Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 326, choice

Chapter 326, choice

In fact, for Li Guo, it is understandable that the officials choose to continue to conceal, change the course of action, and focus on finding secret treasures. After all, who can not covet and envy this secret treasure that covers hundreds of miles?

This also shows China's basic strategy.

People's hearts are more important than heavy treasures.

If the hearts of the people are scattered, what is the use of having heavy treasures?
After knowing that in front of Chongbao, the official will choose 'Min', Li Guo's thoughts are more sensible, and maybe he will provide help to the official in the future, and he will be more active in finding and seizing the secret treasure.

Li Guo didn't try to find clues inside. He was a Taoist priest, not a policeman, nor a detective. These things had to be done professionally.

After turning into a mosquito and flying away again, Li Guo looked at the information again and found that the official had released another message asking everyone to go to the designated place for further discussion.

After Li Guo followed the prompts to the designated location, he found that it was an open space with no one there.

But Li Guo still stood at the designated position. At this moment, his figure suddenly felt a strong pull, as if he wanted to suck himself in.

At first Li Guo still refused, but then remembered that Luo Yantang's ability was space teleportation, so he also accepted the tugging, and was directly pulled in.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that I had arrived in a room. I don't know the exact location. Is it in China or in the Middle East?
Afterwards, an endless stream of people were teleported here.

Li Guo looked around, there were 'Motherlanders' but no 'Yin Water Snake' and 'Kirin Hand'.

Zhu Lanshan was also teleported here, and Li Guo even saw three unexpected people.

Jianzi, oh no, the 'peerless sword' Bai Wuji, with a deadpan and stern face, at this moment he no longer exudes sword intent like before, and this sword intent is gathered in his body In the body, it seems to be out of the sheath at any time, really like a peerless sword.

Now Liu Chengkong should be called 'Kongcheng Master', known as 'King Kong Arhat', he seems to be gentle and smiling all the time, but in fact his body is cast like a diamond, with every punch and kick carrying the mighty strength of a diamond, extremely strong.

The other person surprised Li Guo even more, she was a young female swordsman who looked like Youlan in the empty valley, and she was Bai Wuji's junior sister Mingyan.

This made Li Guo a little unaccustomed to it. Where did the Confucian among the three outstanding people go?

Could it be that he didn't come because his cultivation couldn't keep up?
In addition to the three familiar ones, there were two other people, one of whom Li Guo knew was Master Xiumei of the 'Beidou Killing Fist'.

There is also one of them who has a gloomy temperament all over his body. He looks about 30 years old, his body is extremely cold, and he also has a faint smell.

At this moment, Luo Yantang came out from the outside. She looked sickly now, quite like the sequelae of overuse of abilities. After breathing hard, she said softly.

"All of you, please introduce yourselves to each other. After all, you are all selected by our officials to be trustworthy. It is absolutely impossible for you to be insiders."

Everyone started introducing themselves.

First of all, it was Mrs. Xiumei who spoke. She stepped forward in a hurry, cupped her hands and said, "Poverty girl Xiumei, please give me your advice. Let me do the job of killing Americans."

She seems to be a monk, but her murderous intentions are actually the most serious.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, she practiced killing fist, and the person she admired died because of the American affairs, so naturally her murderous intention was the most serious.

The next self-introduction is 'Motherlander', but everyone present seems to know him.

"Bai Wuji." Bai Wuji's expression was indifferent, a little cold, more like a 'sword' than before.

"Ming Yan, disciple of Shu Mountain." Ming Yan also said generously.

"Amitabha, the empty city of poor monks."

Zhu Lanshan also took off his disguise and showed his true colors. Just like what Luo Yantang said, everyone here is trustworthy, and it doesn't hurt to tell them that the "former head of Shushan" is here.

Zu Yuxuan was a little surprised, but didn't say much.

Li Guo also uses his true colors to show others.

The Heavenly Excalibur is also here!
Bai Wuji's expression was a little surprised, but he immediately returned to normal, and he nodded his head to say hello.

The last person who introduced himself was this gloomy guy.

"Long Wolei, the ability is 'corpse miasma'. It can emit corpse miasma to control others, and there are many other miracles." Long Wolei said sadly: "If you give me enough time, I can make a city Everyone becomes my soldier"

Li Guo complained silently in his heart, this doesn't look like a good person
It is estimated that everyone here thinks so, but since the official sent him here, it means that he is trustworthy.

