Chapter 83

Shangdi, who was too powerful in combat, was invited by many players to join him.

Over the past year, he has changed his nickname many times, and the number of players who have invited him to join his team is at least 300.

Teams in the game world are divided into clans and corps.

More than five people and less than 300 people are the so-called clans.

More than 300 people are called Corps, and there is no upper limit on the number of Corps.

In the team battle mode room, the number of people can range from ten to as many as hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands or even millions of people.

It is known from players that they can practice marksmanship in the game world.

Players' physical fitness in the game world is comparable to their physical fitness in the real world.

Players who are good at marksmanship in the real world are still good at marksmanship in the game world.

Players in the game world, if they have practiced their marksmanship well, they will be able to master marksmanship after returning to the real world to familiarize themselves with it.

According to the player's few words, Shandy discovered that the game world was developed by a company named Xingyu.

The Xingyu company's industries spread across several galaxies, and it is a real inter-galaxy company.

Shandy yearns for the real world where the player is, but now he has more than enough energy.

There is no day or night in the game world. If he hadn't bought a watch with the number of enemies killed, he could have relied on the lifespan information on the main page of the Gunslinger system to roughly determine how many years he has been reborn, and he never knows how many days he has been reborn.

After sweating profusely for more than ten hours, Shandi quit the game and returned to his private residence.

"More than 160 kills, forge your own firearms."

In one thought, the number of enemies killed decreased by 20.00 points, and the exclusive firearms increased from [-]% to [-]%.

Reduce the number of kills by 30.00 points again, and the forging level of exclusive firearms reaches [-]%.

Consume 40.00 points to kill enemies and forge exclusive firearms to [-]%.

It took another 50.00 kills, and the exclusive firearms were forged to [-]%.

The number of enemies killed is reduced by 100 million, and the exclusive firearms are forged to 60.00%.

"Fortunately, the fruit of so many days of labor was spent in a few seconds."

Seeing that he still has more than 54 kills, Shangdi bought two lives with 6000 kills.

"Except for the one life used for rebirth, I have earned another life."

Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, Shandy took a few puffs leisurely, then extinguished the cigarette butt.

The number of [-] kills disappeared, and the exclusive space became [-] cubic centimeters.

"The exclusive space of 0.1 cubic meters is more than enough to hold a few pistols and some bullets."

"The number of enemies killed by 0.1 is only 100 cubic meter. Doesn't it take [-] million enemies to kill one cubic meter?"

I used ten kill points to buy ten catties of mutton skewers, and some kill points to buy barbecue tools and seasonings.

Shan Di ate while roasting, and after drinking and eating, he rested for a few minutes, and then took a bath to practice the soul-suppressing formula.

A few hours later, he opened his eyes, cleaned his stomach, washed his face, had breakfast, and entered a room in infinite pistol mode.

"When you are lucky, you can kill more than a dozen per second. When you are unlucky, you can kill more than ten seconds. On average, it is about one per second, [-] per hour, and each enemy can kill one enemy."

"Fighting for 100 hours a day, in this way, the number of kills is 27 a day, and the number of kills is more than [-] million in a year. At the end of the struggle, the number of kills is only [-] billion?"

Thinking of the 110 billion kills needed to forge the exclusive weapon to [-]%, Shangdi was immediately depressed.

"Go and see the rooms of other modes first."

Entering a room in blasting mode, he found that the number of enemies killed and game currency rewards were the same as those in the police-robbery mode, and he entered a room for rescuing hostages
"Only biochemical mode and team battle mode are left."

Shandi, who is single-handed, has neither joined the team nor the corps, so he has no way to experience the team battle mode for the time being.

In desperation, he entered a room in biochemical mode.

"Brothers, buy more rockets and grenades." The player nicknamed 'Zombie Killer' bought a rocket launcher, three rockets, an assault rifle, ten magazine clips, and five high-explosive grenades.

If it weren't for his limited physical strength, he would have bought more weapons and ammunition.

Shandy sold his weapons and bought a new sniper rifle and a pistol, five clips full of sniper bullets, ten clips full of pistol bullets, and ten high-explosive grenades.

At the beginning of the game, more than [-] fully armed players left the arms store together.

"Brother, help me." The zombie killer said.

"I'll send you up first, and then you pull me up." The player nicknamed 'Coroner' said.

"En." The zombie killer responded.

"You are too heavy, put down the weapon first," said the coroner.

Looking at the players who were helping each other to climb the wall, Shandy took a few steps back, pretending to run and jump, and in the blink of an eye, he climbed onto the wall more than four meters high.

"Brother, help drag me up." The player nicknamed 'Rage' shouted expectantly.

Shandy dragged him up with a sniper rifle.

A few minutes later, zombies jumped over from a distance.

"Brothers, kill them." The zombie killer yelled.

For a while, rockets and high-explosive grenades flew towards the zombie group in the distance like a torrential rain.

There were earth-shattering explosions one after another, and countless dust was blown up from the ground.

Aiming at a zombie's head, Shandy pulled the trigger.

The bullets fired out directly smashed the zombie's head to pieces.

"The smallest primary zombie has a hundred kills?"

Finding that the number of kills has increased by one hundred, Shang Di was overjoyed.

Zombies in biochemical mode are divided into primary zombies, intermediate zombies, and advanced zombies.

Turn the muzzle of the gun and pull the trigger one after another, and each little zombie becomes a headless corpse.

"Kill one plus one hundred, kill all the little zombies first."

Shandi, who was calculating, did not attack the mid-level zombies and high-level zombies.

If the player is scratched by a zombie, it will turn into a zombie.

He killed the middle-level zombies and high-level zombies in seconds, but there were no new small zombies.

Every player who is scratched by a zombie will transform into a zombie.

Shandi is a god of marksmanship, relying on the additional ability of the gunshen system, he can kill a zombie with every shot.

Additional abilities such as body fragmentation, qi breaking, soul extinguishing, killing diameter, and defense breaking ability are very powerful.

If he hadn't lowered some additional abilities, even advanced zombies would be smashed into scum by a single bullet from him.

The sound of gunshots and explosions was endless, and the zombies fell to the ground one by one.

Players who are touched by zombies transform into zombies one after another.

"Killing a mid-level zombie, you can actually get a thousand kill points."

"Kill an advanced zombie, and the number of enemies killed will increase by [-] points."

"Zombies are worth more than players, so I will only fight zombies in the future."

At the end of a game, Shandy earned more than 8000 kills.

At the beginning of the game, there is only one advanced zombie, nine intermediate zombies, and 81 junior zombies.

In less than 10 minutes, he earned [-] kill points. Shandi was pleasantly surprised to find that the income from killing zombies was [-] times that of the infinite pistol mode, which was [-] times higher than that of the infinite knife battle mode. Seventy times.

Before the second round of the game was over, he was voted out of the room.

The zombies were all killed by him, and the rest of the people failed to kill the zombies, who would not kick him?
After changing his nickname, Shandi entered another biochemical mode room and continued to collect the number of kills.

"Play a round in each room, kill all the zombies and leave, change your nickname and continue killing!"

The record that other players care about is of no use to him.

Every time you change your nickname, you need [-] game coins, and your record will be cleared.

Entering the mode of fighting between police and robbers, Shangdi can earn more than 1 game coins in one game.

The game currency is easy to come by, and he doesn't care about his record, so why not change his nickname?
"A round of biochemical mode takes half an hour, and a round of police and bandit combat mode lasts 10 minutes. You can earn 10 kills in [-] minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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