I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 17 Desperate?

Chapter 17 Desperate?

Hollow goal.

Lei Shijue's huge body fell to the ground with a bang.


Without hesitation, Zhang Yun lifted Zhou Jue's collar and dragged him back to the RV.

The howling of the surrounding corpses became more and more clear.

Several zombies have rushed forward hungry and thirsty.

Only then did Zhang Yun realize that no one's screams could be heard in the school.

This shows that everyone has become food for the virus.

Zhang Yun opened the car door, rushed up with Zhou Jue, and closed it again.

The zombies were too slow to catch up.

They 'uh uh' outside, drooling and banging on the RV.

Zhang Yun sat down on the ground, he was exhausted.

Starting from daytime, a large number of corpses are introduced to attack the school.

He confronted Lei Shijue head-on again, and almost died.

The tension of the mood accelerates the consumption of physical strength.

It is really not easy for Zhang Yun to survive until now.

He only felt that his limbs were weak, and he was trembling all the time.

Zhou Jue opened a corner of the black curtain, his face was extremely pale.

There was no longer a concrete floor outside the car, it was full of zombies.

The densely packed corpses were crowded together.

There are still countless groups of corpses gathering at the school gate.

Zhou Jue trembled all over: "We...we can't get out..."

Zhang Yun stood up holding the baseball bat and glanced outside.

Desperate situation!
The entire playground was crowded with zombies, and it was connected to the only exit.

It's impossible to rush out in an RV now.

It's no problem to kill a dozen zombies.

I'm afraid the caravan will be overturned by the corpses before it reaches the school gate.

Panting, Zhang Yun took off his clothes, revealing his solid muscles.

He was already sweating profusely all over his body.

Looking up, there was a person sitting on the sofa.

Li Jing hugged her legs, curled up in a corner and kept crying.

"It's all your fault!" Zhou Jue reprimanded.

Zhang Yun waved his hand to stop him, and looked at Li Jing coldly.

"Now is the time to be quiet, not to argue."

What Zhang Yun cared about was the group of corpses outside the car. If they were not paying attention to the car, they would have a chance to escape.

Quiet for a moment.

Zhang Yun wanted to find a bandage to heal his injury.

His wound medicine has only recovered [-]%, which is regarded as luck, but it is not a cure.

The pain in the head made Zhang Yun a little dizzy.

That blow was really too ruthless. If there was no trauma medicine given by the system, Zhang Yun would have just explained it here.

Looking at the supplies in the car, it was empty.

Only the bag wrapped in cloth when Zhou Jue escaped just now.

When I opened it, it was full of food.

As for other supplies, they had already been removed by Lei Shijue's people.

Now want to get out of the car and get it back?impossible.

Zhang Yun sighed and sat on the sofa to calm himself down.

Li Jing suddenly trembled all over because she was sitting with Zhang Yun and turned to look at him with a pale face.

"Yes... yes... sorry."

Suddenly, Li Jing made a mistake.

She knew that this matter was entirely her responsibility.

If it wasn't for her stupid kindness.

At that time, the door was locked and no one could come in.

The naive thoughts disappeared as early as the second when he was almost defiled by Lei Shijue.

Yes, now is the end of the world, and the civilized world has left her.

Zhang Yun did not answer Li Jing's apology.

Li Jing did not continue to apologize, but was still trembling.

She was also afraid, not knowing how Zhang Yun would deal with her.

Although now is not the time.


At dawn, the roar of zombies could still be heard outside.

Zhou Jue was sleeping against the door when he woke up suddenly and rubbed his eyes.

It was dark in the car and they didn't even turn on the lights.

But in the faint light, Zhang Yun and Li Jing could still be seen sleeping on the two ends of the sofa.

Zhou Jue stood up and found himself holding a crowbar in his hand.

Opening the curtains and taking a look, a bunch of zombies were right in front of them, and they didn't leave at all.

It's just that their attention is elsewhere, like sleepwalking, not on this car.

The second Zhou Jue woke up, Zhang Yun also woke up.

He yawned, resting all night, he didn't recover much energy at all.

Also, he was sore all over.

There was sweat and blood on his body, and he didn't dare to take a bath in boiling water, for fear that any movement would attract the attention of the zombies.

"How about it?"

Zhang Yun asked quietly.

Zhou Jue sighed and shook his head.

"Eat something first, and then think of a way." Zhang Yun said.


Li Jing also woke up, she was still afraid.

At this moment, the three of them have entered a desperate situation.

Not much food, an RV, surrounded by countless corpses.

No matter how I think about it, I can't escape.

Zhou Jue's face was full of deepness, and he had grown a lot in just one day.

The first experience of killing zombies with sticks made this child calm in advance.

"Divide the food and see how long we can eat."

Zhang Yun unfolded the cloth and calculated quietly.

This lot of food, three people, can last for about a week.

"I do not need."

Suddenly, Li Jing raised her hand and said lightly, "I don't need to eat."

Zhang Yun didn't speak, but Zhou Jue suddenly sneered and said, "That's good."

Zhang Yun glanced at Zhou Jue.

For some reason, he felt that the child had become ruthless.

"If it's just the two of us, we can eat for a few more days." Zhou Jue turned back and said to Zhang Yun.

"Yes." Zhang Yun nodded thoughtfully.

But he felt that there was no need to calculate.

Because no matter how you eat, the possibility of escaping from this school is very small.

There are countless zombies outside the car, and there is limited food inside the car.

Will it die?
Zhang Yun smiled bitterly.

After finally being reborn and returning to the last days, how could he starve to death here?

Or be bitten to death by the corpses?

No, no, no, Zhang Yun didn't want to experience the way of death in his previous life again, it was better to starve to death.

After eating, the car became quiet again.


one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The food was gradually decreasing, and the mental state of the three of them could no longer hold up.

Li Jing insisted on not eating for three days, and only drank a little water to maintain her life.

She seemed to have made up her mind to starve to death here, and every day, except for drinking water and going to the toilet, she curled up on the sofa and shivered.

Zhou Jue sat guarding the door of the car, almost motionless, conserving his energy.

If you want to talk about willpower, Zhou Jue is probably the one who wants to survive the most among the three.

Four days.

Five days.

On the sixth day.

Li Jing pulled Zhang Yun by the corner of his clothes, begging him for something to eat.

Really fragrant!

It turns out that no matter how determined you are, you can't stand hunger.

Zhou Jue didn't speak, but opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Yun to see how he made a decision.

A box of canned food was thrown into Li Jing's arms.

Zhang Yun gave her a cold look, then turned back to the cab.

No matter how it was Li Jing's responsibility, Zhang Yun's heart was still biased towards the light.

People are called people because of this.

If she watched Li Jing starve to death at this moment, no matter how much she begged, she would not give him food.

Although Zhang Yun doesn't care, it's always better to have a bright heart...

 Just to add a word, someone asked why you don’t drive to run over zombies. I’ll make a unified reply here. Maybe you played too many games, and the zombies that were crushed to death, you thought the corpses would disappear?A large number of corpses piled up will overturn the car, this is a car, not a tank, ok?Swearing is okay, but please use common sense.

(End of this chapter)

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