Chapter 54
To cheer up, Shang Di sold the house and hurried to Shang's Restaurant.

Three days ago, when his master Chen Tiannan was transferred away, he was asked to go to Youzhou to participate in the Silver Clothes Guard assessment.

After discussing with his parents, within three days, the owner of Shang's Restaurant changed.

The restaurant bought for a few hundred taels of silver is now sold for more than 3000 taels.

It's not that the house price has risen, it's just that the business of the restaurant is so good that no one will take it over.

Together with my parents, I packed my luggage and headed to Zhoucheng in a carriage.

The demons and ghosts with a radius of more than 100 kilometers in Shiniu County were killed by him. In a short period of time, the number of new monsters and ghosts must be very small.

Living in Youzhou City is safer than living in Shiniu County.

With his current strength, he is not afraid of ghosts and ghosts, but the safety of his parents has to be considered.

Over the years, Shangdi has saved 10,000+ taels, and his parents have earned more than 3 taels.

"The restaurant that has been in operation for more than ten years has been sold after changing hands, hey!" Shang Hu sighed.

"Father, let's go to Zhoucheng to buy a bigger restaurant." Shang Di laughed.

"Go to Zhoucheng this time, and settle your marriage as soon as possible." Li Jie said.

"Your marriage should have been settled long ago." Shang Hu echoed.

"Isn't it because I didn't meet the right one?" Shan Di said bravely.In his previous life, he had three wives and four sons. Even now, thinking about it, he still regrets it. His longing for his family has been wiped out by time.

As a human being for four lifetimes, even if the memory is good, he will naturally forget some people and certain things.

"Your father and I got married when I was 17 years old, so I had you." Shang Hu recalled.

In today's world, it is normal to get married and have children at the age of fourteen or fifteen.

"Father, I'm only 17 years old. I'm still very young. There's no need to rush into getting married." Shan Di said casually.

Near noon, the carriage stopped on the side of the official road.

After eating and resting for a while, the group of three continued on their way.

Not long after, a demon bear rushed down from the hillside on the right.

Shang Di grabbed the Thousand Refinement Black Iron Spear and rushed towards it as fast as the wind.

With a single shot, the demon bear's head was pierced through, and the body fell to the ground with a crash.

"For a demon bear at the level of a demon, a bear skin can be sold for more than a dozen taels of silver, and a bear paw can be sold for three taels of silver." Shang Hu took out a dagger, and was about to cut the bear skin and bear paw.

Shangdi used the gun as a knife, and used the knife technique as fast as lightning.

The sharp edge of the spear tip can easily cut through the bear's skin and cut off the bear's paw.

"I didn't expect your marksmanship to be so powerful." Shang Hu was both surprised and delighted.

After dealing with the bear skin and paws, he rushed to Youzhou city.

When the sun was setting, I found a place with a wide view to rest.

After dinner, the parents went into the carriage to rest, and Shandy sat outside.

A few hours later, Shang Hu came out and said, "Go to sleep, I'll keep watch."

"Father, go and rest. With my current cultivation, it's fine to stay awake for more than ten days." Shang Di laughed.

In desperation, Shang Hu returned to rest in the carriage.

In the dead of night, the sound of gongs and locks came from far and near.

"If you die, don't go to reincarnation, and welcome your relatives with great fanfare. Don't waste the blood value that comes to your door."

Looking at more than 100 ghosts from far and near, Shandi took out his pistol and kept pulling the trigger.

Under ten o'clock soul extinction, the little ghost shoots one shot at a time, and the big ghost shoots one at ten shots.

The ghost king who rushed out of the sedan chair resisted more than 100 bullets, and then disappeared.

The bullet has the ability to destroy the soul, even if the ghost king is shot, the soul will be damaged and will be temporarily sluggish.

"One hundred and eight little ghosts, nine big ghosts, and one ghost king earned more than 3000 blood points."

"Only monsters and ghosts can be found outside the city during the day, and very few ghosts are encountered inside the city at night."

"After passing the Silver Clothes Guard's assessment and opening the restaurant, we will try our best to earn blood points."

