Chapter 7
The earth-shattering sound of earth artillery explosions not only attracted the zombies at the station, but also attracted the zombies from the surrounding supermarkets, squares, and residential buildings.

Looking at the densely packed zombies, Shandi felt that there were at least 1 zombies.

After a while, a large group of zombies gathered downstairs.

Shandy pulled out his pistol, aimed at the heads of the zombies, and kept pulling the trigger.

The gunshots of bang bang bang were endless, and the zombies were reduced to corpses one by one.

In less than 10 minutes, he squandered all the bullets in the 65 pistol.

After loading the empty guns, Shandy shot the zombies downstairs again.

"The number of enemies killed has risen to 5374 points."

Rubbing his sore hands, Shangdi exchanged sixteen pills after thinking about it.

Take a elixir, practice iron cloth shirt, eat another elixir, and practice iron cloth shirt
"The strength has changed to 5.5, and this time it has increased by 0.7?"

Iron cloth shirts focus on improving defense, and the effect of increasing strength is not good.

After moving his body, Shandy came to the rooftop and continued to shoot zombies.

If the left hand is tired, switch to the right hand to shoot, and if the right hand is tired, switch to the left hand to shoot.

Empty the 65 pistol, reload the bullet, and shoot the zombies downstairs again.

The recoil of the pistol is not very strong. For Shandi with a strength of 5.5, the recoil of the pistol is negligible.

"Some people can load bullets and change magazines with one hand, and I will try it too."

With this in mind, Shangdi exchanged dozens of boxes of ammunition, and while shooting zombies, he loaded the ammunition with his left hand.

"It's just that the speed is a little slower. Practice makes perfect. If you practice more, the speed will be faster."

Ten minutes later, Shandy shot with his left hand and loaded the bullet with his right.

"9562 kills, only 400 points away from [-] kills."

He continued to kill until about nine o'clock in the evening, when he saw that all the zombies downstairs were dead, Shangdi stopped.

"13316 kills, first add one life."

In one thought, the number of enemies killed plummeted by [-] points, and Shangdi gained one more life.

"If you die, you can be resurrected. It's much easier now."

"The second exchange of life requires [-] kills."

After thinking for a while, Shangdi exchanged 32 pills, and then cultivated the iron cloth shirt to the sixth floor.

"Strength increased by 0.9, from 5.5 to 6.4."

After rubbing his shriveled stomach, Shandi exchanged a portion of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, a portion of cold kelp shreds, and a portion of rice.

"The stairwell is blocked by zombies, fill your stomach first, and then kill them out."

The quality of the iron gate on the roof is not good, so no one can say whether it can block the impact of zombies.

He didn't want the zombies to break open the iron door after he fell asleep.

Besides, the sound made by the zombies hitting the door will also affect his rest, won't it?

The last time he slept on the roof, he couldn't sleep well because the zombies kept banging on the door.

After filling his stomach with great food, Shandi opened the iron gate and killed the zombies rushing to the rooftop one by one.

"It's more than 300 kills, not bad."

Seeing that there were no zombies rushing to the rooftop, Shandy went down the stairs.

With night vision ability, even in the dark, he can see hundreds of meters.

Riding a bicycle, he came to another residential building, and Shandy went to the top floor.

After knocking on the door and confirming that no one was there, he kicked open the wooden door.

Move things to block the door of the house, and the dove occupies the magpie's nest and stays for one night.

"Have a bowl of rice noodles with braised fat intestines."

In a flash, a large bowl of rice noodle with fat sausage appeared in front of Shangdi.

"The aroma is strong, there are so many fat intestines, and there are also a lot of coriander, I want to eat it just looking at it."

After finishing breakfast in a leisurely manner, Shandi opened the door and went out.

He rode a bicycle and ran all the way, smashing zombies to death with black iron guns from time to time.

With a strength of 6.4, he found it more convenient to hit zombies with a black iron gun.

With one shot, the zombie's head will bloom, and the number of enemies killed will increase a little.

How can it be convenient to use a gun to stab a zombie in the head?

The slow zombies can be dealt with with one shot.

