I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 210 Was Bitten by a Mosquito

Chapter 210 Was Bitten by a Mosquito

As analyzed by Zhang Yun, the Ranger Group indeed has no more resources to survive.

In the past, the way of survival of the ranger group was mostly to go to the city to search for various supplies.

Of course, they also cultivated on a small scale, but the harvest was not very satisfactory. The soil environment over there and the crop yield were not high.

Even though there are O-cross rice and various organic fertilizers, due to the limited scope, the fields are not as big as No. [-] Shelter or Wangpo Village.

But the Rangers have no shortage of wood,

Because there is a mechanical logging factory under the mountain not far from them,

After Zong Qiu took people to clean it, the logging factory became their 'outpost', the only node linking the city.

But Wangpo village also has wood, and there are quite a lot of them. There are forests around the village, so a lot of wood is digested by the ranger group themselves, made into weapons, and then traded.

Their arrows, crossbows, and bows are all made of wood, and the arrows can be made by sharpening the front end of the wooden stick, which can still explode the heads of zombies.

And due to the abundance of timber resources, the ranger group didn't have to think about recovering the arrows they shot all the time.

After exchanging food and various resources with Wangpo Village and Shelter No. [-], the ranger group can live well.

Zong Qiu is a person with self-knowledge,
He knew that the ranger group needed the help and support of the other two forces if they wanted to go on smoothly.

Therefore, Zong Qiu decided to deal with this wave of corpses by himself.

Facts have proved that Zong Qiu's decision is also correct.

Ma Gongli, Dashan and others were already killed by Zhang Yun's gun because they wanted to bring the tide of corpses to Wangpo Village, which came from Shelter No. [-].

Although Zong Qiu didn't know about it yet.

As more than 6 zombies rushed into the city, their aggressiveness was digested by the complex and vast urban area, but it also caused overcrowding.

The center of the city is already a place where corpses are squeezed,

Zombies are like homeless cockroaches or ants, raging everywhere in the city center.

No matter how arrogant the ranger group is, it is impossible to rush in and snatch supplies from the corpses.

Zong Qiu also knew that the center of the city was rich in resources. If the tide of corpses could be solved, there would be enough things in the city for the Ranger Group to survive like this.


Zong Qiu had no choice.

After digesting the more than 6 zombies, the crowded area expanded,

It even extended to the outskirts of the city.

The original ranger group's activity area has been restricted in a large area.

Many places can no longer go,
It's not that Zong Qiu doesn't dare to take risks, the environment in some areas is extremely complicated, there are large-scale traffic jams, and the field of vision is also limited.
Even though he sent someone to investigate, and the tide of corpses roaming around could be effectively avoided, he still didn't dare to do so.

In such a complicated environment, the combat effectiveness of the ranger group will be greatly reduced.
And no one can stabilize their mentality in that kind of place.

Every time the 'scout' who went to the city to inquire about the news came back with a pale face and a look of fear,


Zong Qiu knew that the foundation of the Ranger Group was still there.

They have outposts of lumber mills and talents for making bows and crossbows. A large number of weapons are exported to Wangpo Village and No. [-] Shelter, which can be exchanged for food and other supplies for them.


During the period when Shelter One started farming,

Zong Qiu brought Ma Kui and a team of ten people to the No. [-] shelter by car.

Gradually, from a long distance, Zong Qiu took a binoculars and saw the iron fence of Shanhe Town and the patrolling people inside.

"Let go!"

clack clack...

The fence gate was pulled open, and Zong Qiu and his car were allowed to drive into Shelter No. [-].

After Mu Mu fell, Xi Lu officially became a cadre of the guards in the town.

In the previous few experiences, Xi Lu also gradually learned how to survive in the shelter and how to be a good cadre.

Although he had always been a grumpy and upright old man, after his 60th birthday in January, he gradually settled down.

Xi Lu finally adapted to such a living environment.

He is willing to listen to Zhang Yun, Duan Qianli, Zheng Song and the others, and is willing to stay in the town,

He will serve as the first-line guard, helping Shelter No. [-] to detect dangers, prevent dangers, and block zombies.

Zhang Yun knows,

The change of Xi Lu was obtained through the life of his partner.
He paid his price.

With his hands on his waist, Xi Lu led a group of old men up.

Of course, there are also young people in the town, including Lu Gongmin and Jingzhou.

For these old men, Zong Qiu has always felt very awkward.

How did Shelter No. [-] let a group of elderly people guard the important gate?

Little did they know that ground thorns were buried in the place they just passed by, and a military card with an electromagnetic gun was also parked in front of the gate, making it look like it was ready to fire at any time.

Only two fingers are needed to pull the trigger, which requires little effort.

And as soon as they heard the gunfire, everyone would run up to support.

So Zhang Yun is relieved.

What he was more assured of was that Xi Lu and his group of old men played the role of warning and sentry.

"Where's your person in charge?" Zong Qiu asked.

He heard people talking on the walkie-talkie around him.

Xi Lu shook hands with him: "Welcome, welcome, please go in, they are all inside."

Zong Qiu nodded with a sullen face, and led his men into the camp along the path.

What was different from the past was that Zong Qiu heard the 'rustling' sound of logging saws, and there were people bending over to plow and water the fields on both sides.

Ma Kui took a look,
This is the first time he came here with the leader,
Prime Minister Qin came here before,
Now that Qin Xiang had something to do with him, he took the initiative to ask Ying to follow the regiment leader.


camp tent,
Zhang Yun lifted the curtain,
From the walkie-talkie, he heard the news that Zong Qiu and others had arrived.

Duan Qianli and Zheng Song also finished their respective breaks and came to Zhang Yun's side, staring at each other silently behind him.

After the leaders of the two sides met and shook hands, Zong Qiu smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, you are very active here. Are you going to start farming and logging?"

"That's right." Zhang Yun said with a smile.


Zhang Yun invited Zong Qiu into the tent.

But Ma Kui led the people and stood there with his hands folded.

Everyone else turned their attention here.

Looking Zheng Song up and down, Ma Kui pointed to his left shoulder and said, "Where's your hand?"

Zheng Song stood opposite. For him, the broken arm was once regarded as a shame by Zheng Song, but when he gradually understood what kind of monster he and everyone were facing in the underground fortress, he gradually changed his mind.
Zheng Song felt that it was his honor to break this arm,

Of course, there is not such a strong sense of honor, but this kind of similar mood exists.

So Zheng Song said lightly: "It's gone."

"Why not?"

"I was bitten by a mosquito."

(End of this chapter)

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