Chapter 34
In a corner that no one noticed, a handsome man with extraordinary demeanor watched Bai Wei's performance without turning his eyes.When Bai Wei was crying silently, he really wanted to rush up to hug Bai Wei, kiss her, and comfort her.

Finally, he restrained himself.

He left the filming location before Bai Wei finished filming, thinking about how to sign Bai Wei to his banner.

A determined look flashed in the man's eyes.

The director's "pass!"

Bai Wei instantly withdrew all her sad emotions, as if the person who cried heart-piercingly before was not her.

Director Lu said gratifiedly: "Bai Wei, your acting skills have improved a lot this time, keep it up." Director Lu praised Bai Wei for the first time after Bai Wei came to the crew.

Bai Wei said excitedly, "Director, I will definitely keep it."

In the following scenes, Bai Wei passed along one line, and the NGs in the middle were caused by other actors.

When the premiere of "The Domineering Prince Falls in Love with Me", everyone hated Liuli played by Bai Wei in the first few episodes, and many fans of the TV series went to Bai Wei's Weibo to leave messages saying: They will never like Bai Wei again Yes, too bad.damage other people's feelings.

There are still quite a few fans who are chatting with fans who say that Liuli is bad.

Liuli was originally Ouyangtian's fiancée, how could she fall in love with Weilan just because she liked her?

After seeing it, Bai Wei smiled.She still posts beautiful photos of herself every day and talks about what she did today.

When it came to the climax of "The Domineering Prince Falls in Love with Me", Liuli's heartbroken appearance caused many people to cry.

Netizens posted messages on Bai Wei's Weibo this time: "Touch, don't cry. Ouyang Tian doesn't love you, we love you."

Er's two protagonists, Ouyang Tian and Wei Lan, were scolded for being out of character. After all, the plot needs to be cleaned up, otherwise netizens will definitely not let them go.

When everyone was predicting that Bai Wei would become popular this time, Bai Wei was hidden in the snow.

Lin Yuanyuan hated Bai Wei very much. She found that after leaving Qi Zhixuan, Bai Wei had never been worse than she imagined, and she was very unhappy.

The boss of the economic company that Bai Wei signed with was a friend of Lin Yuanyuan's. When she heard that Lin Yuanyuan didn't like Bai Wei, she hid Bai Weixue without saying a word.

Bai Weiting's manager said it was Xuezang, so she understood everything.

Seeing that she was upset, Lin Yuanyuan started to do it.

It just so happened that she also saw that Lin Yuanyuan was upset, and wanted to do it too.

Bai Wei took out all her savings and terminated the contract with the brokerage company.

Fortunately, she signed the lowest contract at the beginning, and the savings in the past three years were just enough for her to pay for the contract.

After Bai Wei terminated the contract, she felt relaxed.

Lin Yuanyuan will not let herself go just because she terminated the contract.

She let her horse over, and Bai Wei was ready for a slap in the face.

Bai Wei went back to take good care of her spirit, and was going to find another company to sign a contract with.

At this time, Fanghua handed out an olive branch, and Bai Wei accepted it without even thinking about it.

Bai Wei was brought to the highest level.

The gorgeous and heavy door, Bai Wei pushed it open with all her strength.Inside sat a perfect-looking man facing the light.

With a high nose bridge, thick and perfect lips, and a perfect body wrapped under a black suit, Bai Wei feels oppressed even when he is sitting in a chair, so leave quickly.

"Bai Wei." The man's voice was surprisingly pleasant, as if the cello class was intoxicating, "Come here."

Bai Wei obediently passed by.

She found the breath on the man's body, which made her a little familiar.

An idea came to my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was true.

Her family's lover will chase after her every world, and her status is stronger than her.

(End of this chapter)

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