Konoha Food Stall

Chapter 95 Kirabi's Dream Concert

Chapter 95 Kirabi's Dream Concert
Ran Bing paid the money, received two tickets, and Samuel left, continuing to sell her concert tickets.

In fact, this ticket was made quietly, with a picture of a big Kirabi holding a microphone with an intoxicated expression on it.

Ran Bing went to eat, but Samuy's work was not yet finished, it took a noon, because no one here happened to know about Kirabi, so the tickets were not slow-moving, and finally sold out smoothly.

After Samui sold the tickets, he went back to the teacher Kirabi.

Kirabi sent out three of his apprentices to sell tickets for him, and they sold out smoothly, and the three came back.

These three people are Samui, Karui, and Omoyi!

Is it a little confusing to have these three names appearing at the same time? First, it is a foreign name, and it is easy to cause misunderstandings due to different translations.

It's okay, I will explain it right away, if you are not confused, please pretend to be confused.

Samui: Female, 24 years old, Jonin, just big, not much to say.

Karui: Female, 12 years old, a ninja, black skin and red hair.

She is the woman who beat Uzumaki Naruto into a pig's head, later Akimichi Choji's wife and Akimichi Butterfly's mother.

Omoi: Male, 12 years old, ninja.

He also had his share in beating Naruto into a pig's head.

Although the three of them are quite different in age, they are all apprentices of Kirabi.

"Master, we are back." Samui said.

Kirabi chuckled, "Very well, tomorrow the rap will make the whole city boil."

“A new era is about to begin””

Omoi pressed his temple helplessly, my God, what kind of master is this following.

Kalui and Omoi had just graduated from ninja school, and then they were assigned to Kirabi.

"Okay, let's go to dinner. In order to celebrate the start of the concert tomorrow, I invite you to dinner," Kirabi said.


Ran Bing gave Bai a ticket for the concert. The concert was held in a plaza. Of course, Qi Rabi rented it out with money. It was very upscale and high-end.

"Bai, let's go to the concert tomorrow." Ran Bing said.

"Okay, I will go wherever Mr. Ran Bing wants to go." Bai smiled.

"Don't call me Mr., I feel awkward." Ran Bing said.

"Okay, Mr. Ran Bing." Bai continued.

Huh, how did he become like this, hey.

Ran Bing was a little speechless, found a restaurant and sat down, looked at the menu, and found that there were no particularly evil dishes, they were all ordinary stir-fried dishes. Ran Bing felt a little regretful that there was no hot pot in such a country, hey, really Uncivilized.

Tomorrow, I can see Kirabi. He has an idea that has been hidden for a long time. It should be delicious to eat a bite of eight-tailed octopus feet.

Kirabi is also a very awesome character, he is currently the only perfect Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Naruto's Xiaojin mode is also taught by Kirabi.

The Naruto Xiaojin mode is also a magical mode. The whole body is golden, but there will be some black barcodes on the body, and these barcodes are still random and different every time.

Maybe it's just random, just like anything else.

In addition, the Kingdom of Thunder also has an Inchuriki and two Yukimen. She has a good relationship with Tailed Beast, but there is no evidence that she is also a perfect Inchuriki.

Of course, this is not important, the point is why is Samui so big?
Moreover, there is a gap in age and labor and capital. If there is a difference of three or five years, they can still make up the payment, but they are all a decade behind.

What's more embarrassing is that it seems that her peers are not comparable to her.

Of course, Ino is still a real potential stock. Ten years later, Ino is still the best.

After having a little meal, the two of them went back to the hotel, started to sleep in the afternoon, did nothing, and went to sleep.

I slept all afternoon, got up to eat at night, and went back to sleep after eating.

the next day.

After washing up in the morning, he went to eat again, and it fell off quickly. He no longer has a good impression of this cold country, and there are no more unexpected ways to eat here.

It seems that this group of stupid humans need to be enlightened, ready to be baptized.

At noon, Ran Bing and Bai arrived at the square. This is a relatively formal concert. Many big names in the music industry have sung here, such as the man in leather pants, and later a woman in leather pants. They are all popular Singer of the moment.

Now, this stage belongs to Kirabi, and this moment may be the pinnacle of his life.

Ran Bing found a seat near the front and sat down, and there were quite a few people around. Although this is an unknown singer, many people compared him with the big names in the past, thinking that they could be compared singer.

Three, two, one!

Kirabi introduced himself according to a more normal routine, and then began to rap.

This relatively novel singing method is a complete failure.

In fact, creativity and nonsense are two different things.

The appearance of Kirabi completely "redefined" what music is, and the result was completely self-indulgent.

"Refund! Refund!"

"What the hell is this, cheating money!"

"Can any kind of person come to sing? They are ugly and their songs are ugly."

"No matter, refund the ticket!"

In less than 3 minutes at the beginning, the common people have had enough. Listening to music here will cost not only money but also life. Hurry up and leave.

Samuy patted his forehead as usual and sighed, sure enough, it was the same as before, it was a waste of money, renting such a large venue, it would not earn a penny.

There was no way, Samuel refunded their tickets, which was a bit weird, and it didn't sound good, but for Samuel, he was used to it.

Ran Bing took off his earplugs and smiled helplessly. Sure enough, he couldn't earn anything from his dream concert except losing money, but to be honest, his singing was really average.

Even if you get to the bird's nest, you still lose money.

After all, dreams, dreams...

"Mr. Ran Bing, do you like to watch this kind of concert?" The white face was expressionless, there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little, but he was not embarrassed.

"Ahem, no, we can meet that singer later." Ran Bing said.

"Are you going to ask for an autograph?" Bai asked.

"I've already said no, can you stop raising the bar again?"

It didn't take long, the audience responded very enthusiastically, and from then on, Kirabi really became popular and became the worst singer.

Kirabi sighed, hey, another debut failure, just when he was about to leave disheartened, he suddenly saw two young people in the audience.


 Thank you book friend, I laughed too softly for a reward of 433 starting coins, oh, but I gave a reward of 12138 starting coins, Shen Yi [-], and Chen Yin gave a reward of [-] starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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