Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 93 Out of the City

Chapter 93 Out of the City
The villa that Shangdi bought with tens of millions of Xuanhuang coins is located in Zizhu Yayuan villa area, and the house number says [-].

He is not yet 19 years old, and he has no idea of ​​joining a martial arts gym, nor the willingness to join the military, nor the idea of ​​going to school. At this moment, he just wants to concentrate on practicing for a while.

There are no new exercises in the system, and the exercises sold online are not comparable to those he owns.

"Don't think about it, practice for a while first, wait for the Canglong Gong to reach the fifth level, and then hunt monsters."

Up to now, Shangdi's Zixiao Shenlei Jue has reached the first level of perfection, and Canglong Kungfu has broken through to the third level.

Sitting cross-legged on the grass at the back of the villa, he operated the Purple Cloud God Thunder Art, devouring and refining the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth.

With the operation of the exercises, an endless stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured into his body continuously
"Zixiao Shenlei Jue actually broke through?"

It seemed that some shackles had been broken, and his energy and spirit had improved to a higher level. Shangdi was very pleasantly surprised.

"The first to ninth layers of the Zixiao Shenlei Jue correspond to Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Out of Body, Distraction, Fusion, Overcoming Tribulation, and Transformation. The strength of the second layer of Zixiao Shenlei Jue is about the same. A martial artist in the innate realm."

Shangdi, who has been reborn many times, knows that in the same state, in different worlds, there is a world of difference in strength. The same skill, in different worlds, has more or less different effects in different worlds.

"Realm and cultivation are just a division, and cannot determine the level of combat effectiveness."

"Ming Jin boxer can fight against Hua Jin boxer, and acquired fighters can kill innate strong ones."

"Determining the level of combat effectiveness is nothing more than speed, strength, mental strength, skills and the like."

Abandoning distracting thoughts, Shang Di practiced the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder Jue for a while to consolidate his cultivation.

I stood up, moved my body, and practiced the Canglong Gong for several hours.

In the next few months, he still lived in seclusion and practiced in the villa all day long.

Not long after he turned 19, Shangdi had practiced Canglong Gong to the fifth level.

"Strength 25.6, Dexterity 25.6, Mental Power 17.8. My current strength, movement speed, and reaction speed are far superior to those of a level [-] warrior like Xuanhuangxing. If I use a gun, I can easily kill level [-] monsters."

The minimum standard for a third-level martial artist is 3000 kilograms of punching force, a moving speed of 15 meters per second, and a reaction speed of 14 times per second.

"It's time to go out and hunt monsters. If you can get star power by killing monsters, there's no need to practice the Canglong Gong hard."

After thinking about it, Shandy decided to conduct an experiment outside the city.

He finds it boring to keep 'fighting monsters and upgrading', but he can only persist.

If loneliness and solitude are unbearable, how can we talk about immortality, immortality and godhood?
Shandy sometimes feels like a worker who obviously doesn't like to work but has to work.

Workers work from dawn to dusk and sweat profusely at work just to earn some living expenses.

He traveled from world to world, earning "money" tirelessly, also in order to improve his strength, live forever, and be invincible.

"Now I don't have a job, and I don't have a fixed source of income. I need to get a warrior certificate first."

"Certified warriors have some privileges and a monthly allowance, but they are more responsible for guarding the city."

The places where the warriors of Tiannan City are assessed include Crazy Saber Martial Arts, Lightning Martial Arts, Mountain Martial Arts, Tiannan Martial Arts Academy, and Tiannan Army.

Crazy Sword Martial Arts is good at swordsmanship, Lightning Martial Arts is good at swordsmanship, Mountain Martial Arts is good at boxing, Tiannan Martial Arts Academy is a martial arts university, and Tiannan Army is affiliated to the Great Zhou military, responsible for stationing and guarding Tiannan City.

Based on the principle of proximity, Shang Di came to the Mountain Martial Arts Hall to sign up and pay the examination fee
For certified warriors, a monthly subsidy of [-] for first-level warriors and [-] for second-level warriors.
Under Shang Di's full strength, he was able to pass the examination of a fourth-level warrior, but he only passed the examination of a second-level warrior.

