Chapter 309

As soon as he returned to the door of Gu's house, Shengge saw a figure he didn't want to see.

Su Moran was dressed in white, leaning on his sports car, looking down at the time from time to time.

Through the car window, Sheng Ge could see that handsome face clearly, so it's no wonder that Gu Qianluo fell in love with him at first sight, and he was able to do that.

Gu Nansheng and Gu Changfeng also saw that figure, the former is contempt, the latter is resentment.

Shengge sat between them and held hands of both of them.

Pursing her lips, she said with a sneer: "What Su Moran can get from me, I not only want him to lose it all, but also want him to repay it a hundred times!"

Gu Qianluo ordered him to pay, and Gu Qianluo's mother ordered him to be responsible.

As long as she is here, Su Moran doesn't have to expect to live well for the rest of his life.

The two men looked at her at the same time, and then looked at each other.

The two nodded towards each other, and there was a deep meaning in their eyes that only their men could understand.

Gu Changfeng patted her hand in relief, and said earnestly: "If your mother knows, I must be very pleased that you have finally grown up."

"For some people, it's enough to get it wrong once." Sheng Ge said coldly, without any warmth in his eyes.

Gu Nansheng on the side frowned slightly, subconsciously clenched her hand.

Shengge came back to his senses and smiled softly at him.

The car stopped slowly, and the two men got out of the car first.

Gu Nansheng glanced at Gu Changfeng, saw him nodding to himself, then leaned slightly and stretched out his right hand towards Shengge.

Shengge pursed her lips and smiled, putting her hand on his.

In the next second, a clear and beautiful figure appeared under the attention of several eyes.

And with her appearance, Su Moran also came here.

His eyes flickered slightly when he saw the hands of the two people holding each other.

But in an instant, he returned to nature.

"Luoluo, I have something to tell you."

Gu Changfeng snorted coldly, and said sarcastically, "Boss Su, what do you want to say to Luoluo? You can say it here, we don't have time for Luoluo to entertain unimportant people."

"Uncle, I'm looking for Luoluo." Su Moran's face darkened, and he walked over to Shengge.

Gu Nansheng gently pulled Shengge, and embraced her in his arms.

A hint of disdain curled up at the corner of her mouth, and she said coldly, "She's not free."

In one sentence, he has already expressed everyone's attitude.

"Luoluo, can we talk alone?"

Su Moran frowned slightly, but still looked at Shengge without giving up.

He didn't believe that the woman who loved him to death would change her heart if she said she would.

Even if they can't be a husband and wife, they can't be enemies, right?

Sheng Ge frowned, and said contemptuously, "We don't know each other well, Mr. Su."

The word President Su was bitten by her very hard.

Su Moran knew that she was deliberately reminding him of his identity.

His eyes darkened, he clenched his fists and looked at her unwillingly.

"Is it really so unfeeling? Could it be that if you can't be a husband and wife, you can't be friends?"

"If I cheated your family into ruins, do you think you still have friends? What's more, I have always hated betrayal and deception the most, but you got all of them."

Gu Nansheng held her hand tightly, and said softly: "Why get angry for someone who doesn't matter? Let's go, let's go in first."

"Okay." Sheng Ge smiled at him, and the two entered Gu's house hand in hand.

With their departure, Gu Changfeng also left.

At the door of the empty villa, Su Moran was the only one left.

He turned around and looked at the cold and aloof figure, but he couldn't get in touch with the woman who loved him to death.

Obviously still the same face, but the eyes have long lost love, leaving only a coldness.

He didn't believe what Yuan Yuan said to him when he came back yesterday, but now, he believed it.

This woman has really changed.

(End of this chapter)

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