At this time, Luo Yantang also said aloud: "Mr. Long's ability to awaken is relatively. Not so harmonious. His loyalty and love for the country are absolutely true and can be trusted."

Li Guo also nodded, believing. Believe [-]%.

Never judge a person by its appearance (

Luo Yantang said while knocking on the table.

"You should have seen what happened in our embassy. The people inside disappeared mysteriously for some reason."

"This seems to be a conspiracy, forcing us to make a choice." Zu Yuxuan pondered and analyzed: "If we look for these missing people, we will definitely distract our attention from finding the secret treasure."

This trick seems to be quite despicable.

But it is really effective.

An obvious act of conspiracy.

"Sigh, we gathered the embassy evacuation immediately, but we didn't expect it to be a step too late, so that those with bad intentions can get there first." Luo Yantang sighed and said, the matter is too urgent, many local people Overseas Chinese are even willing to evacuate after finishing their own work and property arrangements.

Although it is true that doing this in an emergency is somewhat disregarding the collective, Luo Yantang can only try to understand it as much as possible, and there is nothing wrong with worrying about the loss of personal property.

Now that there is a problem, her job is to solve it.

"Although they disappeared out of thin air, they still left behind some clues that the supernatural beings could detect." Luo Yantang continued: "Even though they are good at predicting things, there is no way to completely block the secrets so that our supernatural beings can 'calculate'." ’ Find out where they are hiding.”

"Where is it hidden?" Li Guo asked.

Luo Yantang took out the map and marked the location on it.

The marked result made Li Guo's eyelids twitch wildly, as if there were three locations.

"Three places?"

"This is the cunning of the other party." Luo Yantang sighed: "They hid the captured hostages in three places. If we go to find them, we can only divide our strength into three groups and break through together."

If the rescue is concentrated, it is easy to startle the snake.

But no matter what, the opponent's goal has been achieved, which greatly slowed down Huaxia's search for secret treasures here.

"We don't know whether these three locations are real or not. It's possible that all three are real, or some of the three are real and some are fake. If we break them one by one, it's easy to scare the snake away." Luo Yantang looked at everyone present and said: " Our intelligence means that you are divided into three groups to act."

"How to divide the three groups?" Zu Yuxuan asked.

"Mr. Zu Yuxuan, you will act with Daoist Zhu, Daoist Li, you will act with Long Wolei, Mrs. Xiumei, Master Kongcheng, and Little Sister Mingyan will act."

Luo Yantang said all the best combinations of brain allocation.

Only Bai Wuji frowned, raised his head and said.

"what about me?"

Luo Yantang looked at Bai Wuji, thought for a moment and said.

"My master has calculated that your trip will be doomed. It is best to participate in conservative operations. Or it is best to go back home."


Bai Wuji frowned, he didn't doubt that the way of arithmetic is a feudal superstition, saying that he has a doom probably really has a doom.

But Bai Wuji still chose to refuse, and raised his head and said: "I am a swordsman, I would rather break than surrender. If there is a calamity, I will definitely avoid it, but the calamity you mentioned is illusory. I was afraid of him before I met him. Then my heart sword It will also soften."

If a swordsman is timid, the sword will not be like a sword.

"Senior brother and brother." Ming Yan hesitated to speak, but she also knew how she felt as a swordsman, so she chose to respect his choice.

However, what Luo Yantang agreed was unexpectedly straightforward, and he didn't worry about the forced deportation, and then said.

"That's okay, you can follow Mrs. Xiumei to act, divide into three groups and try to rescue those overseas Chinese quickly."

After the allocation, Zu Yuxuan paused and said.

"By the way, why aren't the two seniors here?"

He was referring to Zhu Ziheng and Zhu Wuxian, the two most powerful people in the world.

Luo Yantang stared at Zu Yuxuan for a long time, and finally said leisurely.

"Naturally, the two of you have their own missions, so you don't need to worry about them."

Zu Yuxuan also seemed to know that he seemed to be asking too many questions, and then he smiled and said: "I am just worried about the lack of manpower in the country. After all, we have so many people here, only a few of us are trusted, and the lack of numbers is quite passive."

At this moment, a glint of gloom flashed in Luo Yantang's eyes.

"We must find out that ghost. It is because of this damn ghost that our troops responsible for secretly protecting the overseas Chinese were ambushed and failed to evacuate the overseas Chinese. This has led to our current situation being so passive."

"That man is really hateful."

Zu Yuxuan also swore that he must find out the ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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