Even so, at the age of 19, he passed the examination of a second-level martial artist and caused a sensation in the Mountain Martial Arts Hall.

Shang Di, who has no shortage of skills, did not join the Mountain Martial Arts Academy, and went straight out of the city after getting his certificate.

A lot of things are the same, there are rewards only if you pay, and you have to pay a certain price if you want to get things from the martial arts hall.

If he joins the mountain martial arts school, he can get a villa, a skill, and 3000 million Xuanhuang coins.

He has already bought a house and has better skills, so he doesn't have much demand for Xuanhuang coins.

Almost all of Xuanhuangxing's skills can be bought online as long as he has Xuanhuang coins.

Is it difficult to make money?Making money is hard for many people!

But for Shandy, making money is easy!
The material of a first-level monster is worth about [-] Xuanhuang coins.

The materials of the second-level monsters are worth about two thousand Xuanhuang coins.

The materials of level nine monsters can be sold for at least 30 billion.

Find a level nine monster, aim and pull the trigger, and billions are up for grabs.

Of course, Shandi knew very well that he was very strong in attack and his defense and speed were too weak. For his own safety, he would not hunt and kill level [-] monsters for the time being.

The area where high-level monsters are located is far away from human cities, and there are low-level monsters and mid-level monsters all over the high-level monsters. If you kill high-level monsters now, you will face great danger.

"I hope to get star power by killing monsters."

When he came to the city gate, he showed his second-level martial artist certificate, and Shangdi left Tiannan City.

Put the watch in the exclusive space, improve the eyesight, hearing, and smell, and take out the pistol bought with black and yellow coins.

With the help of the watch, he can find out his specific location. If the watch was not of great importance, he would have lost it long ago.

"A place with a commanding height and a wide view is suitable for me to hunt monsters."

Looking around, Shandi walked quickly towards a rocky mountain.

With his astonishing vision, he spotted a flying monster high in the sky.

Shangdi turned the gun, activated the additional ability, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The invisible, invisible and soundless bullet instantly hit the head of the flying monster at a speed of [-] million meters per second.

The influence of the environment (gravity, humidity, air) is reduced by [-]%. When in the air, the bullet’s flight speed is equal to the initial velocity of the bullet.

"A flying monster of this size only has [-] points of star power?"

"The diameter of the wound is 180 centimeters, and the fragmentation is 180 points. The power is too terrifying."

The flying monster hit by the bullet directly turned into a rain of flesh and blood, drifting and falling with the wind.

Seeing this situation, Shangdi immediately turned off the Broken Body and Killing Diameter, keeping the Broken Qi and Exterminated Soul.

Coming to the top of the rocky mountain, he climbed high and looked far away, silently looking for the next prey.

The pistol in Fashion Di's hand has become a special pistol for bandits from the game world.

The weapons and equipment obtained from the game world are of little use to him.

Cars, helicopters, and individual mechas still have some functions, and guns, rocket launchers, etc. are dispensable.

With an exclusive pistol at your side, plus various additional abilities, one gun is enough.

Hearing the buzzing sound behind him, Shangdi turned around and saw densely packed fist-sized wild bees flying over from more than 1000 meters away. Curious, he shot without hesitation.

"A little bit of star power, there is money to be made!"

Adjusting the additional ability again, Shandy continued to shoot those wild bees.

A bullet passed by, and the wild bees with a diameter of 1.8 meters turned into fragments on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, more than 5 wild bees were killed by Shangdi.

"One shot is a large area, and one shot is tens of thousands of points of star power!"

The star power increased by more than 5 points, and Shang Di was full of surprises.

Looking at the earth pits with a diameter of about 1.8 meters on the ground, he couldn't be happy.

"Fortunately, I lowered the effective range and bullet speed, otherwise it wouldn't be a few meters deep pit."

If the effective range is 180 million meters, the bullet speed is [-] million meters per second, and the killing diameter is [-] centimeters, even if it can't penetrate the planet, it can blast an abyss as deep as tens of kilometers at least.

With a speed of [-] million meters per second, the penetrating power is incalculable.

The killing diameter is an additional ability, wherever the bullet hits, the killing diameter will disappear there.

(End of this chapter)

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