I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 221 Well, Thank You

Chapter 221 Well, Thank You
After a sound that seemed to be charging,

The laboratory lights were turned off.

Zhu Lingshan and Zhang Yun left here,
She said as she walked: "The fusion reaction may take a long time, and I can't tell the exact time, but if it wakes up again, it will be a zombie king. I have used nano-robots to reorganize the brain cells of this zombie." and neurons, with some modifications..."

Generally speaking, Zhu Lingshan wanted to have the instinct to restrain the rage and cruelty of the corpse king and make them more controllable.

The human brain has regions.

There are different areas to decide where to rule.

Apparently, the area where people can go berserk and go crazy, seems to have been injected with a tranquilizer by Zhu Lingshan,

"This is a biochemical weapon. In the past, the two of us might have been sent to the U.N. court to be sentenced to death." Zhu Lingshan said jokingly.

"It's not that serious. There is no United Nations now." Zhang Yun shook his head.

"I heard that you rejected the cooperation with the Ranger Group today? Can I ask why?"

Zhang Yun glanced at her: "Because I don't believe them."

"Xiaojue thinks so too, you are more sensitive." Zhu Lingshan smiled.

The two were walking in a corridor, and the shoes made a slow echo of 'da da da'.

"It's better to be sensitive. A dull person would have died a long time ago."

After experiencing the incident at the No. [-] shelter in Magongli, Wangpozhai, leading corpses,

Ever since Zhang Yun shot and killed Ma Gongli and the others, something seemed wrong with him.

In fact, Zhu Lingshan couldn't see it on the surface, but she was still very concerned about it in her heart.

"Aren't you afraid that one day, killing too many people will drive you crazy?" Zhu Lingshan asked.

"Oh, natural selection, survival of the fittest. If one day, I really go crazy, please give me a shot and turn me into a corpse king." Zhang Yun pointed to his head and opened his mouth. a joke.

Zhu Lingshan couldn't be happy, but just looked at him worriedly.

The vibe in the shelter was bad.

Duan Qianli, who came up occasionally, and Zhou Jue, who went down occasionally, both mentioned this issue to her.

As for why the atmosphere was bad, neither of them could say.

Based on their thinking, they can only attribute the reason to Zhang Yun shooting Ma Gongli, Dashan and others.

But Zhu Lingshan felt that this was not the case.

Duan Qianli and Zhou Jue's understanding of Zhang Yun may not be as good as his own.

Zhu Lingshan is a woman, her mind has always been more delicate than that of a man,
She also thinks a lot,

She thought about other possibilities, but she didn't know if she was thinking right.

"Zhang Yun, kill less people, no, let's run away." Zhu Lingshan was worried, and finally said what was on her mind.

As a result, Zhang Yun held her head kindly and gently, as if he returned from the shelter with a large army that day.

"There is a track for people to do things. In our team, obviously, my track has been fixed. I don't want to kill people, but I have to kill people. I'm just like you, and I'm just an ordinary person. Also living in peace time, educated in peace, I also want love, want compassion, but it doesn't work, because as long as I have one life in my hands, there will be a second, a third, countless lives...anyone I can’t stop it, because this is my trajectory, and so are you, you also have your own trajectory.”

Zhang Yun stood in the corridor, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Zhu Lingshan also stopped in her tracks.
There's a bit of a height difference between the two.
Zhu Lingshan was shorter than Zhang Yun, her head just reached the bridge of Zhang Yun's nose.

So Zhu Lingshan could only look up at Zhang Yun.

for a second,

She wanted to hold Zhang Yun and breathe in his arms.

But Zhu Lingshan restrained her impulse.

Because Zhang Yun was talking about murder with her, it wasn't so romantic that she could reach out and hold Zhang Yun's topic.

This woman actually had a longing in her heart.

If now, the two are looking at the stars on the top of the mountain, relying on each other, with love and peace in their hearts, Zhu Lingshan even wants to dedicate herself to this man.

but now,
Indeed, as Zhang Yun said.

His trajectory is doomed.

Killing has become an indispensable item for Zhang Yun's vitality.

In this bloody truth and hellish world, Zhu Lingshan can only maintain her rationality, love him, and give him some support.

Although it's tiring, tiring, tiring...

But Zhu Lingshan knew that Zhang Yun needed her.

Even if it's silent support, it's okay to just stand still and look at him.

For Zhang Yun, it is a kind of strength.

The way of love is different,

Perhaps, this is the love between Zhu Lingshan and Zhang Yun?

It is overwhelming to endure.

Zhu Lingshan's body was shaking.

She tightly pinched the corner of Zhang Yun's clothes: "I support you, no matter when, I will support you."

"Well, thank you."


Step out and get some fresh air.

Zhang Yun also felt tired.

This is a rare fatigue for him.

Killing Ma Gongli's group yesterday was just to accumulate this kind of fatigue to the peak, to the overflow.

If it is attributed to the reason, it may not be the killing of Ma Gongli and Dashan,
It was Zhang Yun who was tired from the past killings and going all out for various things.

This is bit by bit, accumulated.

Zhang Yun took a deep breath,

This kind of fatigue can't be too long, because the condition of the shelter is very bad now.

Although they were full of energy on the surface, everyone seemed to be tired, and a certain unpleasant atmosphere was filling the entire shelter.

Maybe, really have to go?

Zhang Yun was looking for a solution, and running away was one of them.

With so many people eating with him and surviving with him, can they really be discarded?

Without him, without the RV, life at the shelter would not be what it should be.

Now want to come,

I have a system in my body, is God letting me save more people?Survive with more people?
Why are you like this?
Why don't you give the system to those real geniuses?
What about those who are truly capable?
However, these are one of Zhang Yun's ways to relieve fatigue,

I was shirking responsibility in my heart, but what should be done, I had to do.

"Oh no--"

When coming down the mountain,
He heard some calls, frowned slightly, and walked down quickly.

Everyone watched someone running over from the town, they were carrying a stretcher, a bloody guy was breathing heavily,

"What's going on?" Zhang Yun pushed aside the crowd and was the first to rush forward to ask.

Xi Lu wiped off his sweat: "The ones from outside should be members of the ranger group."

Zhang Yun was stunned for a moment, and looked down. It was a guy he didn't know, but there were many bullet holes on his arms, legs, chest and abdomen.

This person is dying...

(End of this chapter)

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