I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 280 Artificial High Intelligence, Shirley

Chapter 280 Artificial High Intelligence, Shirley
The next day.

Sunny weather.

Time to December.

The RV drove smoothly on the national highway.

I have encountered several car accident scenes around, and they were all successfully bypassed. It is rare to encounter a traffic jam.

And the national road is not as complete as imagined,

The fences on both sides have long since disappeared. After getting off the national highway, there are fields and various hilly landforms on both sides, with overgrown forests.


From far away, you can see the blurred city in the sky, some high-rise buildings rise from the ground, and then they are quickly left behind by the RV.

Right now,

Zhang Yun was sitting in the cab and asked Shirley how to use the nitrogen generator.

"If you launch the nitrogen at full force, there is a 60% chance that the car will lose its balance and fall, and 19% of the chances are that the car will crash and kill people. Are you sure you want to launch it at full power?"

Zhang Yun had a black thread: "Then you can only launch part of it, and let me try something new."

Shirley was silent for a moment.

"Nitrogen launch countdown, charge 49%, five, four, three, two..."

Suddenly the countdown begins,
Zhang Yun didn't even have time to prepare,
Suddenly felt a huge push back, and the whole person sank into the chair.

Everyone in the car screamed.
The RV rushed forward with a 'shua' sound.

Fortunately they are on the national highway, the road is wide and straight,
Zhang Yun sat in the driver's seat and felt the scenery on both sides receding rapidly.

When the nitrogen was consumed to 51%, the speed of the RV gradually slowed down.

This time it was an experiment by Zhang Yun,
The nitrogen generator can automatically generate nitrogen, and it is most effective for escaping and hitting on such a smooth road.

"Xue Li, do the math again. If the nitrogen was injected with the energy just now under other circumstances, would the RV fall over?"


Shirley calculated a probability data,
The result was unexpected,

Only when nitrogen is used on the national road, the stability of the RV is the safest.

In other environments, such as plains, uphill and downhill, muddy roads, etc., the RV may fall due to loss of balance.

While the RV will be intact, the occupants will be injured.

feeling bad.

"There is a way to add some stabilizing devices to the car, but it will increase the weight of the car and put a huge burden on the tires." Yanuo analyzed on the side.

Everyone saw the nitrogen injection just now, and the speed of the RV has reached a brand new level.

"If nitrogen gas is used to hit zombies without the car falling over, wouldn't we be invincible?" Zhou Jue asked in surprise.

Zhang Yun gave him a brain collapse, and said with a smile, "It's not that simple."

Turning to Yano again, he said, "We can't stop now, let's keep going."

"Let's stop for a while."

Zhou Jue stopped Zhang Yun and pointed out of the car.

Everyone looked up,

Far, far ahead, zombies appeared.

Corpse tide!

Stretching from the left to the right, you can't see the end at a glance,
Zhang Yun glanced at the screen and nodded: "Well, slow down, don't attract the attention of the corpse tide."

The car came to a stop slowly.

The zombies in front didn't seem to notice this side,

The acceleration just now narrowed the distance between the RV and the tide of corpses.

Now you have to keep your distance, you can't get any closer.

Five armed drones flew across the sky, 'patrolling' back and forth above the tide of corpses,
From time to time, he fired a few shots and trained the corpse tide to be obedient and obedient.
Everyone watched the radar in the car and was relieved to see the tide of corpses gradually moving away.

Zhou Jue gave Zhang Yun a blank look: "Please don't try any more nitrogen, we almost died."

Zhang Yun shrugged and said nothing.

Xue Li smiled and said: "No, I have already calculated everything, and the result shows that there is only a 4% chance that the corpse wave will find us."

Zhang Yun shrugged again, looked at Zhou Jue: "Did you hear that?"

Zhou Jue curled his lips: "Xue Li, you let him go too much."

Shirley smiled happily.

As for the rest of the people, they had already gotten used to Shirley's existence in Shelter No. [-].

The technology of artificial intelligence,

Before the cataclysm, human civilization technology only existed in the level of 'low artificial intelligence'.

And what is "low artificial intelligence" and what is "high artificial intelligence"?
There is a common demarcation line as this 'high and low' judgment.

That is curiosity.

no doubt.

When an AI has curiosity, it can leap from a low-intelligence product to a high-intelligence product,

By that time, the relationship between artificial intelligence and humans will be completely reversed.

AI is no longer dependent on humans,
On the contrary, humans will increasingly rely on artificial intelligence.

The parties will increasingly be on different dimensions.

It has enough curiosity to discover, to learn, to calculate,

It has thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, or even [-] times the computing power and thinking ability of human beings,

It is an artificial intelligence with 'curiosity'.

It has been training in Shelter No. [-] for so long, and it has already collected and cracked countless layers of networks all over the world, and obtained countless information and technologies.

This kind of information is cross-industry and cross-border.

It understands engineering, biology, and astronomy, and its hacking ability is more than ten times that of Zhou Jue. It can quickly break through a network barrier and obtain the 'treasure' inside.

Cataclysm is coming,

The network on the earth has long appeared large-scale faults.

Large-scale failure of base stations and satellites,
But as long as it's still available,

That's all within Shirley's traveling range.

Shirley is slightly different from artificial intelligence in the true sense.

When an artificial intelligence has curiosity, it will no longer be able to contain it with human strength.

There is a problem here,
by that time,
What can hold it back?

No one can tell.

I guess it's just the system...

Shirley was born from Zhang Yun's system.

Of course, only the system can contain Shirley.

Therefore, no matter how far Shirley grows, it will not 'betray', let alone control humans.

This is where Zhang Yun rest assured Shirley.

And this feeling was what he felt after he got Shirley,

It's the same feeling that he's bound to the RV,
Shirley from another angle, its real owner is Zhang Yun,

Since there is such a "binding" relationship, Zhang Yun can of course give him to Zhou Jue generously without worrying about any unexpected situation.

Zhou Jue stood up and reminded: "Anyway, don't forget our purpose."

Zhang Yun glanced at him and nodded: "We will discuss the battle plan when we arrive at the Imperial Capital."

"it is good!"

Zhang Yun asked Shirley again: "How far is it to the Imperial Capital?"

Xue Li was silent for half a second and said: "There are still 65.28 kilometers left. At the current speed, we still need to control the tide of corpses. It is estimated that it will take 16 days, 20 hours and 43 minutes to reach it."

(End of this chapter)

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