Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 99 The Unlucky Alien

Chapter 99 The Unlucky Alien
Zhao Yueyue is Zhao Tiannan's daughter and childhood sweetheart of her predecessor.

According to common sense, Shangdi should recognize Zhao Yueyue, and then help each other as much as he can.

But as a calm person, he didn't touch the other party rashly.

Killed the curator of the Tiannan City branch of the Mountain Martial Art Museum, the owner of the Tiannan City, and the commander of the Tiannan Army. He had many enemies.

The strength of Zheng Shanyue, the chief curator of the Mountain Martial Arts Academy, ranks seventh among Xuanhuang star warriors.

The people from the Mountain Martial Arts School have not come to seek revenge until now, which does not mean that they will not seek revenge from him in the future.

Is the enemy unreasonable?Will the enemy let him go?Shandy never thought about it.

In his opinion, instead of hoping that the enemy will be reasonable, it is better to improve one's own strength.

Only when his own strength exceeds that of the enemy, can he have the ability to turn the world around.

Only when his own life is in his own hands can he sleep soundly and eat well.

If one's own life is in the hands of others, no one will be in a constant state of panic!

"The little girl can be regarded as half of the relatives of the predecessor, escort her out of the monster forest."

After thinking about it, Shang Di put the watch into the exclusive space, stretched his muscles and bones, and in the blink of an eye, his height grew from 1.8 meters to 1.9 meters five, and his appearance seemed to be a different person, looking like a thin and tall man. indivual.

I bought a set of clothes and shoes with Xingyuanli, and quickly changed them.

The leech physique tripled his body flexibility. He has the ability to change his height and appearance.

Three fourth-level monsters died inexplicably. Zhao Yueyue and the others were surprised and delighted.

"I am Yang Zhi, a teacher from Haizhou Martial Arts Academy, and they are all students." A young man said loudly.

Shang Di, whose height and appearance changed drastically, rode over and said, "My surname is Xia, and my name is Hua."

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." Yang Zhi thanked him.

"Leave the monster forest as soon as possible to avoid danger." Shandi advised.

"Mr. Xia, killing monsters and protecting ordinary people are both the warrior's responsibility." Yang Zhi said bravely.

"That's true." Shandy nodded.

"I don't know where Mr. Xia is going?" Yang Zhi asked.

"I'm about to leave Monster Forest," Shandy replied.

"Can you come with us?" Yang Zhi asked expectantly. He is only a level [-] warrior. If he encounters a few more level [-] monsters, he and the five students may die in the forest.

"Alright." Shandy nodded in response.

"Mr. Xia, can you subdue the monster?" Zhao Yueyue asked.

"I have learned animal taming for a while," Shandi said solemnly.

"The fifth-level monster Gale Horse?" Yang Zhi couldn't believe it.

"It insists on being my mount." Shandi pretended to be helpless.

Everyone talked and laughed and left the monster forest.

After thinking about it, Shang Di donated tens of thousands of black-armored flying ants to Zhao Yueyue.

Yang Zhi and the others were envious and jealous, even eighth-level fighters dared not fight against the tens of thousands of black-armored flying ants.

After leaving the monster forest, Shandi bid farewell to everyone, and quickly disappeared on the Gale Horse.

In exchange for his original face and height, he took out the Wanduan Black Iron Spear.

Shandi, who went all the way south, came to a city abandoned by humans on horseback.

Entering a bank, broke open the door of the vault with a thousand-forged black iron knife, went in and scraped for a while.

"Two or three tons of gold, and get some silver."

After leaving the bank, Shandy raided jewelry stores.

Picked up some diesel generators, solar power generation equipment, a lot of oil barrels filled with diesel.

"Welding machines, building materials, etc., we also have to collect some."

When passing by a light steel villa factory, Shangdi went in for a while.

From the memory of my predecessor, I know that many human cities have been occupied for more than ten years.

There has been no one living in the house, and many things are broken, so he has to prepare in advance.

