Konoha Food Stall

Chapter 13 Arrangement 1

Chapter 13 Arrangements

"Ran Bing, are you already a ninja?" Naruto asked.

Uh, am I a ninja?

It seems to count, but it doesn't seem to count.

After the graduation exam, Ran Bing's information has been handed over to the Naruto office, but he has not become a ninja, that is to say, the current Ran Bing can be regarded as a backup ninja, if there is such a saying.

"No, but I don't want to go to school anymore, I want to open my own shop." Ran Bing said.

"Oh, that's it." Naruto was a little disappointed. When he was in the class, Sasuke had always been the first in grades, but Bing had always been in the middle and was not conspicuous. He did not expect that he could pass the graduation exam. .

"Naruto, come on, I believe that one day you will be recognized by the villagers and become a great ninja!" Ran Bing said.

Although Ran Bing is annoyed by Sasuke, he is still willing to make friends with Naruto.

Naruto's personality is really good. Although he likes to play pranks, he can tell the good from the bad, and his three views are also very positive.

Compared to Sasuke who sells teammates, Naruto is obviously better.

It should be that most people are willing to be friends with people who are more responsible, at least they will not suffer a loss. Naruto is really good for friends.

When others treat you a little better, you open up your heart.

As soon as I chat with you, you can't stand the heart and lungs.

As soon as you ask for help, you will definitely work hard and bear the burden of hard work.

When you encounter a little kindness, you will be sincere and sincere, and present everything carefully.

After all, you are still a child longing for love. (One Zen)
And Naruto is just a child who lacks love. He has no one to rely on since he was a child, and he has no parents to accompany him. That's why he especially cherishes Mr. Iruka's kindness of knowing him. He always talks about it, and cherishes the first time The fetters in the fight in the seventh class.

Maybe, in the years to come, you will have to face dangers and difficulties alone, maybe you will never enjoy the care and warmth of your parents like other children.

But you have to remember one thing, the love you have is no less than anyone else, your life was originally bought by many people at a huge price.So, my child, don't be afraid, be strong! (Lizzie)

The whole Hokage, the most incomprehensible to Ran Bing, is actually Naruto's bondage to Sasuke. Thinking about it carefully, it really makes people feel incredible. After all, such feelings may not be common in the real world, and perhaps second-year junior high school students are more easy to understand.

You feel naive, which is exactly what I believe in. (Fang thinks)

For people after middle age, ten or eight years seems to refer to Gu Jian.

But for young people, three to five years can be a lifetime. (Zhang Ailing)
In Sasuke's world, there is hatred, an older brother, and the responsibility to revive the Uchiha family.

But for Naruto, he only has eyes for you!

For you, he can risk his life to bring you back, or he can be beaten up by a stranger, and then look for you all over the world.

No matter what you did wrong, he can forgive you.

Wouldn't it be better to explain if Naruto was a woman!
Ahem, the above text does not match the wind direction of this book, so you can ignore it.

This chapter officially begins.

"Ran Bing, is it true that you said that I can work in the store?" Naruto asked.

"Really, and with money." Ran Bing said.

Naruto was very happy and danced, "That's great, Ran Bing!"

"So what am I going to do when I get to the store? Will it be busy?"

Ran Bing grinned, "Don't worry, we've made arrangements for you clearly."

After returning to the store, as expected, there were not many people in the store. Although the ice was not there, he had baked some half-cooked skewers in advance. If there were guests, Xiao Ji only needed to heat them up.

"Are you Naruto?" Xiaoji recognized Naruto as soon as he saw him. Although Naruto's grades were not very good, he was a big celebrity in Muye Village, and many people knew him.

"Yes, hello little sister."

Then Ran Bing grilled Naruto's fish, then grilled some steamed buns and meat skewers, and the three of them had dinner.

For an afternoon, the three of them continued to wear skewers, and the staffing of the store also changed slightly.

Ran Bing: The boss works part-time as a grill chef.

Xiaoji: Cashier and part-time griller.

Naruto: The food passer works part-time as some delivery staff.

Xiao Li: The delivery guy.

This part of Naruto's delivery staff is limited to delivering meals to ninja families. Generally speaking, ninja families like Ikacho have no prejudice against him, but ordinary people avoid him.

"Ran Bing, why are you so good at grilling? The guests I grilled have reported many shortcomings." Xiaoji said.

Well, in fact, it is the same principle as burying people, only if you are familiar with it.

"Actually, you just need to practice more, and you will definitely become a very good griller!" Ran Bing said with a smile.

Xiaoji shook her head, I want to marry the handsome Prince Charming, so I don't want to spend my life with oily smoke, although the skewers are delicious.

Naruto looked at the price list on the table, and counted what they ate. If he was allowed to eat by himself, he would definitely go bankrupt.

Then Naruto happily started his part-time job.

In the evening, the number of guests finally increased. Among the many guests, there were four different people.

Konoha's four great ninjas, Hatake Kakashi, Maitekai, Sarutobi Asma, Yuhi Kurenai.

Muye Village is a militarized village. Ordinary people have long been accustomed to living together with ninjas. It is normal to have a table if there are not enough tables to eat in a restaurant.

But the problem of sharing tables will not appear in Xia Li's shop, his business has not yet flourished to that extent.

"Kai, this time you lost to Kakashi, according to your agreement, you treat the three of us to dinner." Asma Sarutobi lit a cigarette and smiled.

The four of them sat down at the table outside, and then Kakashi glanced at the store, I'll go, why are they two?After seeing Ran Bing and Xiao Ji, he felt strange.

Then Kakashi smiled awkwardly and stood up, "Kai, I have something to do this time, so I won't eat with you, pack it for me."

Ran Bing came out, brought four cattail fans, and put them on the table, "Kakashi cc, aren't you eating in the shop? Oh, yes, the bento you left last time was really delicious."

Very fragrant.

After looking at the menu, Kakashi said: "Just bring me a set meal of 100 taels, and then let Maitekai pay the bill together later."

Kakashi said cheekily, while Maitekai looked at him speechlessly.

"Okay, Kakashi cc, don't worry, we've made arrangements for you clearly." Ran Bing said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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