Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 108, The World's Armed Forces

Chapter 108, The World's Armed Forces

"The best thing about modern mobile phones is that they can be withdrawn within 3 minutes, and WeChat text messages are fine." Gu Taisan put down the phone and said sarcastically: "Please don't insult the IQ of our law enforcement officers, or is it the first time you use a smart phone?" cell phone?"

Lu Yan's complexion immediately became extremely ugly, and it had already turned a sauce red.


Why does it become like this.

He obviously tried his best to delay the time and cover himself before sending out the information.

The face of the successful martyr just now felt worse than eating shit.

"Take the mobile phone to the identification department and see if we can find any clues." Gu Taisan took a puff of cigarette, handed the mobile phone to the older girl behind him, and at the same time patted Lu Yan on the shoulder and said, "Young man, you know Like that [Tiger Fist] spread wantonly, what kind of consequences will it cause?"

"Social turmoil and order and disorder are minor, and the serious ones even lead to the failure of the country. If I guessed correctly, this tiger-shaped fist should have been modified."

Lu Yan's face froze, with an expression of disbelief.

After all, he is a young man in his 20s, and he is not on the same level as Gu Taisan, who has experienced many battles.

Gu Taisan continued to speak leisurely: "Your next sentence is, how do you know?"

"How do you know?" Lu Yan hurriedly shut up, lowered his head, and the psychological pressure surged.

"You make it seem like we haven't been exposed to ancient martial arts." Gu Taisan said with a sneer; "Ancient martial arts is about a step-by-step process, and it pays attention to the joint sublimation of spirit, spirit and body. Look at these bastards, Do they have the energy to sublimate?"

Gu Taisan pointed at Liang Chengwen, but Liang Chengwen didn't refute. He also knew that he was a real scum, and his energy and spirit didn't exist.

"Can a scum like him practice ancient martial arts? Well, taking ten thousand steps back, the tiger-shaped boxing needs a fierce spirit. Only those with a strong heart can practice it, but it is impossible to practice it so fast. He How long have you been practicing? Not more than a year."

"To be precise, it's three months." Liang Chengwen said proudly, even now he still pretends.

"Heh, after three months of cultivation to the initial shape of a tiger, this speed does not seem like the progress that a scum should have." Gu Taisan turned around and came in front of Wu Xiansheng, and said, "So I conclude that you are a tiger." The descendant of Xingquan uses the authentic tiger-shaped boxing, which looks like a real tiger descending the mountain."

"However, the tiger-shaped boxing learned by Liang Chengwen has been modified. It has been modified into a simpler version of the tiger-shaped boxing that is more streamlined and can be practiced more quickly."

Gu Taisan narrowed his eyes and said: "The organization behind you has experts who are proficient in ancient martial arts, who can transform and simplify ancient martial arts."

Listening to Gu Taisan revealing the secret behind them like a cocoon, Lu Yan's cold sweat broke out even more.

The more frightened he was, the more certain Gu Taisan was in his guess.

In the end, it was Wu Xiansheng who gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you know that our ancient martial arts have been simplified and revised, and you haven't answered me yet."

Gu Taisan sneered and said, "Do you think that the country can't think of what you think of? Let me tell you, the country is also doing something similar to what you do, modifying the kung fu suitable for the public, but you spread the exercises to disturb social order, and the state is to stabilize social order.”

Gu Tai didn't even look back.

Only Lu Yan who was stunned in place.

Lu Yan and Wu Xiansheng were taken away together with Liang Chengwen.

Gu Taisan came to thank Li Guo, and at the same time he had a different understanding of Li Guo's strength in his heart.

Lv3 peak.

The compound ability user, Thunderbolt, is suspected to have a strong ability to resist blows.

This made Gu Taisan more determined in his heart, the basic policy of dealing well with Li Guo.

"Fortunately, Daoist."

"It's okay, just do it as you please." Li Guo shook his head, paused and said: "You said, the country is also studying the distribution of martial arts in the world?"


Gu Taisan did not hide anything, and said: "Awakened. To put it bluntly, after all, they have one more advantage than ordinary people."

This is nothing to be ashamed to admit.

Ordinary people have two hands and two feet, even if they have an extra hand or a foot, they have many advantages over others, let alone an extra ability.

"The country also attaches great importance to this aspect. After all, no matter which country, especially our country, it is people-oriented, and the public is the cornerstone of the country. If the majority of people are born unequal, it will be for the society. The harm is endless." Gu Taisan said: "Although kung fu is said to be practiced for ordinary people, the threshold is still too high. The quintessence of Chinese learning, spirit, martial arts talent, perseverance, several conditions How many people have all of them?"

Li Guo didn't deny that he knew the contemporary martial arts masters before his spiritual energy recovered.

At that time, Li Guo felt that these martial arts masters probably couldn't beat Sanda player Xiaodong before their aura revived, but the unique spirit was beyond the reach of ordinary martial artists. Xiaodong Batiao Street.

Li Guo felt that the unique [Wu Yun] unique to Chinese masters was similar to his own Dao Yun.

But it also shows from another angle that entry into the real quintessence of ancient martial arts does not require a low threshold.

Li Guo murmured.

"That's why you are curious about the improved Tiger Fist, a kung fu that allows people to get started quickly and has a certain combat effectiveness."

"Well, that's right." Gu Taisan nodded and said: "You must know that the country has also worked hard in this area, and Wudang Mountain, Emei Mountain, Shushan and other ancient martial arts masters, together with scientific researchers, have developed the most suitable for the public. Kung Fu, and through the research of various sects and scientific researchers, a pattern has also been discovered."

"Intensive kung fu is definitely harmful to the human body. The faster the quicker, the greater the damage. This is why we must ban the circulation of this improved tiger-shaped boxing." Gu Taisan clenched his fists and said : "This kind of boxing will not only cause social turmoil, but also cause damage to the body of the martial arts practitioners without their knowledge."

Gu Taisan sneered and said.

"This person, this organization, has the ability to improve the Tiger-shaped Fist, so it is impossible not to know this, but even so, they still took out this improved Tiger-shaped Fist, and under the banner of serving ordinary humans, they will This kind of tiger-shaped boxing is spread out to collect money and people, and I don’t know what purpose it is for.”

"I see where it is for what the world deploys weapons."

"This is a careerist who is afraid of chaos in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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