I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 255 New partner!

Chapter 255 New partner!

July 21.

No one knows what happened to the tide of corpses going north.

Life has to go on.

The logging work on the mountain has come to the final stage.

Step by step terraced fields have been reclaimed, and the seeds have been sown in the ground.

A lot of wood is piled up together, and I don't know how to use it at all.

Zhang Yun ordered that rows of logs should be processed into a unified system, a foundation should be dug, and the logs should be inserted into the ground, so that they would be close together.

It's like a raft erected.

Inside the wall, a large amount of steel and wood was used to grab the ground and firmly against the wall.

So far,

The iron fence of Shelter No. [-] was completely eliminated.

The second generation of wooden pile fences began to rise from the ground.

Other than that,

Zhang Yun also organized manpower to build stairs and watchtowers on the inner walls of the face,
It's also all wood, with a little steel mixed in.

A lookout tower is erected every 300 meters, and there are two people on duty on the stand in each round, divided into day shifts and night shifts.

Although Shelter No. [-] is still unable to have a gun in hand, there are bow and crossbow standard weapons as supplements, and long-range attacks are still very sufficient.

In addition to the two entrance and exit gates in the town, two additional gates were added in the field.

In normal times, people from the Qin Department are in charge of guarding, and they are also on duty at the observation tower.

Xi Lu is still in charge of the town, and many members of the animal husbandry department are still alive, enough to keep the town on guard.

Wu Gou and the others wandered back and forth between the two jobs of guarding and patrolling. Sometimes they would go to the town to help Xilu, and sometimes they would come back to help Qin Yitong.
But most of the time, they will continue to guide the people in the shelter to learn the driving skills of tanks and helicopters.

Yanuo is still in charge of the factory, but because of the battle with He Shan's team, many engineers and craftsmen died in the factory, and there is a shortage of manpower, and everyone's work pressure is relatively high.

Luo Guoguo continued to work in the monitoring room, serving tea and water to Zhou Jue,

Apparently the relationship between the two brothers and sisters was already extraordinary, because Zhang Yun saw these two often entering and exiting the same room together from time to time.

Zhong Yao, Xiang Xuedao, and Luo Yujie still work in the cafeteria, making food for everyone every day.

It's just that the chef Gao Ji died, and the work pressure in the cafeteria is not small.

Without the master who is in charge of the spoon, the food is not delicious enough.

After all, Luo Yujie still lacks experience in cooking big pot rice, and is not as good as a professional chef.

And the trio of Zhang Yun, Duan Qianli, and Zheng Song patrolled around every day, helping to kill a few zombies, or helping the cadres arrange their work.

As the three most powerful people in this shelter, as well as leaders and cadres,
They are naturally above all others.


And this day.

The spreading radio waves finally attracted some survivors to the shelter.

Just as Zhang Yun expected, they came from the south, crossed great rivers, and went through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships before they came to the north.


Zhang Yun and the others were waiting in the town.

Several old men with crossbows stood on the watchtower of the wall.

Due to the daily exercise and training, the physique of these old men is actually quite good, and the muscles on the arms of many of them are thicker than those of young people.

Of course, there are many people who look like old men like Kang Cheng.

They are not capable of doing lookout work, they only do some chores in the town,
Xi Lu was waving in front and directing.

A neat convoy slowly drove towards the shelter.

Zhang Yun crossed his arms, picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "I saw you."

There is a 'rustling' sound on the intercom.

Before that, a hacker in the opponent's team got in touch with Zhou Jue, and on the national highway more than ten miles away, he took the initiative to contact the No. [-] shelter and told them in advance that he was coming.

Obviously, these people are not vegetarians.

Survivors who can survive in the wild for a full year are very complete in terms of combat effectiveness and team equipment.

The leader was a big Benz, like a Big Mac, with a humming sound from its engine.

There was a tanker truck behind, and it was rather cumbersome to drive on the provincial roads in the country.

Finally, there are several jeeps, all with very high chassis, and the lower half of the body is covered with mud.

Of course, other cars are also like this, very embarrassing and dirty.

But these cars are undoubtedly equipped with bumpers and iron thorns, stained with black blood.

A red ribbon is tied to the rearview mirror pole of Daben, which is constantly swaying by the wind.

All the convoys drove into the town.

Xi Lu hastily waved and led everyone to close the door.

dong dong——

Two doors slammed,
The other party gets out of the car,

At the same time, Duan Qianli and Zheng Song, one carrying a Type 10 sniper rifle and the other carrying an alloy baseball bat, stood beside Zhang Yun.

The leaders of the two sides formally met.


The other party was a man a head taller than Zhang Yun, with an unshaven face and a very wild face.

A wavy-haired woman who was chewing bubble gum stepped out from behind, and tied the hem of the beige shirt along the side waist, highlighting her stunning snow-white wasp waist.

Behind him are his team members.

An otaku with glasses, and an antenna extending from the backpack behind him, just like a soldier who specialized in sending telegrams in wartime, with a signal transceiver on his back,
At the same time, he held a rifle in his hand, which was gentle and at the same time did not lose the demeanor of a soldier.

The other is a woman again, in her 20s, the youngest, with her hair tied up in a ball, tied with a red elastic headband like a wristband, with only a lady's sweater on her body, and her figure is also very explosive.

The rest of the team members were also male and female, most of them opened a pair of menacing eyes, and their bodies were full of evil spirits.

Zhang Yun didn't pay too much attention to their appearance,

Instead, focus on their weapons.

There were 14 of them in this group, each with a gun in his hand.

The strength is not weak...

Zhang Yun thought secretly.

"Are you the leader here?"

The speaker spoke with a southern accent. He was obviously a rough man, but when he spoke, he only gave off a gentle feeling.

"My humble Zhang Yun, good luck for sports, hello."

"Hello, I'm next to Guo Hui."

Zhang Yun was taken aback: "Pot ashes?"

"Yes." Guo Hui nodded.

"Well, a very nice name."

Zhang Yun smiled politely, then turned around and introduced to Guo Hui: "This is Duan Qianli, and this is Zheng Song, who is also a cadre of our shelter."

Guo Hui has seen them one by one,

The big waved woman beside him focused more on Duan Qianli's Type 10 sniper rifle.

So Guo Hui smiled, before he could say anything.

The woman took a step forward and took the initiative to shake Duan Qianli's hand: "My name is Pei Ji, hello handsome guy."

Duan Qianli was bewildered,
In fact, he was already confused.

Ever since he saw this beautiful woman with big waves...

(End of this chapter)

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