Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 394 3 years later

Chapter 394 Three years later

With the same excuse, the aunt's house was demolished and rebuilt into a villa.

He also dug the field of my aunt's house into a fish pond.

Set up a weakened version of the spirit gathering array, covering the aunt's villa and fish pond.

After staying in Hangzhou for a few days, Shangdi, who was hugged from left to right, took a plane to Wujiang City.

I drove to my grandfather's house, built a villa and dug fish ponds according to the plan.

The fish raised in Juling Array are initially sold at [-] per catty, and then the price will increase according to the situation.

When I got it to Shang's Seafood Restaurant on Hong Kong Island, I didn't worry about not being able to sell it.

Hong Kong Island Airlines was bought by him, and the live fish caught were directly transported by air.

After everything was settled, Shangdi, Wang Xianer and Qiu Zhenzhen returned to Hong Kong Island by plane.

Zhang Wei, the host of Hong Kong Island TVB, took the microphone and said in a sensual way: "Friends from the audience, the Infinity Fighting Contest has entered the finals, who will have the last laugh."

Forty thousand spectators sat in the stands, staring intently at the ring.

The gaming company opened, and many gamblers participated in it.

Fifty Zhou crown players and [-] most popular players sat around the ring.

The two contestants stepped onto the ring and clasped their fists to salute each other.

"Start." The referee waved his hand and quickly left the ring.

The two contestants launched attacks in no particular order, and in an instant, one of them was defeated.

Winners advance to the next round, and losers advance to the rematch.

Less than 11:30, the first round was over.

At [-] o'clock the next morning, the second round of competition began, and sixteen contestants advanced.

At the end of the third day, eight contestants advanced.

On the fourth day, the resurrection match began. After one day, half of the players advanced.

Two days later, the top three teams were determined in the rematch.

The next morning, the top three in the resurgence began to challenge the eight players who had advanced normally.

At the end of the three games, the eight strongest players remained.

"Two foreigners entered the quarterfinals. It seems that I, a mysterious master, will probably play in person."

After looking at the information of the top eight players, Shandi whispered to himself.

On the morning of the first day, the top eight contestants won three out of four games to enter the top four.

As long as they win three games in a row, they can enter the semi-finals.

"Don't give me a chance, none of the three foreigners will be eliminated."

Seeing that three foreigners were eliminated one after another, Shangdi was worried about gains and losses.

Without the shackles of boxing gloves, and signed a life and death certificate, the boxers of this era are good at defeating the enemy with one move.

Tall foreigners have no problem fighting ordinary boxers, but they don't have much resistance against martial arts masters.

There is no need to be responsible for wounding or killing. The contestants almost all do their best.

The high prize money is just around the corner. Since you choose to participate in the fighting competition, who wouldn't want to gain both fame and fortune?

The Infinity Fighting Contest ended, and three previously unknown boxers won the championship, runner-up, and third runner-up respectively.

Zhang Dingshan, a master of Xingyiquan, received a bonus of [-] million Hong Kong Island dollars.

Li Xiong, a master of Bajiquan, received a bonus of 1000 million Hong Kong Island dollars.

Chen Biao, a master of Hongquan, received a bonus of 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

A few days later, the beauty pageant held on Hong Kong Island entered the final stage.

Shang Di, who was a guest, looked at each of the Miss Hong Kong Island, but had no intention of putting it into action.

Miss Hong Kong Island of this era is more in line with his aesthetic standards.

Miss Hong Kong Island ten or twenty years later ran counter to his aesthetic standards.

"There are a lot of celebrities who have poor conduct and eat inside and out, so block them all."

Glancing at Huang Sheng in the distance, Shang Di decided to block him.

To make money in Yanhuang country, to be a dog for foreigners, such things should be cracked down.

Shangdi, who left quietly, asked Wuying to block Huang Dongsheng, Huang Ming, Huang Zhong, Du Fenze and others.

Two days later, Huang Dongsheng, who was going to the East Island, came to Hong Kong Island Airport to buy a ticket.

"Mr. Huang, I'm sorry, but you are on our company's blacklist." Zhang Jie, the conductor, said.

"I want to ask a lawyer to sue your company." Huang Dongsheng was furious.

