Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 97 No need to worry about killing monsters

Chapter 97 No need to worry about killing monsters

I read a lot of information on the Internet, and Shandi knew a lot of monsters and elixir.

The feathers are vermilion and the wings are more than 180 meters. The claws are yellow and black, which is the characteristic of the sky-swallowing sparrow.

"Chickens eat their wings, ducks eat their legs, and a sky-swallowing sparrow is equivalent to a big chicken that can fly."

Cut open the belly of the swallowing bird, took out a heart worth more than two billion Xuanhuang coins, and put it into the storage space.

Dismemberment of wings, claws, beaks, meat.

"The heart is the most valuable thing of the Sky-Swallowing Sparrow, followed by the beak, and then the claws. The meat of the ninth-level flying monster can be bought by hundreds of thousands of gold coins per pound. The Sky-Swallowing Sparrow is too strong."

"I'd rather eat a couple of birds than a catty of beasts, and save a few tons of bird meat."

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Shangdi put a large pile of bird leg meat and two bird wings into the exclusive space.

The rest of the bird's claws, beaks, etc. are also put into the storage space.

Shandi, who was riding a horse, relied on his vision and sense of smell to collect various medicinal materials along the way.

"It smells so strong, is it a panacea?"

Looking for incense, Shangdi found a third-level elixir that could increase his strength.

"The level of this elixir is too low, and my strength is too strong. Take it and save it for the next life!"

The monster who vowed to protect the elixir to the death was crushed by a bullet and turned into a corpse.

"The third-level monsters only have three points of star power, and the accumulation of less makes more, and the habit of thinking too little is not good!"

Riding on horseback, Shandi headed towards the southeast at a leisurely pace.

"It takes [-] points of star power to upgrade the defense-breaking ability from the magic weapon level to the magic weapon level."

"A first-level monster has a little star power, and a ninth-level monster only has more than 300 star power."

"It's been four or five months, why haven't the people from Mountain Martial Arts come to hunt me down?"

Shangdi, who was puzzled, didn't bother to guess, and hunted monsters without any distraction.

When you come to the central area of ​​the monster forest, you will encounter more and more high-level monsters.

From time to time, he would use the Black Iron Spear of Ten Thousand Refinements, and use monsters to hone his marksmanship.

Sometimes use the guns in the game world to kill monsters to earn star power.

Wherever Shandi went, monsters, beasts, and mosquitoes died, and he took the elixir.

"The watch has no signal, it's useless to think too much, just keep going."

Inadvertently found that there was no signal from the watch, and Shandy didn't care.

"There are no roads in the world. When more people walk, roads will appear."

"There is no road in the forest. I fired a shot and a road appeared."

Taking out a pistol and adjusting the additional ability, Shandy shot at the thorns in front of him.

"With just one shot, the star power will increase by several thousand points."

Shangdi, who rose into the sky, looked in all directions, and found that there was no human being within a dozen kilometers around.

Bullets shot out one after another, and the flowers, plants and trees within a diameter of 180 centimeters were instantly shattered into slag.

"It still came so quickly. Tens of thousands of monsters died after a dozen or so bullets went down."

"With one shot down, a road several kilometers long was created by me."

Riding on the road he opened up, Shangdi bought a pack of peanuts with Xingyuan power, and ate them leisurely.

After passing through the tunnel made by the bullets, seeing the road cut off, and confirming that there were no humans around, he got off his horse and fired again.

Bullets flew out one by one, and roads with a diameter of 1.8 meters were formed.

With the bullet as the center, trees, rocks, monsters, beasts, and mosquitoes with a diameter of 1.8 meters were broken into slag one after another.

"Adjusting the effective range and bullet speed can increase or decrease the killing range of the bullet."

Shandi, who was in the monster forest, squandered bullets recklessly.

The originally lush surroundings quickly turned into a mess.

Big trees, mudstones, flowers and plants, monsters, mosquitoes, and wild beasts turned into debris one after another.

"Luck is too bad, one shot is a big one, and so many bullets have been shot, but I haven't got a talent."

Shangdi, who was a little depressed, bought tens of thousands of Xingyuanli elixir in order to calm down his emotions.

