Chapter 59
Shandi, who is nearly fifty years old, looks only in his 20s, and it is normal for the other party to call him a young man.

"The poor Taoist Zhang Qiang comes from the Qingshan Taoist Temple." Zhang Qiang introduced himself.

After chatting with the place for a while, Shangdi asked expectantly, "Daozhang Zhang, can I learn Taoism from you?"

Zhang Qiang fell into a dilemma, and declined politely: "The young hero is powerful, why do you need to practice Taoism?"

"Daozhang Zhang, I am eager to seek the Tao, can you give me some advice?" Shang Di didn't want to give up easily. Over the years, he met a total of three Taoist priests, and the other two Taoist priests turned and left without giving him a chance to speak.

Taoist priests in the current world have a total of three realms, from low to high, they are body refining, qi refining, and god refining.

"Cultivation requires talent." After Zhang Qiang finished speaking, he took out a test spirit bead.

Shan Di held the test spirit bead with his hand, but the bead didn't respond.

Zhang Qiang was overjoyed, and said with a regretful expression: "Shang Shaoxia, you have no talent for cultivation."

Shang Di was dubious, unwilling to reconcile, and asked directly: "Zhang Daochang, I want to buy your exercises."

"My major cultivation method comes from Qingshan Taoist Temple, so I can't sell it to you." Zhang Qiang said helplessly.

"Zhang Daochang, do you have any exercises that do not belong to Qingshan Taoist Temple, I will pay 1 taels of silver!" Shang Di said again.

Zhang Qiang, who was about to refuse, suddenly realized that he had an ancient kung fu that he couldn't practice. I don't know if it was for the 1 taels of silver, or to thank the other party, so he took out a jade slip from his arms.

"This is?" Shandi asked thoughtfully.

"I got this Zixiao Shenlei Jue by chance." Zhang Qiang said.

The money and the goods are settled, and they leave separately.

Not knowing the words in the jade slips, Shangdi had to use the blood value.

After one hundred blood points, he learned the characters in the jade slips.

There are a total of 27 layers in the Zixiao Shenlei Jue, and it has been cultivated to the highest level, and its strength is comparable to that of a god.

"In the system, I can't find the corresponding pill, so I can only practice this technique by myself?"

Shang Di felt that he possessed the physique of an electric eel and mastered the power of lightning, which was very suitable for practicing the Thunder Art of the Purple Sky God.

After practicing for a while, he made no progress and stopped helplessly.

"The wind and thunder kung fu is too strong, and the power of thunder that has been cultivated has been swallowed up by the true energy of wind and thunder."

The depressed Shangdi weighed the pros and cons and gave up the idea of ​​self-abolishment.

In the current world, the energy of the world is limited, and the corresponding pills cannot be bought. Even if he switches to the Zixiao Shenlei Jue, his final strength will not exceed what he is now. Instead of wasting time, it is better to earn more energy and blood value.

He still has fourteen life reserves, so he can practice Zixiao Shenlei Jue in his next life.

Having memorized the Zixiao Shenlei Jue by heart, Shangdi once again embarked on the journey of killing demons and ghosts.

It took more than two months before I knew it.

After touching his hair, Shangdi took out a comb and black iron scissors, and skillfully cut himself a short inch.

When he first cut his own hair, he always cut his head. In order not to affect his image, he shaved his head bald. Over time, he learned how to cut himself a good-looking short.

When night fell, Shangdi took the underwear and coats bought with blood points and distributed them to Ruyue and the others.

"Skin white and beautiful, black long hair, round and slender legs. Versatile."

To dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandy practiced marksmanship for a while.

After wandering outside for more than five years, he returned to Youzhou City with his four daughters.

After staying with his parents for more than half a year, Shangdi went out with Kisaragi and the others to hunt demons and ghosts.

"More than 6000 million blood points, first increase the additional ability."

Shandi, who was riding on horseback, began to squander his vitality.

Consuming 1000 million blood points, the broken body changed from thirty points to forty points.

"It looks coordinated now."

Fragmented Body has increased by ten points, reaching forty points just like Broken Qi and Miehun.

