthly output of [-] pieces.

Some orders can only be deferred.

Even so, in just half a month, Lu Cheng made a lot of money.

Because most people ordered an upgraded version of [-] pieces.

Such a smart prosthetic limb can earn Lu Cheng about 8000 yuan after excluding various expenses.

At present, 4800 pieces have been sold, which has already made Lu Cheng about [-] million.

of course.

Sales are still rising steadily.

According to visual estimates, after more than a month, the company's turnover can reach hundreds of millions of yuan!
The company has just been established for more than a month, and its turnover is hundreds of millions.

If this gets out, everyone's jaws will surely drop!

At this moment, Lu Cheng didn't pay attention to the sales anymore, but was thinking about another thing.

How can the factory solve it? !

(End of this chapter)

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