"Anything." Zhang Jie disagreed.

Huang Dongsheng, who was yelling at him, attracted two security guards with live ammunition.

After understanding the situation, security guard Zhang Qiang turned around and said, "Sir, please leave."

"Why?" Huang Dongsheng said angrily.

"You are on our company's blacklist. If you don't leave, don't blame us for taking coercive measures." Zhang Qiang said.

"Why am I on your company's blacklist?" Huang Dongsheng asked.

"This matter was arranged by the superiors, and we don't know the reason." Zhang Qiang said bluntly.

Looking at the people pointing and pointing around, Huang Dongsheng left in a hurry.

All the stars on the blacklist were banned from flying with Hong Kong Island Airlines.

Ask a lawyer to sue Hong Kong Island Airlines?A lawyer from Xinghai Law Firm, Tai Chi is superb.

Leaving Hong Kong Island by boat?All the large and small piers on Hong Kong Island were bought by Shangdi.

Keep making movies?Then enjoy happiness on Hong Kong Island?It's like a fool's dream.

Inviting Huang Dongsheng and others to make a movie will offend the two TV stations on Hong Kong Island.
Song writers, the songs they write, no singer dares to buy.

Those who sing, no record company dares to release.

On Hong Kong Island, the Xinghai Group can be called a super overlord, and no one wants to be an enemy to it.

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, Shangdi, who was so busy and dizzy, did not breathe a sigh of relief until eight o'clock in the evening.

He fought alone and stayed at home for more than ten days.

"It's just over a year before the people of Eagle Country leave Hong Kong Island."

"Luxury goods are lucrative, so we should operate more projects."

Zhou's Jewelry in Hong Kong Island lost overseas because of Xinghai Jewelry.

There is only one Xinghai jewelry in the luxury goods industry under Sundy.

"Factories for clothing, shoes, bags, etc., all of which are the same."

Let Xinghai Construction Company build some factories and release intelligent robots with Hong Kong Island identities.

Clothing material factories, clothing factories, shoe factories, and leather goods factories quickly started operations.

In line with the idea that foreign monks are good at chanting scriptures, Shangdi chose some factory names with very foreign characteristics.

He registered a lot of offshore companies, and those offshore companies were originally registered overseas.

"People who worship foreigners are keen on foreign brands."

"Passionate people are loyal to domestic brands."

"A lot of people like things that are good and cheap."

After thinking about it, Shangdi added two garment material factories, two garment factories, and two shoe factories.
In this way, people who worship foreigners, passionate people, and rational groups can all become his customers.

Leaving the factory on Hong Kong Island to intelligent robots, Shangdi sent people to the grasslands of Yanhuang Kingdom to build a dairy factory.

Homemade safe milk is much better than foreign bath milk.

He wants to do more to benefit his compatriots.

Wuying makes money too fast, and if you don't use it as much as possible, it is tantamount to wasting.

Instead of letting Yamaga poisonous milk powder deceive people, it is better to set up some dairy factories and produce more conscientious milk powder.

"The speed of the green leather train is too slow, sell the high-speed rail technology to Director Chen?"

"The country is too poor now. Even if we get the technology, we don't have the money to build high-speed rail."

"I will contract the high-speed rail, so the money will be useful."

The front car can be printed directly, and the track can also be printed directly.

After thinking about it, Shang Di approached Chen Ran and talked about contracting the high-speed rail.

Half a month later, he signed a contract to undertake the construction of the high-speed railway from Wujiang City to Shencheng.

The official provides the land, and he is responsible for paying the money. He has 80 years of management rights.

What if there are no skilled workers to build high-speed rail?Use intelligent robots instead!

In just a few days, the machinery and equipment for the construction of the high-speed rail were transported to Shencheng.

The avatar planned the route and made a high-speed rail map.

Three thousand intelligent robots with Hong Kong Island identity began to build a station in Shencheng.

Shandy spent money to acquire a large steelmaking plant, a large cement plant
"At most two years, the high-speed rail from Shencheng to Wujiangcheng will be open to traffic."

After more than ten months, the people of Eagle Country evacuated from Hong Kong Island.

A few months later, the construction of the high-speed railway from Shencheng to Wujiangcheng was completed.

(End of this chapter)

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