Douluo: Yellow Spring Douluo

Chapter 441 Carpet search, looking for disease

Chapter 441 Carpet search, looking for Chihiro disease

"I really don't know how the former pope could be so bad, and came here like a mouse!"

Those are two guards of the Wuhun Empire, their level is almost at the level of the Soul Sage.

The level of being able to be on duty in the core area of ​​the Wuhun Empire will not be much worse, after all, this is the core of the entire Douluo Continent!
But when the two soldiers were discussing quietly, they didn't know that there was a shadow behind them that was already staring at them!

"Not good, what?"

"You, ah!"

When the two guards just reacted, they suddenly fell into darkness, and then the pupils of the two guys became lifeless.

"You two trash, dare to criticize me, the Pope of the Spirit Hall. If it wasn't for that boy Tang San who snatched my chance, how could I, Qian Xunji, have ended up here?"

The sneak attacker was naturally that Chihiro disease, and the method used was still the same virus infection as before.

The two little soul saints were completely occupied by each other in just one breath.

But at this moment, Chihiro Ji does not intend to use his avatar to control these two guys. He has failed several times with similar methods before.

However, when they seized the life energy of the masters of Qibao Liulizong before, they unintentionally helped Qian Xunji open another way to become stronger.

Instead of devoting energy to control these completely uncontrollable people, it is better to take the opportunity to absorb the essence of their lives and become a part of the power of your body!

This method sounds a bit shameless, and taking other people's power for oneself is itself an evil way of being attacked.

At least Wuhundian publicly condemned this kind of behavior in the past, but now Qian Xunji uses this as his method of competition.

From this point of view, there are still a lot of people with double standards in this world, and it's normal to hang on to things that have nothing to do with themselves, right?



It was a series of syllables that didn't seem like a human language, coming out of the throats of these two guys.

Then I saw the mouths of these two guys open, and a black breath overflowed with powerful energy.

That was the virus that Qian Xunji had penetrated into the bodies of these two soul saints before, and then came out with the essence of their power.

These two strands of black energy were separated by Chihiro Ji before, so they must be gathered on the main body in the end.

This is not an ordinary one-for-one exchange. There is energy mixed between these two streams of black energy, which is the essence of the two guards.

In such a short blink of an eye, it took these two guys decades of practice to be owned by Chihiro Ji.

I have to admit that this is a very efficient and effortless way to obtain energy, that is, if it is used frequently, it will be discovered by others soon, right?

"What's going on? Why do you seem to be missing two people here? Why haven't they come back to report? Did you find something?"

If the two ordinary soldiers disappeared, it would be impossible to attract attention.

But as Tang San's guards, two soul sage level guys were suddenly missing, which would definitely arouse everyone's suspicion.

Now the most dangerous thing in Wuhun City is not the lurking enemy, and it is impossible for Tianlongmen to send people to attack in advance, so there is only one answer.

These two guys met an enemy they shouldn't have met, that is Chihiro Ji.

Although the other party did not leave any clues, it was obvious that the traces were cleaned up.

But this also shows that the person we are looking for is in this city, as long as we can catch him on the spot, we are guaranteed to escape!
"Your Majesty, it seems that the person we are looking for is very close to us. Are we going to send out the powerful Titled Douluo next?"

"Yes, although that guy's physical strength has not fully recovered, his strength must be between that of Contra and Title Douluo. From now on, you will form a group of five and bring your signal flares!"

Right now Tang San was still a little excited, but more worried.

They were able to kill two soul sage level fighters right under their noses without leaving any traces.

That speaks for itself!
The strength of this Chihiro Ji is not simple, and I am afraid it has returned to the peak level of the year.

In addition, this guy's familiarity with the entire Wuhun City is no worse than anyone on the field, and there are many unknown secret ways that this guy also masters.

Maybe a careless opponent will appear in front of Tang San, and use the most terrifying attack method to sneak attack!
In the original situation, Tang San, as a level 105 god, definitely didn't have to be afraid of these things.

But now he is only level 99, and he might lose level 95 once he opens the martial soul, so Tang San is very worried at the moment.

"call out!"

The situation quickly changed to the situation that George and everyone were worried about.

Soon the first signal was sent out, and it only took about half an hour for the second group of people to go out to explore here!
And looking at the location where this signal is sent, it seems to be very close to the core hall.

This shows that Chihiro Ji should be hiding nearby, or that guy is coming in this direction!
But when those masters rushed over, they found nothing except five poor guards lying on the ground!

"These five guys have all died, and one of them is a junior Contra. Who did it?"

"They don't seem to have many scars on their bodies, but why are their facial features so distorted?"

"Did you see something scary?"

It is certainly a good thing to be able to spot the enemy's movement trajectory, but seeing this terrifying scene of the companion being killed still makes the rest of the people look at each other in dismay.

Chihiro Ji at this moment is like a devil in people's hearts, using methods that are completely unexpected to everyone.

And those few powerful titled Douluo may have seen some clues, after all, the Wuhun Palace also hid a lot of secrets before.

"The situation is a bit complicated. Our Eggplant Pope seems to be taking the life and power of these boys. Is there a similar situation in the soul skills we sealed before?"

Fifteen Ton Douluo seemed to have remembered something.

In the previous era when Chihiro Ji ruled the Wuhun Temple, these guys used to use the excuse of eliminating potential hidden dangers to freeze all the strange tricks.

But all that happened in front of them reminded them of some bad memories. Since Chihiro Ji used to be the Pope of Wuhun Temple, it is normal to be able to come into contact with these taboo tricks!

If this is the case, even if the re-adjusted Title Douluo meets that lunatic, I'm afraid he won't be able to get cheap!
If you are unlucky, it is very likely that the boat will capsize in the gutter, which is definitely something that makes people feel chills on the back!

"All narrow down the search range for me, and double-check at a distance of 1500 meters near the palace. We must ensure absolute safety!"

Tang San is not stupid, the opponent's intentions are also very obvious, now it depends on who can discover the opponent first!

(End of this chapter)

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