I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 225 The Bombing From Three Wuzhi Planes

Chapter 225 The Bombing From Three Wuzhi Planes

He Shanben thought that his team was hidden in the shadows, and Shelter No. [-] had no reason to know about their existence and what had happened to the ranger group.

It's so far from here,
Moreover, they have also confirmed that they have destroyed all the vitality of the ranger group.

what is this?
Rows of explosions were launched immediately after each grenade, and the flames and the fireballs caused by the explosions moved from far to near,
Wei Tu pulled He Shan and shouted, "Get out! Get out!"

How many people can still react?

They're enjoying the women in the camp, or they're sleeping,
They knew there was going to be an all-out attack tomorrow, so everyone was recharging their batteries.

But the opponent's attack came very fast.

Each grenade drew a beautiful arc, shot out from the helicopter cabin, and then sank into every tent.

The precise strike killed more than half of He Shan's team on the spot.

Of course, Zheng Tao had already led his 20 people to the urban area, and there were still 30 people left in the camp.

During this half minute,

He Shan and Wei Tu effectively issued orders, and the remaining dozen or so people scattered and fled.

But they didn't but didn't think,

More than one helicopter...


There were multiple sounds of propeller turning in the sky.

Two more helicopters swooped down,

Moreover, round black bombs were dropped, frantically bombarding the perimeter of the camp and the edge of the iron fence.

At the same time, along with the machine gun fire, the soil was sprayed up one after another,

And within shooting range,

Whether it is He Shan's team members or the survivors of the ranger group who escaped from the tent in a hurry, they are all prey.

Indiscriminate attack!
No one is immune.

After a while,
In the process of fleeing, there were only six or seven people left, who surrounded them and were led by Wei Tu and He Shan to escape into the jungle.

As for the other two helicopters, because the bombs were dropped, they turned around and left without the slightest desire to fight.

There was only the last helicopter left. Although no one could be seen and there were forests everywhere, it did not stop attacking.

in the cabin,
Duan Qianli sat by the door, fired all twenty grenades, took over the right to use the machine gun from Zhou Jue, and looked for their traces everywhere.

"see it?"

Zhou Jue asked.

Duan Qianli shook his head, but pulled the trigger from time to time to fire.

The whole forest was rustled, the leaves and bushes were broken into pieces, the machine gun fired very powerfully, and the bullets could penetrate deep into the ground,
After round after round of sweeping,

Relying on the maneuverability of the helicopter to patrol back and forth,
Still did not see each other's figure.

"The field of vision here is too restricted. I have run out of bullets. Xiaojue, contact Brother Song and bring him back."

"it is good!"

Zheng Song is carrying a flare gun,

This is also for his safety.

If something happens, Zheng Song can quickly return to the detection range of No. [-] shelter, and then fire the signal gun.

In this way, it can serve as an early warning rather than a call for help.

"Brother Song! Where are you, fire the flare gun and we'll pick you up! The plan is a success."

Zhou Jue picked up the microphone, unable to hide the excitement in his heart.

Of course, he was also a little uneasy, and so was Duan Qianli.

The air strike just now completely dispersed the enemy's troops,

However, due to the darkness of the sky and the fact that they attacked very quickly, it was too late to confirm the identity of the opponent.

But looking at their equipment and the rifles in their hands, it can be judged that this group of people is from a well-trained elite unit.


In a ground environment of night and jungle,

Suddenly there was a red light flying into the sky from a certain corner.

It's Zheng Song's flare gun.

Wu Gou glanced at it, and quickly turned the helicopter to pick him up.


the other side,
Zheng Tao's 20 people just walked not far away,

The camp of the ranger group is always a round trip from the city.

This is unavoidable, all of them heard the explosion and the sound of machine gun fire just now.

Zheng Tao turned his head and took a look, his face darkened: "The camp may be under attack."

"Deputy Zheng, let's go back and have a look!"

Zheng Tao nodded,
In this case, if he still wants to attract the tide of corpses, he will be blocking himself.

The camp was under attack. What he should do most was to go back and observe the situation.

Although the 20 people here have the strength to protect themselves, this is not what Zheng Tao is most afraid of.
It's the captain's safety.

"Withdraw! Quick!"

The 20 people started to move in a hurry, returned to the spot, and ran quickly to the camp.

at this time.

Zheng Tao saw the flare gun flying into the sky from the rear left,
"Flare gun?"

Zheng Tao knew very well that they also carried flare guns, but the ammunition was green instead of red.

Is the enemy?
"No, don't go back to the camp, go over there, the enemy is there."

A group of team members looked surprised and had no choice but to act together with Zheng Tao.
20 people quickly went to the place where the flare gun was fired.

They were running in the jungle, and soon they heard the sound of a helicopter, getting closer and closer.

"It was an air strike. The captain and the others were attacked by a helicopter. It is estimated that they were sent from the No. [-] shelter." Zheng Tao analyzed.

"How is it possible? Aren't they unaware of our existence?"

Someone in the line spoke up.

Zheng Tao shook his head: "Could it be..."

He didn't say anything after that.

Could it be that Shelter No. [-] also wants to fight the Ranger Group?
By mistake, they were taken advantage of?


Such a dramatic situation is not within the scope of Zheng Tao's consideration.

As far as he knows, the relationship between Shelter No. [-] and the Ranger Group is still good, and they often trade materials,
Zheng Tao didn't know much about Zhang Yun, either.

Whether it is possible for him to attack the ranger group, he does not know, but the captain and the others must be responsible.

20 people hid in the jungle and gradually approached their destination.

In front of him, an open space gradually appeared.

A man with a broken arm stood there, waiting for the helicopter to pick him up.

Zheng Tao narrowed his eyes,
It was only when I came here that I realized that this person was only 2 minutes away from my team.

At such a short distance, they could of course arrive faster than a helicopter.

"Catch him, hurry up!"

Zheng Tao gave an order,
The gunfire has already started...

Zheng Song was waiting for the helicopter to come over, but at the same time, he was also paying attention to the surrounding situation, and the moment before Zheng Tao gave the order, Zheng Song had actually heard their undisguised footsteps.

As the direct beneficiary and successful test subject of K-2 parasite,

Zheng Song looks like an ordinary person on the surface, but in fact, his five senses and physical fitness have already surpassed ordinary people.

He was holding a cricket stick in his hand, and one second before the gunshot, he heard Zheng Tao's order...

(End of this chapter)

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