Konoha Food Stall

Chapter 161 Xiao Nan: You Deserve To Be Single Forever

Chapter 161 Xiao Nan: You deserve to be single forever
Let me fight Lei Ying?
Then, will I be like Sasuke, who was pressed to the ground by Raikage and beaten violently.

"When you go, you can wear Xiaopao, or change into different clothes." Nagato said.

Ran Bing knew it before. During the Five Kage talks, Lei Ying accused Tu Ying of asking Akatsuki to do things. It seems that this origin started from now.

And are you too vulgar?

As soon as you do something, you can have a Chunin exam. Can you be a little creative? Has your brain been kicked by a donkey?

Can't think of other ideas? Are they all the same as scorpions? No brains!

It's simple, doing things = Zhongnin exam.

I bother!

Ran Bing said pitifully: "Boss, can I not go?"

Xiaonan glanced at Nagato coldly, what if he died outside for such a task!Who will cook for Bengong!

Stupid Nagato, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life.

Ran Bing finished the meal very unpleasantly. Originally, I wanted to take on a task by myself, so I took the opportunity to run away, but how did I go with those two psychopaths? Oh, what a tragedy.

After eating, Ran Bing sadly went to wash the dishes, only the dishes and chopsticks used by the three of them were quickly washed out.

After washing, Ran Bing was ready to continue his practice. Nagato hadn't told him the time of departure yet, so it should be a while.

At this time, Xiaonan came over, handed him a scroll, and said: "Ran Bing, this trip is dangerous, be careful on the road, there are some detonating symbols inside, just use them, if you cooperate with your fire escape, there will be surprises Amazing effect."

Oh my god, Goddess Xiaonan even gave me a detonating talisman, I'm so touched, I didn't cook for you for more than half a month in vain.

Ran Bing took the detonating talisman with tears in her eyes, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Aunt Xiaonan."

Xiao Nan sighed slightly, patted Ran Bing on the shoulder, and said: "Ran Bing, although you are still young, in the world of ninjas, you are already in charge at the age of 13. Your current strength is really outstanding among your peers. Strong, even if you run into a jounin, you can deal with it for a while."

"You have to be confident, but also be careful. If you leave the Kingdom of Rain, you will no longer have Payne's protection. Wherever you go, you can only fight alone. If you run into someone from Konoha, Don't expose your experience during this time, if you want to go back, follow them back."

"In short, you have to pay attention to safety."

Xiaonan seems to be overflowing with maternal love. She is just 33 years old, but Bing is 13 years old. It is just right to be called auntie, and she is almost a generation behind.

Moreover, Ranbing is delicious to cook, looks cute, and ninjutsu is also very good, so of course he will be lovable.

"Thank you, Aunt Xiaonan." Ran Bing said.

Then, Ran Bing went to practice, usually Tiandao Payne was in charge of his practice.

More than half a month has passed, and Ran Bing may have made some progress, but in Payne's eyes, such progress is meaningless, and he is still a scumbag.

"Oh, by the way, Aunt Xiaonan, are there any ninjas in the Land of Rain who will take the Chunin exam this time?" Ran Bing asked.

Xiao Nan shook his head, no, there are still a lot of ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain at this time, such as Hydrangea, which He Ranbing is very familiar with, she is a ninja, but Xiao Nan has no intention of arranging them to go.

Since the Akatsuki organization has the opportunity to intervene in this Chunin exam, it will definitely cause turmoil. Don't even think about it, it will definitely happen.

In that case, if you arrange for the ninjas from your own village to go, wouldn't you be looking for trouble yourself? There is no need for this.

The average strength of Yuyin Village at this time is really average. This village has passed its strongest period, and Payne has been working behind closed doors these years, lacking talents, so the strength of the ninja has not been able to improve.

But the location of this village is really special, and to be honest, it wouldn't be bad if it didn't rain all day.

This country is at the junction of great powers, and if a war breaks out, it will be the first to suffer the brunt.

But if economic trade starts in the future, then this country has a very advantageous geographical location, and it must be an important metropolis. People from any country can come here to trade, which is a very good place.

If a business empire is to be established in the future, then the Land of Rain is the best location, provided that it does not rain, or it rains on a small scale.

If it still rains all day, it is estimated that it will not get better.


The country of thunder.

The zhongnin exams will start soon, and the zhongnin of this country began to march towards the land of earth one after another, and the three apprentices of Kirabi also followed.

His three apprentices are called Samui, the big-breasted sister, Karui and Omoi, and they are the two people who made Naruto into a pig's head.

In addition, Kalui is a black-skinned red-haired girl, she has nothing to do with Iruka, and she doesn't know Iruka either.

The three subordinates of Kirabi, including Karui and Omoi, are still ninja, and they are all going to take the Zhongnin exam this time, and they are rushing to the land of earth.

The invitation to the Chunin Exam of the Land of Earth was sent to Konoha Hidden Village.

Tsunade glanced at it and threw it aside. Forget it, I don’t want to go to such a broken place, and it’s obviously a competition between their two countries. Why should Konoha join in the fun? It’s boring, and I don’t plan to go at all.

At this time, Yamanaka Ino was out of his mind all day long, and his whole body was not well.

"Ino, let me take you to a food stall, I invite you, it's free." Sakura comforted her.

Ino shook his head, "No, he's not here, and the food stall has become dull."

"Actually, I prefer to have a picnic with him. It's just the two of us. He only cooks for me. I miss the past. It would be nice if he could come back."

Sitting on the bench at the entrance of the village, the two sighed pitifully, the same.

Xiao Ying is the same as her, still thinking about Er Zhuzi, but she thought about it, and hearing what she said, Xiao Ying has some thoughts of wanting to compare.

But after thinking about it, besides Er Zhuzi being a bit more handsome, do I have any better memories with him, no, it's embarrassing, really not.

"Ran Bing said before that he would take me out to play together, but I was lazy and didn't go with him. I don't know if I haven't had the chance to go." Ino said sadly.

Suddenly Sakura felt that she was better. Although Sasuke left the village and went to Orochimaru, it was better than Ran Bing's life and death.

"Ino, maybe he's fine now, he loves to play so much, maybe he's having fun somewhere else."

(End of this chapter)

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