Chapter 303

Gu Nansheng almost cried with joy.

With her eyes open, she was talking to him in an intimate tone, which made him feel unreal.

He reached out and touched her pale cheek.

Shengge smiled.

"Gu Nansheng, are you stupid?" Sheng Ge said weakly.

Now she feels like she has a serious illness, she is exhausted, and she feels extremely tired.

Gu Nansheng also felt her weakness.

Frowning, he looked at her sternly, and said in a deep voice, "I'm stupid, otherwise why would I come back to you like a lunatic? If I wasn't crazy, why would I almost tear down this hospital?"

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Shengge's mouth gradually deepened.

Nice to wake up and see him.

"Gu Nansheng, I'm thirsty." After a long time, she said this.

"I'll pour you water." Gu Nansheng let go of her, turned around and poured water.

Shengge's gaze never moved away from him for a moment, as if if he missed a glance, he would never see him again.

When Tang Qin came in, he saw her staring at Gu Nansheng fixedly.

He frowned uncomfortably, and said with a puzzled look: "Why do I feel like I just left for a while, as if I missed a century."

Didn't you chase after these two before?
What's wrong with this now?
Transgender?But it's not right!

If Gu Qianluo could change his mind, he felt that the sky would fall down.

Shengge glanced at him lightly, then looked away.

"Here comes the water." Gu Nansheng poured water back, carefully fed it to Shengge, and then looked at the gossiping Tang Qin.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he said with a half-smile: "You seem to be very idle? Does the hospital no longer need you?"

Hearing this, Tang Qin's mouth twitched.

He looked at Gu Qianluo with a frustrated face, and said aggrievedly: "Look at your Gu Nansheng, what else can he do other than bully me all day long? Ask him what else he will do!"

It sounds like he has a bad temper.

Shengge drank water and felt better.

She raised her eyebrows at Tang Qin, and jokingly said, "He will still protect me!"

Her natural look directly stunned the two men.

At any time in the past, Gu Qianluo didn't hide away when he saw Gu Nansheng, when would he say such a thing?
Could it be that he was sick and confused?

Tang Qin looked devastated, but Sheng Ge was very happy.

She found that this person was really teased, but Gu Nansheng was more able to withstand teasing.

Facing her smirking face, Gu Nansheng fondled her hair.

"That's right, unless I die, I will always protect you, overcome obstacles for you, and remove all obstacles around you."

His love words are very touching.

His thoughts are even more touching.

The corner of Sheng Ge's mouth raised, and he said softly: "Gu Nansheng, call me Sheng Ge from now on! I like the way you call me Sheng Ge."

"Still water runs deep, and the Cang Sheng dances." Gu Nansheng blurted out.

He actually didn't know what it meant, but when he heard the word Sheng Ge from her mouth, he thought of this sentence.

It seems very familiar, and it is as deep as unforgettable, but I can't remember where I heard it.

Shengge was also surprised that he would say this.

After all, when she mentioned her name to others in the past, most of them thought of some irrelevant sentences.

For example - a high-rise building with a bright moon and a night of singing and dancing.

Or——Bieyuan Shengge is not spring.

And so on, but he easily said the true meaning of her words.

Except for him, and that person too.

The same object, the same gaze, the same blurt out.

(End of this chapter)

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