I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 43 After the Enemy

Chapter 43 After the Enemy
The stick pointed at Zhu Lingshan's head.

Zhang Yun said coldly: "If you dare to leave, I will kill you."


There was silence all around.

Ruan Yulan dared not speak.

Zhou Jue also stared at Zhang Yun in surprise.

Zhu Lingshan's face was pale, and her whole body began to tremble.

The blood-stained club stopped in front of her eyes, and the fear in her heart gradually spread.

"Why...why?" Zhu Lingshan asked with difficulty.

"Because Dahualong has already been eyeing us, if you get out of the car now, you will undoubtedly implicate us, so I will kill you."

Very simple reason.

That's right.

Zhang Yun has feelings for Zhu Lingshan.

But no matter how strong the feelings are, they can't compare with their own lives.

The experience of the last three years made Zhang Yun a selfish man.

He was not afraid of being thought a tyrant.

As long as his life is guaranteed.

Zhu Lingshan is undoubtedly a very useful woman in the future, but if she gets out of the car now, it will not be worthwhile for Zhang Yun.

Think about it, Zhang Yun desperately killed more than a dozen people in the fourth team, and then tried his best to kill several people on the viaduct before rushing out of the encirclement.

He has been offered a reward by Dahualong and has been targeted.

Just for one Zhu Lingshan.

Now she wants to get off?

Sorry, no.

Zhang Yun didn't want his efforts to be in vain, just to set Zhu Lingshan free?
No such thing.

There is no pie in the sky.

Since you are in my car, you are mine.

Zhu Lingshan also understood the meaning of Zhang Yun's words.


She stammered.

Zhang Yun said again: "I think you are so smart, you should know Dahualong's purpose of arresting you."

Zhu Lingshan didn't speak.

She had some thoughts in her mind, but she wasn't sure. Now after being reminded by Zhang Yun, she finally admitted it.

"Even if you get out of my car, you will be caught by them soon."

Zhang Yun reminded: "Don't underestimate Dahualong's energy, you are the safest to follow me now."

Zhu Lingshan gritted her teeth and said nothing.

She got in the car eventually.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Before leaving, Zhou Jue glanced at Li Jing who fainted.

In fact, he was also a little bit reluctant.

But now it's all let go.

This is Li Jing's own choice.

Ruan Yulan said, "Thank you."

Zhang Yun smiled at her: "Eldest sister, try to live on, I think we can meet again in the future."

Ruan Yulan also nodded with a smile.

Zhang Yun glanced at Fang Xiao again.

The kid felt Zhang Yun's eyes, and he was so scared that he pulled back again and again.

His legs had lost strength for a long time, and he couldn't even stand up.

As far as he is concerned, he can no longer bring up his hostility towards Zhang Yun.

He killed Yuan Zhishu like he was picking something out of a bag, but luckily he didn't kill himself.

Fang Xiao gasped, watching Zhang Yun and the others drive away.


After being beaten by Zhang Yun, Zhu Lingshan didn't dare to speak.

She was silent, staring at Zhang Yun.

keep staring at him...

Then finally asked a word: "You seem to be very familiar with me?"

Zhang Yun nodded.

"Why?" Zhu Lingshan asked again.

"It's just a coincidence."

Before the apocalypse came, Zhu Lingshan was also very famous, having appeared on several trending searches and TV news.

But she is not a star after all, and she cannot reach the level of being well known by the whole people.

However, even if Zhang Yun is familiar with her identity, it makes sense.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Yun said, "Don't worry, follow me from now on, there will be times when you can show your strength."

A gleam flashed in Zhu Lingshan's eyes, and then she returned to calm.

After a long time, she said, "Thank you."

"Need not."

Zhang Yun continued to drive.

Both of them knew in their hearts that life was more important than anything else.

At this time.

Zhou Jue climbed to the passenger seat and asked him, "Zhang Yun, where are we going now?"

Zhang Yun shook his head.

In this year, no one has a place to go.

He suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I'll give you something later."

"What?" Zhou Jue asked curiously.

"It was found from the supplies of those people."

Zhang Yun pointed to the closet and said, "I put it in there, go and have a look."

Zhou Jue was taken aback, and ran to the closet to open it.

Inside is a radar-like 'pan' and a router-like base.

Wireless signal transmitter receiver.

This is exactly what the system rewards Zhang Yun.

He put it in the closet ahead of time.

Zhou Jue picked up the launcher with a dazed look on his face.

"Try it and see if you can run it and receive signals." Zhang Yun said.

Zhou Jue nodded: "Leave it to me."

With this thing, in the last days, they seem to have clairvoyance and ears.

Whatever the circumstances, having these two things is beneficial to their survival.

Zhou Jue started to play with his head, while Zhu Lingshan watched curiously.

"I think you are young and know a lot." Zhu Lingshan smiled.

Zhou Jue was a little shy.

In peaceful times, it was useless for him to play with these things.

Unexpectedly, in the last days, he exerted his abilities.

The transmitter began to broadcast some radio waves with different frequencies.

Zhou Jue connected the computer and finally set up the transmitter.

There are some electric sounds inside, but nothing can be heard for the time being.


the other side.

Imperial Capital Military Region, Dahualong Camp.

Standing in front of a middle-aged man in his 40s, Cao Lang said solemnly, "We have already sent people out of the city to follow up."

"Cao Lang, you should know what this woman does to us, and you must not miss it again this time."

The middle-aged man was sitting at his desk with his arms folded and his expression serious.

He is Teng Qingan, the leader of Dahualong.

No one knows his origin and identity.

Just like the Dahualong organization, it mysteriously appeared and rose up.

Cao Lang obeyed Teng Qing'an's orders very much.

"If you fail again this time, you will kill yourself!"

Teng Qing'an waved his hand, and Cao Lang stepped back calmly.

The guard at the gate saluted Cao Lang.

Cao Lang nodded, and pulled out a walkie-talkie from the chest of the military uniform.

"Second Team, Second Team, let He Shan come to my office to meet me."



Cao Lang met the second captain He Shan in his office.

"Where are your people?" Cao Lang asked.

"They have returned."

"I want to send you a mission..."

Before he finished speaking, He Shan stopped him: "I know, send me to track down the murderer?"


"It's probably not enough for our second team," He Shan said.

"How much do you want? Choose from the fighting group yourself, don't ask me."

half an hour.

The martial arts team assembled in the playground.

He Shan personally led his team members and selected more than 40 people from the fighting group.

Plus the second team, about 60 people, divided into three groups, and went out of the city one after another.

They drove a military truck and took a large amount of food and supplies on the national road towards Jinjin.

It didn't take long.

He Shan saw the survivors in the first truck.

"Stop!" He Shan used the walkie-talkie to issue an order.

It was Ruan Yulan, Li Jing, and Fang Xiao who appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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