I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 263 Upgrade to level 60!

Chapter 263 Upgrade to level 60!
Because, as soon as you walk in, there will be a wave of corpses, which can't be killed at all, and the pressure will be overwhelming just by looking at it.

The two had tried several times, but every time they attracted the pursuit of tens of thousands of zombies, and they managed to escape every time.

It may be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder,
After Zhang Yun upgraded, he didn't click any rewards, but left the reminder there.

Level 31 is required to go from level 60 to level 29.

This level 29 is hard for Zhang Yun,
Because the demand for experience points is increasing, the further you go, the harder it is to upgrade.

of course,

Zhang Yun believes that the rewards that the system can give him are becoming more and more precious.


Zhang Yun has already left the shelter, and the system will not "smartly" assign him team items like "ground thorns" again.

And definitely get items that are only available to individuals.

A full year of training.

Zhang Yun's character panel is much fuller than before:

[Host]: Zhang Yun (Level 59).

[Hold]: Matter decomposition machine (MAX).

[Skills]: Bullseye, squeeze potential.

[Skills]: Big food store (level 5), automatic driving, vehicle stealth system.

[Physique]: In the last days, you can face any situation calmly.

[Energy]: ∞.

[Points]: 9.

Click on the character attributes:
[Physical strength +33. 】

[Speed ​​+51. 】

[Reaction +21. 】

[Strength +53. 】

[Hearing +12. 】

[Lung capacity +9. 】

[Jumping power +3. 】

[Resilience +6. 】

[Energy +14. 】

This panel can be said to be quite powerful.

Zhang Yun firmly believes that speed and strength are the key to obtaining 'Double S', so he started to purchase these two attributes after upgrading the [Material Disintegrator] to level 10 'MAX'.

Therefore, the two attributes of speed and strength are obviously the highest.

Of course, because the [matter decomposition machine] is MAX, when things are decomposed, both the quantity and the conversion rate are very high.

Zhang Yun used the remaining points to upgrade [Great Food Library].

During the upgrade process, the system also gave him some other very useful attributes.

I won't go into details here.

In short, Zhang Yun's physical fitness was already on par with Zheng Song who had been injected with K-2.

Of course, generally speaking, Zheng Song is still stronger than Zhang Yun, because his panel is relatively balanced.

But Zhang Yun still has many shortcomings.

[The host has been upgraded, please select an item. 】

[The host has been upgraded, please select an item. 】

[The host has been upgraded, please choose a skill. 】


A total of 28 upgrade prompts are floating in Zhang Yun's system world.

He couldn't help but want to click on it several times, but there was always an inexplicable force that stopped him.

I feel that if I turn it on before reaching level 60, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and the subsequent practice will be useless.

Therefore, because of such reverse obsessive-compulsive disorder, Zhang Yun did not click on it.

he can feel,
Up to level 60 may be within a few days.

Because he has been at this level for a long time.

Zheng Song turned his head and glanced at Zhang Yun quietly,
During the year he spent with him, Zheng Song sometimes took time to go back to the shelter to meet Luo Yujie.

But Zhang Yun did not. After he left, Zhang Yun went into the city to kill zombies as usual.

What puzzled Zheng Song was that they obviously came to the city to search for supplies, but Zhang Yun's obsession with killing zombies may be deeper.

Why did he kill zombies?

Seeing Zhang Yun getting stronger and stronger, no matter in terms of strength or speed, he was no less than him, Zheng Song actually realized a little bit in his heart.

This guy may need to kill zombies to grow continuously.

This is the fundamental reason why he brought himself into Hedong City.

And relying on the pistol in his hand that never needs to be reloaded, Zheng Song will sometimes be in a trance...

What is the secret behind him?
Of course, even though he was so puzzled, Zheng Song never asked Zhang Yun once.

Because Zhang Yun had already said hello in advance, he knew the importance.

Just understand it in your heart.

"Zhang Yun, I feel that your strength is no less than mine." Zheng Song laughed.

The weather was very hot, and Zhang Yun's cheeks and forehead were dripping with sweat.

He shook his head and smiled, "No, I still have shortcomings."

The reason why he is so sure is that he can clearly see his attribute value, instead of just feeling a rough idea.

Through comparison, it can also be found that although the speed and strength exceed Zheng Song, other attributes are still inferior.

The two walked forward,
Today's task is to clean a school.

They noticed a few days ago that there are a lot of zombies in the school,
And the streets around here are already very empty,
In the range where Zhang Yun and Zheng Song often move, the zombies are very sparse and scattered.

Is this also a kind of nature?

Living things naturally avoid their natural enemies.

And the zombies know that there are two powerful and terrifying existences in this area, so no zombies dare to approach?

Can't tell.

At least in other places, where Zhang Yun and Zheng Song were not active, zombies were still very dense.

They came to school,
Zhang Yun checked the rifling of the pistol, and Zheng Song swung the club in his hand, pretending to be ready for battle.

"let's go."

"Well, be careful."

"Well, we'll meet here later."


Three 'um', two people, rushed into the school.


The zombies will usher in a joyful baptism and salvation.

four hours later.

The two sat on the small house in the guardhouse at the school gate and smoked.

They were covered in blood.

Four hours of continuous strenuous exercise, even an ordinary person would not be able to persist,
But for the two monsters Zhang Yun and Zheng Song, they were just panting and tired.

Zheng Song held the club and took a deep breath.

Zhang Yun put the gun away, and then said with a smile: "Have fun, shall we go back today?"

"go back?"

Zheng Song thought he was going back to the ranger camp.

But it's still early and it's not dark yet.

"I mean, go back to the shelter." Zhang Yun added.

Zheng Song glanced at him, nodded without saying a word.

It turned out that he thought enough was enough.

He should be counted.

The physical strength has reached an expected and reasonable state, so I want to end the practice.


Only then did Zheng Song realize that they had been in Hedong City for a year.

During this period, they only met with the shelter once every half a month, and they would drive to transport away the supplies hoarded by the two of them and leave a certain amount of food.

Luo Yujie and Zhu Lingshan are often in the transport team.

They will try their best to meet these two longing men.

Zheng Song sighed.

He also feels tired, it's time to go home...

Look up at the sky: "What time is it?"

Zhang Yun buried his head in the calculations: "22 years, the end of September, I don't know the specifics."

(End of this chapter)

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