Walking at sunrise and resting at sunset, all the ghosts and ghosts encountered along the way were killed by Shandi's gun.

Some demons and ghosts were stabbed to death by thousand-forged black iron guns, and some demons and ghosts were killed by pistol bullets.

It took five days before they arrived at the city of Youzhou.

A soldier at the gate of the city said loudly: "The fee for entering the city is ten coppers per person, and fifty coppers per carriage."

Shandi, who didn't want to give money, took out his own token.

The soldier was shocked all over, and quickly shouted: "I have seen you, my lord!"

"Can I go in?" Shandy asked.

"My lord, please." The soldier hastily stretched out his hand to signal.

After entering the city, I found an inn to stay.

"Father, mother, I'm looking for a house." Shang Di said.

"Be careful." Shang Hu warned.

After leaving the inn, Shangdi wandered around for more than an hour, and bought a restaurant with a backyard at a high price of 8000 taels of silver.

Early the next morning, I moved from the inn to the restaurant.

Shang Hu hired a few staff, and three days later, at ten o'clock in the morning, Shang's restaurant officially opened.

After finishing the family affairs, Shangdi came to the Yinyiwei resident in Youzhou.

The residence of Yinyiwei is inside the state government office.

With ample credit, he successfully became a silver-clothed guard after passing the cultivation base assessment.

After thinking about it, Shangdi invited Master and the silver-clothed guards to drink a few drinks in his own restaurant.

Wanting to earn energy and blood, he will often go out of the city in the future, and his parents and family restaurant will have to be taken care of by his colleagues.

Shangdi, who was willing to spend money, quickly became friends with many colleagues.

Knowing that he was the head arrester of the state government, many people stopped their thoughts of causing trouble in the restaurant.

After sitting in the restaurant for more than ten days, Feng Leigong broke through to the No.11 floor.

"The wind and thunder's true energy has been reduced for three years, and the restaurant is under the care of Master and the others. It's time to go out of the city to hunt demons and ghosts."

After bidding farewell to his parents and master, Shang Di left Youzhou City alone with a thousand-forged black iron gun.

There are only more than 4 blood points left, which is 10,000+ blood points short of buying a life.

After arriving outside the city, after a few seconds of meditation, Shangdi used 21 blood points to increase vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch by three points. So far, these five attributes have exceeded [-] points.

"Sight, hearing, etc., next time you upgrade a little bit, you need [-] blood points, so don't improve it for now."

Came to a mountain, condescending him, silently looking for prey.

"It's more than 1 meters away, and with such a huge body, it should be a big monster."

Suddenly, Shandy added a pistol in his hand, aiming and pulling the trigger in one go.

The bullet flew out like lightning, and the big bird in the air was shocked, and then fell from the sky.

"More than 800 blood points in hand, looking for the next target!"

Seeing that there was no sign of the demon in the sky, Shangdi turned his gun and shot the wolf 3000 meters away.

Killing the biggest wolf with one shot, he got more than 600 blood points.

The muzzle of the gun moved, bullets shot out one by one, and the demon wolves fell down one by one.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty wolves at the level of demons turned into corpses.

"72 years of internal strength can only be transformed into one year of innate true energy. I have three years of innate true energy. If converted into internal energy, it is equivalent to six years of internal energy in 210. Refining pills is different."

"For a person with excellent talent, if he cultivates hard for one year, he can resist others for ten years. If he refines pills or elixirs, within one year, he may increase his internal strength for decades, or his innate qi for more than ten or twenty years. .”

"Warriors can increase their cultivation by taking pills and swallowing elixir. Demons and ghosts can also use elixir, flesh, and soul to increase their cultivation. Age cannot determine cultivation."

After killing the ferocious beasts, little monsters, and big monsters in sight, Shandi stepped on the treetops and left.

After walking quickly for a few minutes, he came to a mountain top again, relying on standing high and seeing far away, he kept looking for prey.

At noon, Shandi grilled some tiger demon meat on the spot, drinking beer while eating the barbecue.

"Go back every three days, live in the wild at night, maybe you can meet ghosts."

Shangdi, who was full of food and drink, walked towards another hilltop like flying.

(End of this chapter)

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