Stopping and stopping, collecting all kinds of supplies, a few days later, Shandi came to the beach.

"The sea is in front, and the river is on the left. The location is good, and this is it."

Taking out an excavator, Shandy pretended to be the driver of the excavator and pushed a large piece of flat ground.

A roller was taken out and the ground was pressed several times.

Taking out the materials of the light steel villa, he assembled a villa in only two days.

Install solar power generation equipment and dig a well by yourself.
After feasting on dinner, I fell asleep in a good mood.

The next morning, after paying homage to the viscera, Shandi went to the sea.

With a black iron gun in his hand, he kept hunting and killing all kinds of marine life.

Sea monsters were stabbed and killed by him with the black iron spear, and the star power increased accordingly.

After cleaning up all the monsters in a radius of tens of kilometers, Shangdi stopped.

Being idle and boring, he just lay on the beach, took out his exclusive pistol, and shot high into the sky.

The invisible bullet rushed towards the vast starry sky without sound.

This afternoon, when Shandy shot down, a starship was shattered into slag.

More than 3 aliens were shattered into slag together with the starship.

"Is it possible to kill tens of thousands of aliens with one shot?"

"One of the aliens at the sky level has more than 3000 star power?"

"The aliens of the ninth level in the sky, if you kill one, you will have more than 3 star power?"

"Could it be that I smashed a battleship with one shot? Otherwise, how could I kill tens of thousands of aliens with one shot?"

Seeing the sudden increase of more than 8000 million Xingyuanli, Shangdi was overjoyed and couldn't wait to pull the trigger again.

More than 300 billion kilometers away, the Celtic star fleet was in panic.

The battleship Kurt suddenly shattered into slag, and more than 3 people were wiped out
"Commander, what should we do?"

"Have you found out why the Queter was destroyed?"

"Nothing was found."

Among the largest space warships, several high-level Carthians gathered in the cockpit.

At this moment, an invisible bullet hit another starship.

There was a loud explosion sound, and the warship with a length of more than 3000 meters, a width of more than 800 meters, and a height of more than 600 meters shattered.

The more than 3 Carths inside the battleship were shattered into slag together with the battleship.

"I made another 8000 star power, good luck."

It was discovered that the star power increased sharply again, and the speed at which Shandi pulled the trigger doubled.

Fragmentation of 230 points gives the bullet the ability to crush the target.

With no prey in sight, Shandy had to rely on luck to shoot.

He feels that whether he can hit the target is like a lottery draw. The more lottery draws, the greater the probability of hitting the target.

He has no shortage of bullets, so what does it matter if he wastes more bullets?
A little star power can buy a box of bullets, and there are sixty bullets in a box.

"A shotgun is a piece by the dozen, with a shotgun?"

"Would the 230-point broken body blow up the planet?"

"Why do you think so much? I have more than thirty life reserves."

Bought a shotgun, [-] boxes of shotgun bullets.

Quickly load bullets one by one, aim the muzzle at the vast starry sky, and pull the trigger again and again.

With just over 100 bullets, Shandy hit a starship.

"The world hasn't changed. From this point of view, a 230-point tempered body can't destroy the planet."

Relieved, Shandy pulled the trigger tirelessly.

"Kill another starship."

"Good luck, two starships with one shot."

"After firing more than 1000 shots, the starship was not killed?"

After firing more than 1000 shots, Shandy, who got nothing, had to stop.

After losing seven starships in succession, the Carters fled in panic.

With no enemy in sight, no idea of ​​where the attack was coming from, the Carths didn't want to stay and die.

The unlucky Carthus fled, Shandy rubbed his shriveled stomach and went down to the sea to catch a cream crab.

"More than 500 catties of crabs are still short of a matching cauldron!"

After looking at the huge crab, Shangdi bought a black iron cauldron with a diameter of five meters with Xingyuan power.

"The best ingredients, just the simplest cooking method."

After the monster-level crabs were cooked, Shandi made some spicy dipping sauce and ate them with relish.

(End of this chapter)

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