Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 318, the last spell

Chapter 318, the last spell

When flying to the Suzaku Palace, Li Guo felt a different aura in the Suzaku Palace.

These auras, five elements, yin and yang attributes correspond to everything, and they are all quite unfamiliar auras, and they are not hidden, which makes Li Guo a little curious, so he speeds up and lands on Suzaku's palace.

"Sure enough, it's a ghost of the Five Elements."

Li Guo looked at the 'ghosts and snake gods' in front of Suzaku's palace, and secretly thought that it was so.

The beasts in front of him let Li Guo understand what is called 'Hundred Ghosts at Night'.

There are all kinds of strange shapes.

"Really Li."

It was Suzaku who responded to Li Guo. At this moment, she was sitting on the teacher's chair with her legs crossed, with a pointer with Suzaku's fire feather pinned to her hand.

Although the appearance is glamorous and attractive, but the feeling of oppression is full, and it really has a taste of the dean.

"It just so happens that these are some good-looking and aptitude monsters selected by the old Qinglong." Suzaku waved the pointer and said in a solemn voice: "Call the principal."

"Hey Principal!"

The voices are uneven, but they all tremble, as if they are afraid of someone's pointer
The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched, the painting style of the Suzaku teaching director is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Looking at these ghosts and monsters, Li Guo also found that there are all kinds of strange things, everything that one expects to find.

Li Guo is familiar with 'Yue', the leader of the medicine-making rabbit clan.

There are also some familiar beasts and beasts that have never been seen before, such as the hydra in front of him, which is filled with eerie water power. However, looking at the face of this hydra, Li Guo always has a kind of Illusion, the nine heads of the hydra in front of me are all square and honest faces with Chinese characters, not the snake face known for its insidiousness.

Suzaku said, "He is Xiangliu, who lives in Daze, and was found by Old Qinglong this time."

"Hey, hello."

Different from the eerie power of water, his voice is thick and mellow, like a middle-aged honest man.

It is said that phases come from the heart, Li Guo looked at the nine snake heads and had the idea that 'this hydra' is an honest snake.

At the same time, in addition to Xiangliu, there are Qiongqi, Xieni and other notorious things beside him.

In contrast, auspicious beasts like the medicine-making rabbit, Zouwu, and Bai Ze are not so surprising

Li Guo didn't say much else, since Qinglong personally selected it, so there is probably no need to worry too much about the 'animal product'.

After meeting Li Guo, the 'principal', Suzaku began to act like a dean again, issuing some remarks similar to school rules and class rules. more than how much
Although it is full of slots, it can be seen that Suzaku is quite responsible.

At this moment, with only Yu Xi by his side, Li Guo could finally complain and said.

"I really didn't expect that the wild beasts recorded in these books are like cute babies."

Yu Xi said in a calm tone.

"I have seen the most honest fierce beasts, and also the most vicious auspicious beasts. Only they can decide whether they are fierce or auspicious."

Fierce beasts can also walk the path of auspicious beasts, and auspicious beasts can also make mistakes.

Judging people by their appearance is not enough.


As a modern person, Li Guo naturally understands how a person's character is, and the acquired education and growth environment are the decisive points.

At this time, looking at Li Guo, Yu Xi's eyes were soft: "According to legend, the disciples of the Taoist teachings dismissed the aliens, shouted to beat and kill, and even shouted to punish those who were not born well, but you different."

Yu Xi could naturally see that there was no discrimination in Li Guo's eyes.

"Cutting and interpreting teachings are all history." Li Guo smiled and said quite complacently: "Modern people are very good at summarizing history. In terms of thinking, they always take the essence and discard the dross."

Li Guo carried his hands on his back, as if he was explaining his own way, speaking lightly.

"Just like what you said, Chanjiao dismissed the aliens, shouted and killed them, and believed that the aliens could not have a chance to become enlightened. Think about it, what's wrong? But he completely separates the aliens from the human beings, completely cutting off the chance of peaceful coexistence and mutual support and development."

Yu Xi thought about it and nodded.

During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, gods were enshrined, monsters were in chaos, and there were all kinds of cannibalism.

One rat droppings spoiled a pot of porridge—not to mention, given the situation at the time, there might be only one grain of rice in a pot of rat droppings.

"Jiejiao, on the other hand, teaches without discrimination. It believes that all things are equal and have a chance to become enlightened. From this point of view, it seems correct. Why should all living beings be classified into high and low?" Li Guo said at this time. After turning around, he said: "But the reason why the Judgment is bad is because of the 'everyone has a chance to become enlightened', those monsters whose viciousness is not lost, it is better to cause chaos after accepting the opportunity to become enlightened, and in the final battle of Conferred Gods, the Judgment will be wiped out It’s also understandable.”