Smashed 500 million blood points, the change in length increased to [-] centimeters, the change in hardness increased to [-] points, the change in weight increased to [-] kilograms, the change in toughness increased to [-] points, and the change in sharpness increased to [-] points .

"The hardness, toughness, sharpness, and weight of wooden spears are comparable to black iron spears."

Consuming 90 blood points, the shooting frequency increased by another [-] shots per second.

"Turn on the additional shooting frequency. In theory, the pistol can fire a thousand bullets per second. No, to be more precise, plus the shooting frequency of the pistol itself, it is obviously more than a thousand bullets per second."

"With my current reaction speed, I can pull the trigger more than thirty times per second. When my strength improves, the rate of fire can be even faster. When my strength reaches a certain level, I can fire a thousand shots per second." Second-rate."

Continuing to upgrade the killing diameter, the value of 1000 million qi and blood increased by one centimeter, which he was reluctant to part with.

After thinking about it, Shangdi used 550 million blood points to increase his vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch by nine points. So far, his five attributes have exceeded 36 points.

"There are still more than 4000 million blood points, what to increase?"

To increase the killing diameter by another ten centimeters requires [-] million blood points, and to increase any item of broken body, broken breath, and soul destruction by ten points also requires [-] million blood points. Shangdi began to increase the effective range.

The eyesight has been improved, and you can see farther, and the effective range should be improved.

Using 900 million blood points, he increased the effective range by [-] meters.

In addition to the previous increase of [-] meters, the effective range has increased by a total of [-] meters.

"One mile is 500 meters, one hundred thousand meters equals two hundred miles, and one shot can only hit two hundred miles? No, the environmental impact has been reduced by [-]%. Let alone one shot that can hit eight hundred miles, even if you hit the sun with a gun, there is no harm question!"

Get rid of the messy thoughts, consume 900 million blood points, and increase the bullet speed by another [-] meters per second.

With 2000 blood points of 22, he increased both Tian Ya Zhi Zhi and bullet redirection by [-] centimeters.

"The effective range is 150 meters, the bullet speed is [-] meters per second, the bullet capacity is [-], the noise and flame are [-]% eliminated, the environment (air resistance, gravity, etc.) is [-]% eliminated, and the distance is [-] cm."

"The bullet redirects 150 centimeters, the ability to break the defense reaches the level of a magic soldier, the killing diameter is [-] centimeters, the shooting frequency is [-] times per second, the length changes by [-] centimeters, the weight changes by [-] kilograms, and the toughness changes."

Looking at the data on the gunshen system, Shandi couldn't help laughing.

"I've used up all the energy and blood I've saved over the years."

After cheering up his spirits and practicing marksmanship for a while, Shangdi, who was refreshed physically and mentally, fell asleep in a good mood.

The next day, after breakfast, he took Ruyu and the others and left the county on horseback.

"There are still more than [-] years of life, earn more blood points, and upgrade additional abilities."

"My own strength has long been invincible, there is no need to waste blood."

Shandi, who was riding on horseback, used the thousand-forged black iron gun to continuously assassinate the ants on the ground.

What makes him depressed is that after killing tens of thousands of ants, not only did he not get the ant physique, but he also didn't get the blood value.

"Just practice marksmanship. If one day I get lucky, I may not be able to get the talent of great strength."

Time is like running water, and 15 years have passed quietly.

Shangdi, who had saved [-] million qi and blood, used [-] million qi and blood to increase the broken body, broken qi, and soul destruction by ten points, and used [-] million qi and blood to increase the killing diameter by [-] centimeters. After a moment of contemplation, he Decided to go back to Youzhou City to spend his old age in peace.

"There are more than 900 million blood points left. If I don't improve the additional ability, it will be enough for me to use for decades."

A few months later, a group of five returned to Youzhou City.

This morning, Shandi took Kisaragi and the others to attend Master's funeral.

Although Chen Tiannan had achieved innate talent, he had many hidden wounds on his body. He passed away not long after he turned 96 years old.

Shangdi, who was a little sad, offered three sticks of incense to the master, and chatted with the descendants of the master for a while.

Back in the Shang Mansion, he used his Qi and blood to buy medical knowledge in the current world.

Usually study medical skills, practice marksmanship, learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and occasionally go out for a stroll in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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