Chapter 430

"Sharp thinking and good eyesight, you are suitable to be a policeman." Liu Qiang laughed.

"I'm just lucky." Shandy said calmly.

"It's good to be neither arrogant nor impetuous." Liu Qiang nodded.

The murder weapon was found and the murderer confessed. After confirming the murder weapon, Qin Liang wrote a report directly.

After get off work, Shandy went to get a license plate for the motorcycle.

The next morning, the second team came to take over.

"You can get off work. Tonight, I'll treat everyone to hot pot." Liu Qiang said with a smile.

"Thank you Team Liu." Everyone was overjoyed.

Liu Qiang took the case report, knocked on the door and walked into the team leader's office.

Hao Zhengyi, the leader of the serious crime team, asked, "What's the matter?"

"Team leader, this is the final report of last night's homicide." Liu Qiang smiled.

"You closed the murder case that happened last night?" Hao Zhengyi was on the spot in a daze.

"It's all due to the new auxiliary policeman Shangdi," Liu Qiang said about the situation.

"This is amazing." Hao Zhengyi couldn't believe it.

"In the kidnapping case that day, he also knocked out the robber." Liu Qiang laughed.

"Isn't the robber Xu Sheng a warrior of the flesh and blood realm?" Hao Zhengyi asked.

"I didn't expect to recruit a talent with both civil and military skills." Liu Qiang felt a little complacent.

"There are three establishments left in our bureau, how about giving him one?" Hao Zhengyi said.

"Talents like Shang Di should stay in the police station." Liu Qiang agreed.

"You ask him to study a correspondence course." Hao Zhengyi said.

"En." Liu Qiang nodded in response.

"Okay, you go back." Hao Zhengyi said.

"En." Liu Qiang responded, turned and walked out.

I will be off today and tomorrow, and I will go to the morning shift the day after tomorrow. After working for six days, I can finally rest.

If the murder case last night was not solved, he would have to work overtime.

In the 48 hours after the incident, it is easiest to find clues and catch the murderer.

After 48 hours, it was very difficult to find clues.

No clues were found within a week of the incident, and the probability of solving the case is almost zero.

Monitoring in many places can only be kept for a week.
When he came to the gate of Yujing Villa, Shangdi was stopped.

The security guard at the door changed shift and didn't know he was the owner.

"Who are you looking for?" the security guard asked.

"I'm going home on the 27th," Shandy said.

The security guard asked for his name and phone number before opening the door.

The clothes of the auxiliary police are similar to the clothes of the security guards, there is not much difference.

It's not the uniform of a formal police officer, and he's riding a motorcycle, so it's no wonder he wasn't stopped.

Which owner of the Yujing villa area isn't a car worth tens of millions?

After going home to take a shower and eat, Shandy slept until 05:30.

Leave the villa on foot and take a car to a self-service hot pot restaurant.

Sixty per person, free beer and drinks, the price is still cheap.

"Eat whatever you want." Liu Qiang said with a smile.

"Liu team, I just came here, today's meal, I invite you." Shang Di said.

"If you say I'll invite you, I'll invite you. It won't be too late to treat you after you get paid." Liu Qiang laughed.

"Yeah." Shandy replied.

"If you don't get drunk today, you won't go home. Let's have a drink." Liu Qiang picked up the wine glass.

The case of the Serious Case Team [-] has been closed, and they can have a day off tomorrow, and they are fine if they are drunk.

After drinking the beer in the glass, Shandy poured another glass and made a round of toasts one by one.

Eating food, drinking, smoking, and chatting, it took more than two hours before I knew it.

Liu Qiang settled the bill, and everyone left separately.

After returning home, Shang Di entered the Hongmeng Universe, and saw that his family members were all practicing, so he dodged back outside.

"Cultivation has no time, and it has been a thousand years in the blink of an eye. Find a partner in this world?"

"A man who is physically and mentally healthy cannot be indifferent to beautiful women."

"I'm not a hypocrite. If I meet the right one, I can take it down."

To dispel the rising evil thoughts, Shandi brewed a pot of spiritual tea and started playing computer games.

"By the way, Team Liu asked me to study a correspondence course and find a university online."

Turn off the stand-alone game, and Shandy searches for correspondence universities.

