Chapter 5
Pulling out the safety pin, Shandy dropped the grenade worth ten kills.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the stumps and broken bodies flew in all directions.

Hearing the movement, the zombies ran over from all directions.

Shandy aimed at the head of a zombie and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The fired bullet hit the zombie's right arm.

"The distance is too far, let's shoot closer."

At a distance of less than 30 meters, none of the zombies hit the head, and Shangdi smiled wryly.

When the zombies gathered in groups, he aimed and fired again.

"The hit rate is not bad, hit the active target."

Relatively stationary targets can be shot one by one, so Shangdi decided to hit moving targets.

After killing all the zombies downstairs, his kill count rose to 450 three points.

The soreness in his arm was unbearable. After thinking about it, Shandy added 2.0 strength and 1.0 agility.

"The first three opportunities to exchange strength and agility have been used up. The next time you exchange strength or agility, you need to kill [-] points."

The number of kills at [-] points disappeared, and Shangdi, whose strength soared, then shot and killed the zombies.

Not long after, he used [-] kill points to buy two elixirs to assist in the cultivation of iron shirts.

After taking a elixir, he cultivated the iron cloth shirt.

"The second layer has not been practiced yet, continue."

"The second layer of the iron cloth shirt has been practiced."

The first layer of the Iron Cloth shirt uses one pill, and the second layer uses two pills. If the number is doubled, the third layer needs four pills, and the fourth layer needs eight pills.
"According to the double increase, if the iron cloth shirt has cultivated to the ninth floor, it will take 5 pills, which is equivalent to [-] kills. It is not easy to kill more than [-] zombies."

"Strength increased by 0.2 to 4.0. Dexterity is still 3.7"

To dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandi tirelessly disassembled and assembled the pistol.

After thoroughly familiarizing himself with the parts of the pistol, he thought for a few minutes and exchanged for a string of earth cannons (firecrackers).

He took out the lighter and lit the firecrackers, and threw them downstairs.

Earth-shattering explosions spread to the surroundings again and again.

"The sound of the earth cannon is still loud, and it can be called the ultimate artifact to attract zombies."

"Ten kills count as a grenade, and one hit counts as a string of cannons. It was a big loss just now!"

Finding that the sound of the earth cannon exploding was several times louder than that of the grenade, Shandi couldn't help laughing.

The zombies with a radius of several thousand meters instinctively ran over after hearing the sound of the earth artillery.

Walking around the roof, looking at the zombies around, it is estimated that there are thousands of them.

"You're getting rich now, let's do it!"

When the zombies gathered in groups, Shangdi took the trouble to pull the trigger.

Zombies became dead one by one, and the number of enemies killed increased little by little.

The faster the shooting speed, the lower the hit rate.

"In the case of ensuring the hit rate, try to increase the rate of fire."

Quick standard, quick shot, one by one bullets lasing down.

Before he knew it, the corpses on the ground were piled up more than three meters high.

Shangdi walked more than ten meters to the right, and the stupid zombie followed him for more than ten meters.

Several layers of corpses were created, and he moved a few more meters.

"The number of kills is more than 1000 points, let's practice first."

After exchanging four pills, Shangdi practiced iron cloth shirt for a while.

"Four elixirs were used on the third floor, no accident, it should be doubled."

"The iron cloth shirt is raised from the second floor to the third floor, and the strength has increased by 0.3."

Seeing that he still had 873 kills, Shangdi redirected the bullets and raised them to level eight.

"Automatically correct eight centimeters. I thought about hitting the enemy's eyebrows. As long as the bullet hits no more than eight centimeters away from the eyebrows, the bullet will hit the eyebrows. Automatically correct eight centimeters. This ability is too strong."

Calming down, Shandy pulled the trigger again and again.

"When the bullet redirection is upgraded to level 50, the point of impact will be automatically corrected by one meter. It's easy to hit a hundred shots. Even if the effective range exceeds [-] meters, it still has a high hit rate."

After killing hundreds of zombies in a row, Shandi redirected the bullets and raised them two levels.

"After the bullet is changed to level ten, it will cost one thousand kills to level up, which is too expensive."

"Automatically correct ten centimeters, my hit rate is higher."

After eating a meal worth three kills, Shandy shot the zombies again.

