I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 60 Radio Waves

Chapter 60 Radio Waves
If you can crack the other party's password without anyone noticing it, without letting the other party find out.

This is a huge project.

Let's say you've infiltrated a maze that's guarded by enemies.

When you open a door, you must close the door, erasing the traces of your own actions.

This way they won't be discovered by the guards.

And if you open the door and sneak in, and forget to close the door, it is easy to be discovered by the other party.

Zhou Jue's current job is to "close the door" while cracking the cracks, eliminating traces of his own actions.

Therefore, his journey was very slow.

Zhu Lingshan sat in the driver's seat and chatted with Zhou Jue.

After all, Zhou Jue is still a child, as long as he trusts you a little, he will speak freely.

Fortunately, he is not so easy to trust others.

During the chat, Zhou Jue talked about his family background and what happened after the end of the world.

When he said that his brothers were bitten by zombies in order to find medicine for him.

Then Zhang Yun left behind his back and became a member of the team ever since.

Zhu Lingshan was very surprised, unexpectedly, Zhang Yun was still such a person.

"Why did he save you?" Zhu Lingshan asked in surprise.

It is indeed surprising that Zhang Yun saved Zhou Jue.

You know, Zhang Yun is definitely not a person who can meddle in other people's business.

"I do not know either."

Zhou Jue shook his head, "But maybe that's why I trust him."

"You two have a good relationship." Zhu Lingshan said with a smile.

"I treat him as my elder brother, and I entrust my life to him." Zhou Jue said calmly.

Zhu Lingshan nodded and took a deep breath.

At this time, Zhou Jue asked her: "What about you? What happened to you?"

Zhu Lingshan's eyes shone brightly: "I grew up in an orphanage. Although I don't have an older brother, I have teachers and partners who love me."

"The catastrophe came too suddenly. I was still at work at the time. After hearing the news, I quickly returned to try to save them."

"Fortunately, people are still there, so we use the orphanage as a shelter."

Zhou Jue listened quietly.

That's why Zhang Yun took him to the orphanage to find Zhu Lingshan.


How did Zhang Yun know what happened to her?

This is a question Zhou Jue has never been able to figure out.

He interjected, "Did you know Zhang Yun before?"

Zhu Lingshan was taken aback, then shook her head: "I don't know."

After a pause, he continued: "After the catastrophe, several teachers and I collected food for the children."

"But one day when I go back..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Lingshan closed her mouth.

Zhou Jue felt a chill all over, and couldn't help but think of the blood all over the ground when they first went to the orphanage.

It was really human blood.

Zhu Lingshan was a little choked up: "They did it. In order to force me to submit, they used the children in the orphanage as threats."

"But after I promised to go with them, they still...killed them all."

Zhou Jue knew that 'they' referred to Dahualong.

"Have you thought about revenge?" Zhou Jue asked.

Zhu Lingshan nodded: "But I have no strength."

"Zhang Yunyou."

Zhou Jue took a deep look at Zhu Lingshan: "He will help you, otherwise, he won't save you."

Zhu Lingshan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in confusion.

At this time.

Zhang Yun opened the curtain: "What are you talking about?"

Zhu Lingshan looked at him and asked, "Are you going to leave? You don't want to sleep much?"

Zhang Yun shook his head, frowned and said, "I'm always very uneasy, I should go."

Zhu Lingshan climbed down from the driver's seat, and changed Zhang Yun up to sit.

The car started quickly with a 'buzz' sound, drove away from this piece of soil, and embarked on the national road.

Zhu Lingshan looked at Zhang Yun worriedly, his eyes were full of dark circles.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but swallowed it back.

"Go to sleep." Zhou Jue said to her, "I'll stay."

Zhu Lingshan nodded and went back to sleep.

In her dream, she dreamed of the scene where the children in the orphanage were brutally murdered by Da Hualong.

Although she didn't really see it, she could imagine what happened.

This time, I slept very restlessly.


The next day.

The sun shines on the earth.

There is peace on the national highway.

After several days of trekking, they finally entered the range of Ninghai City.

"Ten kilometers ahead and we'll be there."

Zhou Jue gave up the paper map and used a computer to view it, as well as precise GPS positioning, so he could see the kilometers.

"Zhang Yun, is there really a steel city in Ninghai?" Zhou Jue was worried and asked again.


Zhang Yun said confidently.

During this period, the Iron and Steel City had just been established, and it was the time when everything was waiting to be done, and it was also the best time to mess around.

In two years,

66 Steel City will form an alliance with Dahualong, and will be enemies of the forces in Hedong and Hexi.

At first, it was for a batch of supplies buried in the underground fortress.

Later, Dahualong betrayed 66 Steel City.

The defeat across the board made Steel City retreat to the westernmost outer city of Ninghai.

Coupled with the attacks of several waves of corpses, Iron City was severely damaged.

It was almost wiped out several times.

Although Zhang Yun holds the direction of the future,
But he is not going to use this to advise Steel City on what to do next.

This is totally courting death.

Now that Dahualong is chasing after him, Zhang Yun cannot fight alone.

At this time, hugging a thicker thigh is more effective than anything else.



There was a vague sound of splashing water in the ears of the two of them.

Like a flood, but far away.

"Zhang Yun... did you hear that?" Zhou Jue asked in surprise.

Zhang Yun nodded.

Outside Ninghai City, there is a huge reservoir, which is used to generate electricity.

This power plant, in peacetime, belonged to the circuit supply of Ninghai, Hedong, and Hexi.

If it is scrapped,

Then Hedong, Hexi, and Ninghai will have power outages one after another.


Immediately afterwards, Zhou Jue's computer sounded a radio wave.

Zhang Yun and Zhou Jue looked at each other,
It didn't take much thinking to know that someone nearby used some kind of communicator.

"Call it out and listen." Zhang Yun said.

Zhou Jue nodded, his fingers flicked on the keyboard,

Immediately, he called up a window on the screen, in which there was a radio wave similar to a heartbeat rate:

"Mr. Hao, have you escaped?! Mr. Hao!"

After repeating this question three times, a reply came from the other end.

The other party was a man with a loud voice,
Apparently, the radio signal wasn't very good.

"We are fleeing outwards, there are too many zombies behind, and more than a dozen people have died in the team!"

So repeated two more times.

Then there were 'rustling' sounds from Zhou Jue's computer.

Zhang Yun glanced at him.

Zhou Jue began to bury his head in debugging again, and said after a few seconds: "No, their signal has been cut off."

At this time,

Zhu Lingshan opened the black curtain and walked to the cab with the hot food in her hand.

"Eat something, I heard a lot of noise just now, what happened?" she said.

(End of this chapter)

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