It is obviously a waste of time to stab the zombie's head with a gun and then pull out the gun.

Smash vertically, smash horizontally, hit a target, hit a zombie, and kill a few enemies with a hit.

"After a busy day, I only killed more than 1000 zombies."

"I'm lucky today, I killed more than 2000 zombies."

"After ten hours of hard work, I earned more than 2000 kills."

A few days later, Shandy came outside a university.

"There are so many zombies in the school, and they can make a lot of money."

Shan Di, holding a black iron gun, smashed zombies to death one by one, and rushed to the roof of a teaching building.

Close the door and lock it, and fire cannons to attract zombies.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, he took the trouble to shoot and kill zombies.

"More than 1 kills, how about improving your strength and agility first?"

Consume 3.0 kill points to increase strength and agility by [-].

"Strength 9.4, Dexterity 6.7, I have become stronger again."

"Seven to nine times to increase a certain attribute, the number of 1.0 kills will increase by [-]."

"Bang bang bang" rapid gunfire sounded non-stop.

The zombies fell to the ground one by one, and the number of his kills increased accordingly.

"The ammunition capacity is too small, increase the ammunition capacity a little."

The number of [-] kills disappeared, and the ammunition capacity increased by ten points.

Originally, the magazine of the pistol could only hold [-] bullets, but now it can hold [-] bullets.

"The price hasn't been raised yet. When the number of enemies killed increases, increase the ammunition capacity."

I exchanged dozens of boxes of pistol ammunition, and filled empty guns with bullets.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, Shangdi tirelessly pulled the trigger.

Bullets shot down one after another, and zombies were reduced to corpses one by one.

There used to be more than 6 teachers and students in his current university, and more than 4 of them turned into zombies.

"There are more than 1 kills."

After thinking about it, Shandi changed the direction of the bullet and upgraded it by ten levels.

"Automatically correct [-] centimeters, the hit rate is higher."

Bullet redirection has been upgraded from level [-] to level [-], and Shandy is more confident in his marksmanship.

Not long after, holding a gun in one hand, he attacked two zombies at the same time.

"Sixty bullets are fired, and 47 zombies are killed."

Changing to two fully loaded pistols, Shandy continued to shoot and kill the zombies downstairs.

"Sixty bullets killed 53 zombies, not bad."

"Sixty bullets killed 57 zombies, good."

"One bullet and one zombie, the hit rate is [-]%."

Within the range of the pistol, it has been able to hit every shot. Shandi put away the pistol and took out the assault rifle.

"The ammunition capacity of the pistol and assault rifle has increased by ten, and the ammunition capacity of the sniper rifle should have also increased."

Rapid gunshots rang out forty times, correspondingly, there were forty more corpses downstairs.

"More than 7000 kills, upgrade the iron cloth shirt to a level."

After exchanging 64 elixirs, Shangdi swallowed the elixirs again and again, and practiced iron cloth shirt again and again.

"The seventh layer of the iron shirt, my defense has been greatly improved."

"Strength increased by 1.2, strength reached 10.6."

From day to night, and from night to day.
I don't know how long it took, but there were no more zombies downstairs that could move.

Looking at the mountains of corpses, Shangdi felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"With 14567 kills, the iron cloth shirt can be upgraded to another level."

After exchanging 120 eight pills, Shangdi trained the iron cloth shirt to the eighth floor.

"The power has increased by 1.5, and with 250 six pills, the iron cloth shirt can be raised to the highest level."

Shandi, whose strength had risen to 12.1, kicked the iron gate flying, and a group of zombies were hit by the iron gate.

Retire to the rooftop, wait for the zombies to rush to the top of the building, and Shangdi starts killing all directions again.

"1765 kills, what can I exchange for?"

"Iron shirts increase defense and also increase strength."

"See if there is any way to improve agility. The exchange of attributes is getting more and more expensive."

With the help of elixir, Iron Cloth can be quickly completed, and most of the other exercises are no exception.

In addition to enhancing the defense, the iron shirt can also increase strength. It is more cost-effective to practice skills than to exchange attributes.

(End of this chapter)

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