Konoha Food Stall

Chapter 35 Hall of Fame Ninjutsu

Chapter 35 Hall of Fame Ninjutsu

After witnessing the sixth door facing the peacock, Ran Bing felt that the trip was worth it.

Then they put all the six big boxes on the boat, and then paid the workers, and they left.

Then came the disaster for Matkay, because he was a little seasick, and then he was going to fall asleep directly in this boat, but this boat is just a boat.

How small the boat is, it's almost as big as the boat that Monkey King went out to sea to learn from his master, well, it's not big anyway.

Maite Kai had already fallen asleep, although Ran Bing was helpless, but there was nothing he could do about it, he also consumed a lot of physical strength just now when he was caressing the other side of Mio Iso, and he must be tired now.

After resting for a while, Maitekai gradually got used to the life at sea. He and Ran Bing took turns rowing the boat. The dry food he had prepared was enough, so he didn't have to worry about starving to death.

The speed of this boat is surprisingly fast, and in order to get back to Konoha faster, Maitekai rowed very hard, so there is no time to enjoy it on the way back.

Ran Bing, who was sitting in the boat, turned his chakra into lines and stuffed them into the box containing the crayfish.

Chakra is the purest energy, if you eat it...

Uh, Ran Bing hadn't thought about it before, but I had never thought about eating chakra directly, after all, the human stomach probably couldn't digest it.

But crayfish are not human, they eat the chakra thread very happily, and they are very happy.

I don't care how I survive, as long as I can survive anyway.

The bugs in Yume Shino's family can eat chakra, maybe this is not a strange thing, seeing that they like to eat it, I gave them some more.

Relying on the chakra of the ice, the crayfish that had crossed the ocean finally survived.

After reaching the coastline of the Land of Fire, Ran Bing and the others were not in a hurry to dock. He took out a map. Before coming here, he had already planned a very perfect route and went back by water.

Sailing against the current is extremely tiring, but it is not a problem at all with Maitkai here.

after one day!

The survival rate of these crayfish is not bad, but both Bing and Maitkai dumped them in the fish pond.

Although the ice in this fish pond has been treated in advance, the water is fairly clear, and the water is not too deep. It can be used to raise a shrimp or something. If it is a fish, it cannot raise a big fish.

Their trip took six days. After returning, Maitekai went to the mission center, received the bonus, and then went home to sleep.

Ran Bing yawned and was about to go back, but he didn't know if the six days of being closed would affect his business in the future.

On the way home, Ran Bing passed by her food stall, but the door was still locked.

But there are various little notes pasted on the door.

"Come back quickly... come back quickly..."

"Boss, come back quickly, labor and management will buy it with extra money, come back quickly!"

"Open the door quickly, what if you can't go on?"

"As long as you dare to open the business, even if we steal the battery car, we will support your store!"

A lot of small notes like this were pasted at the door, but I was stunned to see it, it's only been six days, what's the situation.

For those old birds who eat skewers and drink with their partners every night, they have not smelled the smell of barbecue for six days, and they have already started to complain.

Why did this store close for no apparent reason?It also suspended business for a week without explaining the situation.

This is the same feeling as the author does not update.

Ran Bing is quite happy in her heart, it turns out that I have such a sense of presence in Muye Yin Village.

But these small notes pasted on the door are worrying, there is no way, just peel them off yourself.

While uncovering the small note, he calculated the consumption caused by this trip, and his heart was ashamed. At this time, the money on his body was almost enough to maintain food and clothing, and he was getting farther and farther away from a well-off society.

Before departure, Ran Bing's small store had a big promotion, and the seven-day turnover was about 3 taels, which was already a record high, and it was almost catching up with the usual 20-day turnover.

Ran Bing took the money and left. After going through thousands of sails, he returned as a teenager, but he was already poor.

The originally bulging backpack, after returning home, I shook my arms a bit, and I got less than 1000 taels, maybe 800 taels, my god!
Labor and management are bankrupt, to be honest, to be honest.

The young man's second bankruptcy is a bit too much.

Don't worry about tomorrow today, let's sleep first.

After Ran Bing returned home, he fell asleep straight away. He slept for a long time until the afternoon, when he was woken up by a cat-faced child with blond hair.

I don't know how this child ran into his room. When Ran Bing felt something was wrong in his sleep, when he opened his eyes, the child with a cat face was already in front of him.

"Hey, boss, you are finally back, didn't you agree to treat us to dinner before you left?" Naruto said with a smile.

"Don't, don't, classmate Naruto, wait until another day, I'll treat you to dinner next week." Ran Bing quickly evaded.

I also invite you to dinner, labor and management can't afford to eat by themselves, but looking at Naruto's innocent and lovely eyes, Ran Bing knows that I may have been tricked.

There are two ultimate ninjutsu in Konoha Hidden Village, one is Millennium Kill and the other is Zui Dun.

It was Kakashi Hatake who was the first to use the Millennium Kill, passed on from master to apprentice, and he handed over this hallowed ninjutsu that cannot be put on the table to the student Naruto Uzumaki.

But Uzumaki Naruto did not carry forward the Millennium Kill.

There don't seem to be many people killed in the millennium, there are Naruto Uzumaki, Sensei Ebisu, and Gaara.

But this is not important.

More importantly, mouth escape!
This is the strongest ninjutsu, even better than Unlimited Tsukiyomi.

As long as this move is activated, it completely ignores the strength gap between the two sides, the amount of Chakra, the pros and cons of the battle situation, and everything that can be ignored.

It will make people unconsciously and willingly be recruited without any pain.

Yes, yes, you are right!

Everything you say is right!
Ran Bing took a deep breath, feeling very guilty in his heart. In Naruto's begging, he fully realized his mistake. I shouldn't count my words, and I will do what I promise.

Even if you are in business, you must be honest, even if you can't eat, you must fulfill your promise.

"Go, Naruto-san, call Xiaoji, you can eat whatever you want, order whatever you want!"

Ran Bing changed into a suit of clothes, and went out with Naruto with pride.

Just like getting a monthly reading, Ran Bing feels that life is a little illusory.

 Push a friend's book "The Arrival of the Pirate Ninja", a new book by an old author, written by the Naruto system.

(End of this chapter)

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