When I first read the original novel of Fengshen Yanyi, those Yaoxian adults who cut off the teaching did a lot of things to 'turn' people into rations.

"What about now?" Yu Xi also felt reasonable and nodded.

"Now? Of course, it absorbs the essence of the two religions and discards the dross, just like Fangcun Mountain and the Three-Star Cave on the Slanting Moon." Li Guo smiled and said: "There is no distinction between teaching, but it only teaches good people, and human beings are different. Follow the principle of peaceful development, support each other, and feel like brothers and sisters."

There are hostile relationships in nature, but there will also be symbiotic and cooperative relationships.

No matter what kind of extreme meaning is taken, it is absolutely unacceptable.
Yu Xi nodded slightly, but didn't express any opinion, just looked at the clouds in the sky, thinking about something.

Li Guo gave Suzaku permission to enter Fangcun Mountain. This group of students composed of auspicious beasts and fierce beasts was the first batch of students in Xieyue Sanxing Cave, Lingtai Fangcun Mountain.

Fangcun Mountain finally has a taste of Fangcun Mountain in the past. The school is full of students—the main reason is that some students seem too big even if they are shrunk. Completely shrinking your body, you can only take a few seats to attend class.

'Fangcunshan No. [-] Middle School' is now successfully opened.

There is no entrance ceremony, only a simple 'beginning of class', allowing these strange beasts to receive advanced knowledge from outside this world.

"Should I bring in some books on ideology and morality for them to learn from?"

Li Guo thought about it, saying that all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, education in this aspect is still very important.

Unknowingly, Li Guo substituted himself into the responsibility of the principal.

Looking at these buddies in front of him from the perspective of a kind old father.

Li Guo was not idle when they were in class.

Flipping through his own "The Art of Talisman".

Li Guo has almost completely learned all the talismans recorded in the Talisman of Talisman, except for one purple talisman, Heaven and Earth Forbidden.
Li Guo has never seen this super-powerful talisman that can be drawn at the Jindan stage. It is not because he is not interested in this strange talisman, but because he has not cultivated it in the past. Quick success.

Now that he has reached the golden core, he has reached the cultivation requirements of this strange talisman.

When flipping through that page, Li Guo only felt dizzy, and the principles of heaven and earth washed over his face like a torrent, and it took him a while to calm down.

"Fortunately, I didn't read this page during the foundation building period, otherwise I would have to be unconscious for a while."

After forcibly set his mind, Li Guo finally saw the purple talisman that could cut off the rules of heaven.

The principles of heaven and earth, the lines are disordered, and there is even a line of cause and effect!

After looking at it for a while, Li Guo finally figured out the rhythm of this purple talisman, Heaven and Earth Forbidden.

This purple talisman was not drawn with ordinary 'ink', but a heaven-reaching talisman written with 'karma' as the ink line!

"Sure enough, using such a powerful talisman in the golden core stage must pay a heavy price." Li Guo murmured, what is the concept of paying for karma, which is equivalent to blessing both the 'beginning' and 'end' of this period of karma on the talisman.

Between people, between people and the world.

All connected by cause and effect!

At the same time, in addition to the thread of karma, a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures are needed to sacrifice. Of course, compared with karma, those consumed natural materials and earthly treasures are not so precious.

"It is quite costly to use causal lines to describe talismans."

Li Guo looked at the heaven and earth prohibition above, and suddenly thought for a while.

I thought of the 'Yuanshi Tianzun' who can play with other people's causal lines wantonly.

If it is 'Yuanshi Tianzun', if he can draw this strange talisman, he will definitely not use his own causal line to draw the talisman, but draw other people's causal line to draw.

So is it possible that stones from other mountains can attack jade? If you can get the secret from 'Yuanshi Tianzun' that he can directly play with cause and effect.
Li Guo suddenly had the thought of 'killing people to seize treasure', anyway, he and he are enemies
Thinking of this, Li Guo couldn't help but smile.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie"

"Really Li, why are you smiling so?" Yu Xi looked at Li Guo a little confused, she really wanted to say why Li Guo smiled so 'evilly'.

It was only then that Li Guo realized that his smile was a bit of a 'villain', which did not fit his image of a majestic Taoist, and then smiled slightly.

"It's just a feeling in my heart, it's not a big problem."

What kind of heart can make such an evil laugh.

Although Yu Xi murmured, she didn't ask any more questions.

There is no saint in the world regardless of deeds.

Li Guo closed the book on the Talisman of Talismans and did not read any further.

After learning the method of extracting the cause and effect of others, I will learn to depict this talisman.

Afterwards, Li Guo went to the floating island, and after exchanging a copy of "Flying Sword Asking" which I ate tomatoes for a elixir, he left this world as an incarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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