Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 106, guilt, no regrets

Chapter 106, guilt, no regrets
The sudden change made everyone startled, and some even subconsciously thought that Li Guo jumped backwards.

But soon, they knew the reason of the matter.

There is someone in the direction the knife cuts.

Everyone was stunned, why didn't anyone on my side notice the two big living people standing there?

Mr. Wu roared and pulled Lu Yan away.

"Good boy, dare you!"

Razer cut open.

There are still flickering electric snakes in the air.

"I clearly used my ability." Lu Yan murmured, he was almost autistic, and he had clearly used the ability to hide his presence just now, covering the two of them.

Of course he didn't know, his presence could be concealed, but the aura emanating from him was like the brightest lamp in the night sky—big and bright.

【Name: Wu Xiansheng】

【Quality: Excellent】

[Attack Power: Strong+]

[Trait: honest, stubborn, tough, single-minded, firm-willed (hypnosis charm and downfall charm are invalid). 】

[Remarks: Holding the Tiger-shaped Fist, an ancient Chinese martial art, has accumulated a lot of practice for decades. It is not recommended to fight with him in close quarters. If you are hit by his fist, you may die. 】

Tiger-shaped fist.

If Liang Chengwen's tiger fist is a cat, then Wu Xiansheng in front of him is a Siberian tiger.

Li Guo could feel that ferocious aura from several meters away.

"It's Master Gu Wu, let all the brothers be on alert!" Gu Taisan's expression immediately became tense.

"Are you still afraid of practicing martial arts?" Liu Guiyan frowned, logically speaking, the ability to breathe fire, water and ice is much better than ordinary people, okay?

"Have you ever played the game?" Gu Taisan paused and said, "The awakened person may be a mage, or a warrior."

"What about Guwu Master?"

"They're assassins."

If you don't come out, it will be fine.

If you shoot, you will kill.

The corner of Liu Guiyan's mouth twitched: "No way."

Liu Guiyan's impression of ancient martial arts is still that of being beaten up by Xiaodong.

"You and I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in the present, so how about we leave it alone?" Wu Xiansheng just put on a posture first, and didn't go up. He looked at the knife in Li Guo's hand very vigilantly.

Mr. Wu felt that he could kill the Taoist priest in front of him with one punch.

But the Taoist priest in front of him could also kill himself with one blow.

It is impossible for human beings to use their vitals to resist a blow that can open mountains and crack rocks.

It is also impossible to resist high-voltage lightning.

"No injustice, no enmity." Li Guoping held up his long knife and said calmly, "Those two anti-drug police officers were beaten to death by you."

Liu Guiyan's pupils contracted and his fists tightened.

Everyone was quiet.

Wu Xiansheng said after a moment of silence.


"Then you know that two anti-narcotics policemen died because of you, because of the tiger-shaped fist you spread."

The tiger claw in Wu Xiansheng's hand trembled for a moment and then said.




"Do you regret it?"

"No regrets."


But no regrets.

"The poor Taoist already knows your answer." Li Guo brandished his long knife, and said calmly, "The wrong has its head, the debt has its owner, and you have the way to die."

"It's not my fault."

Wu Xiansheng looked deeply at Li Guo, then pointed to the sky and said,

"It's this world."

Li Guo's expression did not fluctuate, but his heart fluctuated greatly.

World: I don't take the blame.

"It's useless to talk more, let's look at the knife."

Unwilling long knife, brandishing it, stepping on the footwork, bullying and approaching.

Lu Yan at the side sneered.

"Elementary Awakened dares to get close to Guwu Master, really looking for death"

Wu Xiansheng also went forward without hesitation.

Knife and fist.

The gentleman roars, and the sword is like smoke.

Misty rain knife technique, like a gentleman.

During the confrontation, Wu Xiansheng exclaimed: "You also know ancient martial arts?"

Others can't feel it, but Wu Xiansheng can feel it. The Taoist priest who is waving a knife in front of him is obviously just swinging a knife, but he can faintly see the shadow of the sword.

