Chapter 21
Ran Bing was afraid of poor control, so he didn't condense a spiral pill of the same size, but used relatively less chakra.

There is indeed a layer of flame wrapped on the fiery red spiral pill, which is also the flame spiral pill that Ran Bing has always wanted to make!

Almost, do you want to try the power?

Spicy Senga!
However, the ice blasted directly at the big tree next to it. The flame spiral pill just touched the trunk, and the flame chakra lines contained in it rushed out immediately, and the concentrated flame burst out instantly. At the same time as the explosion, the flame temperature poured towards the surroundings out.

All of a sudden, the flames burst into flames. It was already night, and the light of the flames was particularly conspicuous in the night. Let me go, this time it will be really troublesome.

The fire didn't last long. After about two seconds, the whole tree turned into ashes and disappeared completely. A big pit was burned out where the roots of the tree were, and all the roots were gone.

Ran Bing was stunned for a moment, I'll go, this is a little bit powerful, no, hurry up, labor and capital want to leave this place of right and wrong.

Run quickly.

Even at night, Konoha has Anbu on duty patrolling, if they see it, it will be bad, after all, it is difficult to explain my spiral pill without copyright.

When asked, Ran Bing couldn't tell. Although the third generation seemed very kind, they would thoroughly investigate such tricks with unknown origins.

After leaving here, Ran Bing hurried home.

Sure enough, setting fire in the forest in the middle of the night is a big deal. Konoha's Anbu rushed over immediately and checked the scene. It was just a big tree that was burned to ashes. Apart from looking a little weird, and nothing else.

No one else was caught at the scene. Later, they reported the incident and checked the flow of people entering and leaving the village in recent days.

In the end, it was not found out.

What is certain is that this was not burned by ordinary fire. These experienced Anbu ninjas also looked confused. How did this play?

The entire tree and roots were gone, and it should have been burned in a short period of time. The whole process took no more than five seconds.

If it is a fire escape like Hao Fireball, the burning speed cannot be so fast, and there is no such rule.

In general thinking, fire should be able to restrain wood, but the world of Naruto is a little different.

Although Huo Dun can burn wood, it is basically restrained in actual combat.

Wood Dun can restrain Fire Dun, this is the normal state of Naruto World.

Because although the fire escape has a strong burning ability, its penetrating power is not strong. If it encounters a wood escape, the best result is to catch fire on the wood.

But the wood of Mutun is solid wood, even if it is ignited, it will not be able to burn out in a short time, and the control of the wood with fire is still in the hands of Mutun ninja, and the fire escape increases the attack power of Mutun .

So if you look at it this way, it means that Wood Dun restrained Fire Dun.

This is not absolute, if the temperature of the fire escape is higher, the burning speed will be faster, and it may be restrained in reverse.

But basically restrained.

Even so, here in Ran Bing, this is not a problem at all. The flame spiral pill not only has the ability to burn flames, but also has a strong penetrating power. Restrain him in turn.

After returning home, Ran Bing didn't care how they searched, but they couldn't find me anyway, and it had nothing to do with me. After paying the rent, I don't have to worry about the rent for at least half a year.

However, Bing's current deposit is about 1 taels, which may not be able to afford a large pool.

Ran Bing has already started to plan to raise crayfish in Muye Village, but no matter what, the first step should be to build a pond. If there is no money, nothing can be done.

The crayfish in the land of water will appear on the human table one day.

It was getting late, and Ran Bing took a rest.

The next day.

Ran Bing got up early in the morning. After washing up, because he was resting in the store today, he had a whole day to practice.

With the Maruko series, for Ran Bing, his ninjutsu also has a minimum foundation.

But if you want to cooperate with Wanzi, at least physical skills should be good, or if you want to practice illusion.

Illusion is very difficult, and Konoha Hidden Village has never had a ninja who is particularly good at illusion.

The Uchiha family is considered to be at the forefront of illusion, but their family is a little different. Almost all illusions of the Uchiha family are based on Sharingan, and there are very few illusions that can be practiced by outsiders.

Just a few years ago, when Ran Bing was still in school, he heard about the demise of the Uchiha family, and he didn't feel much about it.

In addition, Konoha is best at illusion, and it should be Yuhihong's elder sister, tree fighting... tree fighting...

Nothing else!

Always, Konoha is a village that lacks illusion, and even Jilai is not very good at illusion.

Forget it then, unless Ran Bing can be enlightened suddenly, otherwise there will be no progress in illusion.

It's better to practice physical skills obediently.

After eating, Ran Bing went directly to Maitekai's house. He knew Maitekai's house, because Maitekai had ordered takeaway, so there were detailed records in the store.

"Ran Bing, you want to learn taijutsu from me? I heard from Kakashi, didn't you give up the ninja path?" Maitekai welcomed him in and asked a little surprised.

"No, I just want to open the store for a year first, and then wait until next year to enroll in the ninja school, so that I will return to the original class." Ran Bing said, but he himself didn't know whether he was telling the truth or a lie .

"Come on, put on your youthful clothes first, and I'll take you to practice!" Maitekai took out a green tights, and he thought he was very handsome.

Ran Bing's mouth twitched, "No need, I prefer to wear looser clothes."

"Hey, that's a pity." Matt Kay said regretfully.

Generally speaking, Jonin’s clothes are a light green vest and black tights, such as Kakashi and Sarutobi Asma, they all wear black, but Maitkai put on a green one. tights.

How much does this guy like green, but green is also very good.

Compared with Maitekai, Xiao Li's practice is like a child's practice, and Xiao Li's practice is just a small fight. This is the real youth.

(End of this chapter)

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