Chapter 381

Gu Nansheng was slightly taken aback, and also pulled off her face scarf.

The face under the veil was completely unfamiliar to him.

But for some reason, he felt so familiar again.

Especially those cold eyes, he seemed to have seen them thousands of times.

"Who are you? Have we met before?"

Sheng Ge looked at him with a smile, and said softly, "Why did you forget me again?"

"Again? Have we met before?" He looked at her puzzled, and the coldness in his eyes was disintegrated little by little.

Why did he feel heartache when she said that?

Meeting his bewildered eyes, Sheng Ge raised his hand and gently painted his face.

"Nan Sheng, how long will it take before you remember me? Will you not forget me again?"

There was also indescribable melancholy in her voice.

She called his name in a soft voice, which inexplicably aroused ripples in his heart.

Watching the emotion on his face change little by little, the smile on the corner of Shengge's mouth gradually deepened.

She returned the face towel to him: "What are you doing here?"

Gu Nansheng took the face scarf she handed over in a daze, and said softly: "It is rumored that there is a wordless scripture in the hidden Helian Mansion, so let me take a look."

"The Wordless Heavenly Book?" Sheng Ge frowned, and looked at him suspiciously, "Why are you looking for the Wordless Heavenly Book? What do you want to know?"

"Birth experience." He said softly, with a firm look in his eyes.

He seems to have no memory, and what he has is only the memory of his adulthood.

About where he came from, about his past, he also wanted to know.

But no matter where he investigates from, there is nothing about himself.

He seemed to appear out of nowhere suddenly, no one knew him, knew him.

So when he heard the news that Helian Mansion had wordless heavenly scriptures, he came here without even investigating whether it was true or not.

But he didn't want to meet this person he was so familiar with here.

Sensing his persistence, Shengge shook his head helplessly.

If she didn't guess wrong, I'm afraid no matter how hard he searched, he wouldn't be able to find out his background.

In this world, they are all the same, all born out of nowhere.

Sighing, she said softly: "Then you look for it slowly, don't disturb others, if something happens, you just leave, and remember to protect yourself."

With that said, she walked towards the innermost part of the Library Pavilion.

Without even thinking about it, Gu Nansheng followed her: "What's your name?"

"You can call me Shengge, I like it when you call me Shengge." She turned her head and smiled at him.

Smile, very clean, very pure.

"Shengge." He followed her with his head down and called her softly.

Hearing this, Sheng Ge's mouth curled into a slight smile.

Nan Sheng, it's great, I can finally hear your voice and see your appearance again.

As the two walked one after the other, Gu Nansheng seemed to have forgotten his original intention.

Shengge came to the place where the Helian family kept their family history, found the historical materials of the previous decades, and began to look through them.

Judging from the archives of the past few decades, there were almost no major events in the Helian Mansion except for the change of the owner, but what is strange is that there is only a few words in the information about the previous owner——

Helian Xinbu, the most talented male in the Helian family history.

Shengge read the information roughly, and then frowned and said, "Even the age and date of birth are not recorded, and it is not even stated when the position of Patriarch will be given up. Why?"

"I guess he doesn't want people to know about him!" Gu Nansheng said lightly.

Shengge nodded, and echoed, "I know, but what else?"

The Helian Mansion has always been strict in doing things, so it didn't notice such mistakes. If it was said that no one was manipulating it behind the scenes, she would not believe it.

Seeing how her brows were tightly furrowed, Gu Nansheng raised her hand to flatten her brows.

"Frowning doesn't suit you, it's better to smile."

Facing his serious look, Shengge smiled helplessly.

She always likes to laugh, but most of the time she just pretends to be herself.

(End of this chapter)

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