The heroine lives like a villain

Chapter 338 The online game god is online (9)

Chapter 338 The online game god is online (9)

The weekend is coming soon, and Su Mei got up early in the morning to rummaging through boxes and boxes.

When Shengge woke up, she was constantly looking at her clothes in the mirror.

"This one seems to have been worn, no."

"This one is too revealing, he doesn't like it."

"This one, it seems he said it's not suitable for me to wear."



From Sheng Ge's waking up to breakfast, Su Mei hadn't picked out her clothes yet.

Sitting at the desk, she said with a half-smile, "Big beauty, you are going on a date, not your parents, so you don't need to be so grand."

"It's different, it's different today." Su Mei buried her head in the pile of clothes again without even looking at her.

Although Su Shanshan and Su Mei are cousins ​​and their family backgrounds are similar, they do have two very different attitudes towards life.

Su Shanshan is frugal, Su Mei basically buys whatever she likes.

Especially in the area of ​​clothes and cosmetics, he has never been soft-hearted.

Sheng Ge shook his head and stopped caring about Su Mei.

She and Ling Xiaoyun made an appointment to meet at the school's basketball court at ten o'clock on the weekend.

It's only 09:30, so there's still plenty of time.

After she went to change her clothes, she couldn't help shaking her head when she saw that Su Mei hadn't picked out her clothes yet.

"Big beauty, I'm going out, call me if you need anything."

"Oh, good, be careful." Su Mei casually said something perfunctory, and continued to work hard.

Shengge smiled, and went out to the agreed place.

H University on weekends, the basketball court is not deserted, many students play basketball there.

Shengge walked to the stand and sat down, watching the players quietly.

With a casual glance, he saw Xue Lin on the next court.

It happened that he also saw her, and for a moment, he looked away.

Now that he has chosen to give up, he really has no reason to pay attention to everything about her.

When the team saw him distracted, they couldn't help but patted him on the back hard, and joked: "What? You regret it, don't you? Who told you not to be with that Shen Jiaqi while you're there, I'm I just said that Shen Jiaqi is not suitable for you."

Xue Lin raised his head and glanced, it was Shaoyang who helped him and Su Shanshan get married back then.

He frowned, and a wry smile appeared on Jun Lang's face, and he replied: "The one who is suitable may not make it to the end, as long as she lives happily."

Shaoyang sighed, patted him on the shoulder, looked at Shengge, and then said earnestly: "There is something I think I should let you know, when you just broke up with Shanshan a while ago, she cut her pulse and committed suicide. Fortunately, Su Mei found out in time so nothing happened, but mine stayed in the hospital for a week, and I just came out not long ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Xue Lin grabbed his shoulder and asked coldly.

If he knew that something like this happened, he would definitely not let her go, no matter how much Shen Jiaqi threatened him, he would not leave her, but...

He actually made her commit suicide and nearly died.

He didn't dare to imagine that if she died, would he die with Shen Jiaqi.

Shaoyang pushed him away angrily, and scolded: "If Shen Jiaqi didn't answer your call, please don't tell you, do you think I won't notify you? I didn't agree to her at first, thinking of telling her the next day You, but before that, Su Mei told me that I would keep it a secret. I thought not many people would know about it, and it would not be a good thing for Shanshan to spread it, so I agreed. There is a trace of guilt, and I will never tell you."

This Xue Lin was really going to piss him off.

(End of this chapter)

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