He didn't stop until his arms were sore and unbearable.

He exchanged eight pills, took the pills again and again, and practiced the iron cloth shirt again and again.

"The fourth floor of the iron shirt is done, and the number of kills is only 375 points."

"Iron cloth shirt is raised from the third floor to the fourth floor, and the strength has increased by 0.5?"

Shangdi, whose strength has risen to 4.8, feels like he is resurrected with full blood.

Come to the edge of the balcony and keep shooting the zombies downstairs.

Before the sun set, he had killed all the zombies downstairs.

"The number of enemies killed is 1432 points, and the storage space is increased by one cubic meter."

In one thought, the number of enemies killed decreased by 1000, and the volume of the storage space doubled.

"The storage space of two cubic meters is enough for me for the time being."

After pondering for a few seconds, Shandy exchanged for a sniper rifle.

"The effective range is 2000 meters, and the caliber of the bullet is 10.5 mm. It is no problem to fight zombies, but it is not good to fight armor."

Shangdi, who had nothing to do, studied the item exchange page of the Gunslinger system again.

"A box of sixty pistol bullets, only a few kills?"

"A box of rifle bullets also has [-] bullets, so it only needs a few kills?"

"A box of [-] sniper bullets only needs a few kills?"

Shandi, who secretly complained that he was at a disadvantage, bought twenty boxes of pistol ammunition in one go.

Came to the gun stack on the edge of the roof, took off the clip of a pistol, and loaded bullets one by one.

"Sixty loaded pistols, plus four spare pistols."

Looking at the remaining empty guns, Shandy frowned.

"There are too many empty guns. If someone finds out, it will definitely be a big trouble."

The iron door at the top of the stairs was locked by him. It doesn't mean that there are no helicopters flying through the sky.

Looking around, Shandi threw all the empty guns on the ground into the water tank.

"Climbing walls and jumping are very useful, and they must be practiced."

After rushing forward, jumping and grabbing, Shandy came to the water tank more than four meters high.

"Strength of 4.8, agility of 3.7, plus my body is thin, and my ability to climb walls is a bit shocking."

Jumping off the tank, Shandy tested his jumping abilities.

"As long as you are careful, all the zombies you have encountered so far are nothing to be afraid of."

Take the rope from the storage compartment and secure it to the top of the tank.

"I can climb up the rope with only my hands and no feet."

After practicing abseiling for a while, Shandi stopped thinking about gains and losses.

His strength has changed from 0.7 to 4.8, his agility has changed from 0.7 to 3.7, and he has learned skills such as wall climbing, rope climbing, and abseiling.

"I had a extravagant meal at noon, spent three kills, and then ate the food from the supermarket at night."

Take out two breads, two bags of beef, two bottles of beer, and one bag of peanuts.
After eating and drinking, Shandy lay on a brand new quilt, watching the twinkling stars while smoking a cigarette.

"Is this the movie world? Or the real world?"

Just when Shandy was thinking wildly, there was a croaking sound.


Following the sound, Shandi didn't see anything.

"It's too dark."

Pulling out the sniper rifle and using the scope, Shandy spotted a crow.

"The distance is more than 500 meters, kill it!"

Aiming at the crow on the roof in the distance, Shandi resolutely pulled the trigger.

The bullet turned to level ten, and the point of impact was automatically corrected by ten centimeters. The crow was beaten to pieces.

"If you're lucky, even the door panels can't stop you, so you won't be afraid of the dark now."

Shangdi, who got the night vision ability, couldn't help laughing.

A sniper rifle with an effective range of 2000 meters attacked a crow more than 500 meters away, but he missed it.

Fortunately, the point of impact was automatically corrected by ten centimeters, and the bullet sent the crow to the west.

Ten minutes later, when he heard a dog barking from downstairs, Shandy turned over again.

With one shot, a dog that was not on a leash was beaten to pieces by him.

"Didn't get the ability."

Depressed, Shandy aimed at another dog that was eating the carcass.

After killing a dozen wild dogs, he only got a dozen kills.

"Is there a cat?"

Shandi, who heard the meowing of the cat, searched expectantly.

While the feral cat was crouching still, he pulled the trigger.

The fired bullet hit the wild cat's body under the redirection of the bullet.

 seek investment
(End of this chapter)

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