Slashing with one knife is like the intersection of swords.

Didn't it mean that it is impossible for an awakened person to know ancient martial arts?
Wu Xiansheng felt that his tiger shape was brought into the opponent's rhythm. He was a fierce and indomitable boxing style, and he was most afraid of being brought into the rhythm.

The winner must be determined quickly!

"Tiger-shattering type!" Wu Xiansheng roared, calling out the stunt, if he hesitated, he would lose!
I have to say that the act of shouting stunts in battle is very awkward——

When Wu Xiansheng yelled, Li Guo knew that Wu Xiansheng was going to make a big move, so he started talking and disturbing his mind.

"As an inheritor of China's ancient martial arts, but colluding with drug dealers is simply a disgrace to China's inheritance. It loses the face of the ancestors, the spirit of the Chinese people, and the spirit of being a warrior." Li Guo said indifferently: "You like this are not worthy of being called a warrior, but only a warrior."

For martial arts practitioners, the most important thing is heart.

When Li Guo yelled like this, he immediately lost his temper, and the tiger shape in his hand gradually condensed into shape.

Originally, the martial artist held his breath.

He is the one who has been cast aside as a charlatan these years.

"Ancestor's face? Ancestor's face? Hahaha!" Wu Xiansheng laughed three times and said, "Is my ancestor's face more important than my daughter's life? If God gave us this opportunity, I would still be regarded as a charlatan. You will still live in poverty, you say, before that, whose fault was it? Isn't it the fault of this world!"

"It is said that we are fake, stupid, no one even watches the show, guarding the most precious knowledge, and living the most miserable life, you say, isn't it the fault of this world?"

"I give people kung fu and give money to treat my daughter. Is it wrong?"

"That's right, I'm sorry for killing two anti-narcotics police officers, but I don't regret it." Wu Xiansheng said with a grim face: "The world is big, and it's not as big as my daughter's life! Moreover, I also agree with the organization's thinking."

"We want to restore a blue and quiet world to mankind. Those two policemen are just victims on the way to success."

"I'm right, we're right!"

These words are like hypnotizing myself, just to try to calm down my spirit.

Tiger Sha finally took shape.

There was a faint black tiger surrounding Wu Xiansheng's body.

Roaring fiercely, fierce and unprecedented.

Fight to the death.

Without any hesitation, without the slightest holding back.

The tiger descends the mountain and suppresses the mountains and rivers with one punch.

One punch down, will die.

Everyone didn't dare to move anymore, they all felt the power carried by the formed tiger.

These police officers wanted to step forward to help, but they couldn't.

They were all suppressed by the [Intention] in Husha.

Gu Taisan's face was very ugly, which meant that if Li Guo hadn't been there, this group of people might have to confess here.

The one in front of him is a real master of Chinese studies, the kind who can punch people right through.

Wu Xiansheng roared.

"I have practiced martial arts for more than 30 years, and half my life has been wasted. I have always been considered a fraud by the rivers and lakes. I am impoverished. I have accumulated a lot of money. Once I am successful, I will only open the way of life and death with one punch, and open the way for my daughter! Open the way for the righteousness of the human race !"

Reluctantly raised his spirits again.

Three in one——

The tiger went down the mountain.

"not bad."

Facing Wu Xiansheng, who was in peak physical condition, Li Guoping raised his long knife.

The gentleman is graceful, with long swords breaking weapons.

This is not a confrontation between martial arts and abilities.

It's a confrontation between spirits and spirits.

Before cutting out the thunder knife, Li Guo said calmly.

"A fist leads to life, but a person leads to death."

"You say that it is for your daughter, for your martial arts, and to open up a way for human beings. This is nothing but self-deception."

"you shut up!"

The fist hit Li Guo, but Li Guo didn't dodge.

The knife cut at Wu Xiansheng, but he didn't hide.


with knife.

Intersect eventually.

(End of this chapter)

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