Get black technology from Meiman

Chapter 106 The first investment! (Please collect recommended tickets)

Chapter 106 The first investment! (Please collect recommended tickets)
In a word, it instantly attracted the attention of everyone at the banquet.

Lu Cheng instantly became the focus of the audience!
Even professional appraisers can't tell the composition of this violet gemstone.

A layman can tell without professional props? !
William looked at Lu Cheng, smiled and said:
"Since Mr. Lu wants to see it, please do so."

He didn't believe that Lu Cheng could really analyze the composition of this violet gem.

After all, this violet gem has not been officially launched yet, and there is no way to find it even online.

Moreover, the composition of gemstones is also kept strictly confidential and stored in their company's backend server, which is highly confidential!

Only the core personnel of the company are eligible to view it.

He believes that even if Lucheng Company really has the technology to analyze the ingredients, it must be the information that can be found on the Internet.

Then analyze it through big data.

This gem can't be found on the Internet, so how can I analyze it? !
The four appraisers were still holding the violet gem, arguing non-stop, refusing to let go.

Seeing this, Wang Jianlin said without changing his expression:
"Don't discuss it yet, show this gem to Mr. Lu."

The four appraisers reluctantly let go and handed the violet gem to Lu Cheng.


They looked at Lu Cheng with doubts in their eyes.

After all, they are also well-known jewelry appraisal masters in China.

Having been immersed in this industry for many years, they don't believe that a young boy's vision can be more unique than theirs.

Lu Cheng took the gem and began to look at it pretendingly.

His vision is naturally inferior to these professional gem appraisal masters.

However, he did not hang up.

The super database in his super server can automatically use crawlers to retrieve all data.

As early as when William took out the violet gem, Lu Cheng directly turned on the phone and connected to the super database.

Then, directly input keywords such as 'Joe's Group' and 'violet gems' in the background, and use crawler technology to start searching for relevant information about violet gems.

Barely three seconds.

The super database sent all the information about violet gems.

Including modeling diagrams, and related components of each part, etc.!
Lu Cheng just glanced at it, and with his extraordinary memory, he engraved all the information about the violet gem in his mind.

This tiny movement didn't even attract anyone's attention.

Seeing Lu Cheng's earnest study, William laughed:
"Mr. Lu, are you sure you want to see this high-standard gemstone with naked eyes?"

Only then did Lu Cheng raise his head and look at William:

"I almost know the composition of this violet gem."

William was startled when he heard this, and then smiled again:
"Please tell me, Mr. Lu."

Lu Cheng played with the violet gem, and said lightly:

"This gemstone is made of purple diamonds as a whole, but it uses a special technique to fuse the composition of purple cloud stone."

"Therefore, it has the clarity of purple diamonds and the special cloud pattern of purple marble, which can make the gemstone more layered."

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, the appraiser finally realized:

"Oh, speaking of it this way, it really looks like that. I said that this gem is a bit like a purple diamond, but it feels different from a purple diamond!"

Hearing Lu Cheng's analysis, William's smiling mouth gradually stiffened.

He was quite surprised. This kind of fusion technology is the latest technology developed by their Qiao Group. How did this person see through it? !
"It must be a coincidence..." William comforted himself in this way.

Lu Cheng continued:
"The root part is a fusion of ice jade and fancy yellow diamonds, which can better show its stability!"

"As for this flower, there are various components of tourmaline, Nanyu, and Hetian, which can make the gemstone more clear."

"The leaves are relatively simple. They just use a special organic substance called Fujian stone. It is worth mentioning that this Fujian stone contains a small amount of toxins. Although it has little effect on the human body, it is not good to wear it for a long time. of."

Speaking of it.

He couldn't help looking at William:
"Mr. William, I don't know if I'm right?"

He didn't say the specific ingredient ratio, otherwise it would be too obvious.

Although these appraisers have sharp eyesight, they can distinguish most minerals, rocks and other gemstones in the world.

However, the mixed minerals can already be regarded as new varieties, so they naturally can't tell why.

It was precisely because of this that William took out the violet gem to make things difficult for him.

After listening to Lu Cheng's words, William's smile gradually disappeared.

There was also a layer of frost on the handsome face.

How can it be? !
Can a layman so accurately see the composition of his gems?
It's just that the fact is so, he can't help but admit it.

If he is stubborn and the other party proposes to use professional equipment for analysis, he will be even more unable to step down!

"Mr. Lu has a vicious vision, I admire it very much!" William said with a gloomy expression.

After thinking a lot for a moment, he finally agreed with Lu Cheng's analysis openly.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Immediately, there was thunderous applause.

Various media also took out their cameras and frantically took pictures.

This kind of news that hits the face at the speed of light is worth reporting.

Wang Jianlin came over and looked at William with a smile:

"Mr. William, gemstones should maintain their purity and texture. Your company blindly pursues beauty, forcibly blending various mineral components, and even adding toxic minerals to it, completely ignoring the original purity of gemstones. "

"I believe your grandfather, if he really loved the jewelry industry, would not have wanted to see this happen."

The implication is already very obvious.

The inability of the appraiser to appraise is not because of incompetence, but because the jewelry of the Qiao Group violates the original intention and principle of making jewelry.

In just a few words, the disadvantage was completely reversed.

The richest man with a small goal of [-] million is also an experienced old man.

William laughed bluntly:
"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your reminder. This violet is just a test product of our company. It seems that there is indeed room for improvement."

As he spoke, he put Violet back into the box and stepped off the stage.

Only then did Wang Jianlin walk up to Lu Cheng, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile:
"The future is terrifying!"

Lu Cheng's performance not only saved the reputation of Wanda Group, but also dealt a heavy blow to Qiao's Group, which made Wang Jianlin feel very happy.

"Mr. Wang is too much." Lu Cheng smiled.

His speech was over, he didn't talk much, and stepped off the stage.

Just stepped off stage.

A group of people dressed as reporters came to interview.

"Mr. Lu, just now you were able to accurately analyze the composition of this violet gem, did you rely on your own vision, or was it the special product of the company you mentioned just now?"

"Mr. Lu, can you tell me what's so special about your company's smart prosthetics?"

"Mr. Lu, when will your company plan to officially open?"

Lu Cheng coughed dryly, and was about to do something perfunctory.

at this time.

Wang Sicong walked over carelessly:

"Hey, today is our charity party held by Wanda. What are you guys doing here for interviews? We broke up."

These media had no choice but to disperse when they saw this young master Wang who didn't follow the rules.

Wang Sicong chewed gum, walked over, and said with a smile:
"It's amazing, brother, I've been upset with William for a long time, and you've helped me out."

After a pause, he continued:
"Having said that, I am very interested in your company. If you are interested in letting me take a share, I can invest 500 million to test the water first."

Lu Cheng was slightly taken aback.

what's the situation.

This company has not opened yet, and it has the first investment?

ps: Please recommend tickets, there are so few tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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