A few days later, not long after he passed through the central area of ​​the monster forest, the watch received a signal.

Putting the pistol from the game world into the exclusive space, Shandi held the rein with his left hand and the black iron gun with his right hand, looked at the sun above his head, and hurried towards the southeast.

"More than 1000 million star power, 8000 million less than [-] million star power."

"Killing monsters and upgrading all the time will inevitably be boring. Find a place to rest and practice for a few years."

"When the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder Jue breaks through to the second level, my lifespan will increase to 200 years."

At the age of 21 this year, he can still live for 170 years. He is not in a hurry to earn star power and upgrade.

In Shang Di's opinion, every time the Purple Sky God Thunder Art breaks through a layer, his lifespan will increase a lot
The ancients often said that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood, and the life expectancy has increased. Are you afraid that you will not earn star power?
"Look for a place facing the sea. The number of sea monsters is far greater than that of land monsters."

"Usually practice Zixiao Shenlei Jue, and when I am free and bored, I go to the bottom of the sea to fight monsters!"

Riding to the southeast, Shandi kept hunting monsters and collecting elixir.

"The blood on the ground, besides animal blood, also has some human blood."

Shangdi, who has a strong sense of sight and smell, can naturally distinguish between animal blood and human blood.

Out of curiosity, he explored along the bloodstains. He hadn't seen the same kind for several months.

"It disappeared here. Judging from the traces on the ground, this person was eaten by a monster."

Shangdi, who listened to the voice and debated his position, took out a Huayao Type III pistol and adjusted the additional ability.

Aiming at a monster hundreds of meters away, he pulled the trigger with his finger.

The bullets fired out hit the monster's head, a flower of blood bloomed, and the monster fell to the ground.

"The 180-point Soul Destroyer is invincible, even level [-] monsters can't handle it, let alone level [-] monsters."

"When my life comes to an end, I will adjust all the additional abilities to a certain level"

"In this way, all the monsters in a straight line will be killed by me in one shot."

After a simple calculation, Shangdi found that earning star power is very simple and easy, and there is no need to be busy for a while.

With various additional abilities activated, monsters with a diameter of 1.8 meters and a length of hundreds of kilometers can be killed with one shot.

The speed of the bullet was increased by him to [-] million meters per second, and the effective range was also increased to [-] million meters.

A bullet with a speed of [-] million meters per second can penetrate dozens of mountains even if it cannot penetrate a planet.

Five times the speed of sound is called hypersonic speed. The additional ability of bullet speed is pushed to the limit. The speed of 29 million meters per second is equivalent to more than 100 times the speed of sound, and it is easy to penetrate dozens of mountains.

The bullet with the additional ability opened to the limit has the power to destroy mountains and rivers, and it will definitely cause sensation and trouble.

In order not to disturb his own life, Shandi decided to hunt monsters to earn star power when he had only a few years left in his life.

Ten minutes later, heavy rain fell from the sky.

Shangdi, who was bathed in the rainstorm, picked up the Wandu black iron gun and practiced the rainstorm marksmanship to his heart's content.

There are many differences between his rainstorm marksmanship and the system's rainstorm marksmanship.

It seems that they are all rainstorm marksmanship, but their force-generating skills are quite different.

Combined Xingyi Spearmanship, Bagua Spearmanship and Taiji Spearmanship, Rainstorm Spearmanship has added many changes.

At this moment, the raindrops everywhere in his eyes became the target of Shangdi's gun practice.

As the master of the gun god system, he is more and more fond of marksmanship.

With hot weapons and firearms in hand, it is easy to kill enemies remotely.Holding a cold weapon and spear, sweeping thousands of troops like a mat, has a lot of blood.The role of the heirloom gun does not need to be described in words.
The Wandu black iron spear pierces the raindrops, and the artistic conceptions of wind, thunder, gold, wood, water, fire and earth are accompanied by turns.

The white mist spreads, the rain spurts around, and the slightest electric light suddenly appears
Turning the true energy in his body, Shandi stabbed into the sky.

The gun gang, which contains the power of seven kinds of artistic conception, carries the aura of destroying everything, and goes straight to the dark clouds high in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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