"A one-year undergraduate degree is suitable for me. If you sign up and pay for the exam, you can get it done in one year."

After pondering secretly for a moment, he decided to study computer science at Liangjiang University.

The next morning, Shangdi rode a motorcycle and went straight to Liangjiang University.

I called the admissions office, signed up to pay the tuition fee, and left with the textbooks.

The next time you come to take an exam, as long as you pass the exam, you can get a diploma.

Correspondence diplomas are not easy to find a job, but Tianyuanguo recognizes correspondence diplomas, at least officially.

Riding back to the villa, Shandy planned to buy a four-wheeled car.

When he came to the Motor City and looked around, he bought a domestic seven-seater off-road vehicle.

"There are only about 170 million deposits left."

Being idle and bored, he copied novels on the computer after returning home.

"In this world there are no Jin Lao, Gu Gu, Liang Lao, and Wo Lao. Copying novels has a future."

"I have read countless novels, and I have read many, many novels of various types."

From five o'clock in the evening to six o'clock in the morning, he finished the martial arts novel with more than 100 million words.

Register an author account, upload three chapters, and then Shandy rides to the police station.

"See, our bureau is the best auxiliary policeman!" said a police officer.

"It's him? So young?" Another police officer was stunned.

Shandi, who became famous in one case, has an extra nickname of the best auxiliary policeman.

For the homicide case in Liyuan Community, let alone an auxiliary policeman, even an experienced old policeman, or even a detective, would find it difficult to find the murderer and the murder weapon within half an hour.

The shoe prints that were not found by the forensic doctor were discovered by an auxiliary policeman
"Shang Di, have you signed up yet?" Liu Qiang asked.

"Yes," Shandy replied.

"Which school? What major?" Liu Qiang asked again.

"Liangjiang University, majoring in computer science." Shang Di said.

"Are you confident that you have passed the test?" Liu Qiang asked again.

"My computer is not bad, it should be fine." Shandy nodded.

"How much is the tuition?" Liu Qiang asked.

"More than 600." Shang Di said.

"Junior or undergraduate?" Liu Qiang asked.

"Undergraduate," Shandy replied.

"How many years?" Liu Qiang then asked.

"One year," Shandy said.

"One year?" Liu Qiang frowned.

"One year, two years, three years, four years," Shandy said.

"One year undergraduate, can you pass the exam?" Liu Qiang asked.

"I usually like to read books." Shandi said.

Chatted for a while, stayed up until twelve o'clock, and went to the cafeteria for lunch.

There was no case in the afternoon, and Shandy sat on a chair, reading a book seriously.

He flipped through a book on criminal investigation line by line.

Now it is working time, reading other books, the influence is not good.

Now that the Internet is developed and people's hearts are separated, he doesn't want to ask for trouble.

If he didn't want to keep a low profile, it would be fine to read every page.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the second team came to take over, and the first team got off work and left.

"Eight hours a day, six days off and two days off, I feel pretty good."

Not long after leaving the police station, Shandy met an acquaintance.

"Xiao Shang, are you a security guard?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's not a security guard, it's an auxiliary police officer." Shang Di said.

"Is it related?" Chen Xiang asked thoughtfully.

"The police station is recruiting, and I applied for it. I was lucky and passed the exam." Shang Di said casually.

"How about the salary?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Three thousand and five thousand a month." Shandi said.

"Five insurances and one housing fund, three thousand and five a month, plus bonuses." Chen Xiang laughed.

"I don't know if there is any." Shandi prevaricated. He didn't know the specific treatment of the auxiliary police, and he didn't ask others. He didn't care about money, because he was no longer short of money.

"Drink when you have time." Chen Xiang left on a battery car as soon as he finished speaking.

When he got home, Shandy turned on his computer and found that his novel had passed the review.

Uploading and timing, in less than half an hour, he uploaded more than 100 million words.

"In the future, just wait for the payment of manuscripts, and earn some living expenses for Jin Lao's novels. It should be no problem."

 Thanks to the old boys and brothers for the reward. Finally, there are 100 million words. The writing is unsightly and the head is as big as a cow. I will persist for a while and then write a new book. Thank you brothers and sisters for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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