Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 34 Huge harvest

Chapter 34 Huge harvest
Under the identification of Huang Jiaqiang, Lin Fei, the captain of the first team, was taken away by the internal affairs department.

Shandi, who was sitting on the chair, was overjoyed at this moment.

"The anti-drug future is promising, and the crime value has increased by more than 2."

After calling Li Jiaxin and the others, Shangdi exchanged 120 for eight flesh and blood pills.

"There are still 12378 evil points, which is more than 1 evil points away from the ninth floor of the iron cloth shirt."

Pulling down the blinds, Shandi ate a few flesh and blood pills, and then practiced the iron cloth shirt.

Before eleven o'clock in the evening, he had finished eating more than 100 blood pills.

"The eighth layer of the iron shirt, even if it can't hold sniper bullets, it can still resist assault rifle bullets."

After looking at the people who were still interrogating criminals, Shandi drove away.

"Back?" Zhao Yating asked with a smile.

"Recently, I have to work overtime." Shan Di said with concern about gains and losses.

In the next few days, he led the anti-drug team to take down one criminal force after another in the jurisdiction.

The iron cloth shirt reached the ninth floor, with 31621 points of crime remaining, and Shangdi was overjoyed.

After thinking about it, he invited everyone in the anti-drug team to have a big meal.

"Team leader, you are looking for me." Huang Jiaqiang asked.

"Mine is ready, it's up to you." Shandi pointed to the table.

"Thank you, team leader." Huang Jiaqiang quickly thanked him.

Watching the other party leave, Shangdi secretly pondered how to use the evil value.

"The iron cloth shirt has reached the ninth floor, and it is no problem to resist sniper armor-piercing bullets."

"For the other few exercises, you can practice with homemade pills, and there is no need to waste sin points."

"If I save up to [-] crime points, I will be able to live one more time, and I will spend my life with crime points in this life."

More than two months later, Shandy went to participate in the promotion test, and then became the chief inspector.

He was promoted two levels in less than a year, no matter how he looked at it, something was wrong, he couldn't help but doubt it.

Knowing that he was going to be transferred to the Flying Tigers as a training instructor, Shangdi suddenly became sober.

"Nimma, it's too cunning. It looks like he wants me to level up, but in fact, I'm blocking his way of making money."

Chief Superintendent Hunter from Languo is the head of the West District of the Hong Kong City Police Force.

After working as an instructor for the Flying Tigers for a few days, Shangdi lost his regular income, so he had to call his classmates.

With the help of Ethan, he successfully changed his job.

"The deputy captain of the Marine Police Fleet has three squads and a support team, with a total of 130 people."

In Shangdi's view, the marine police are very rich. After all, Hong Kong City is surrounded by sea on three sides and river on one side.

After resting at home for a few days, he came to the office building of the marine police, knocked on the door and walked into the captain's office.

Captain of the Marine Police Fleet, Superintendent William smiled and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Shang, it's an honor to meet you."

"Mr. William, hello." Shandy shook hands with the other party.

"Mr. Shang, why do you want to come to my place?" William asked.

"Fighting criminals is my ideal." Shandy said bluntly.

"Mr. Shang, the Duke of Berne transferred you to the Marine Police Fleet." William did not shy away.

"I can turn a blind eye to things other than flour, pills, and ammunition," Shandy said.

"Happy cooperation." William laughed. He was just a small superintendent, how could he dare to offend the Duke of Berne?If they fully support each other, their extra income will definitely drop sharply.

The two talked and laughed for a while, and Shangdi went to meet his subordinates.

When he came to his office, he sat on a chair, thinking about revenge.

Being transferred from the anti-drug team by Hunter, he lost a thousand crime points every month. If he doesn't avenge his revenge, the anger will never go away!
After thinking about it, Shangdi called Li Xiangdong, general manager of Xinghai Security Company.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, he followed a small group to patrol the sea.

Each squad of the Marine Police Fleet plus the squad leader has a total of 31 people.

A group of people drove three speedboats and wandered along the coastline.

Shandi, whose eyesight, hearing and sense of smell are far superior to ordinary people, has discovered many things.

It is normal to find clues when you can hear what other people are talking about hundreds of meters away.

Seeing their speedboat, some people said there was a marine police, no doubt there is no silver 300 taels here.

There was a faint smell of flour in the air, enough to prove quite a few things.

When they found their speedboat, the people in the distance looked wrong, isn't that obvious?
"The marine police force must have criminals' eyeliner, so don't do anything for now."

After thinking for a few seconds, Shandi didn't search for the problematic ships.

Half a month later, Hunter, who was reported, was taken to investigate by the internal affairs department.

The headlines on the front pages of several newspapers are all evidence of Henry's crime. If he is not arrested, how can the people be outraged?
Shandi, who had avenged his revenge, patrolled for more than ten days, and then led a rotating team to the pier to search.

The containers were opened one by one by the police, and the flour, ammunition and criminals were all taken back.

Criminals who dared to resist received free bullets from him.

In just one day, he swept the docks of the port city.

A lot of small fish were caught, and big fish suffered heavy losses. The hatred of the gangsters towards Shangdi has risen several notches.

"Too many people have been offended, the family's bodyguards must be tripled."

After calling Li Xiangdong, Shangdi led a small team to patrol the coastline.

After boarding the ship for inspection, all the accounts were found, and the crime value increased accordingly.

"The marine police are promising. In just over a month, my crime value has risen to more than [-]."

In a single thought, the evil value dropped by [-] points, and his life reserve became seven times.

"There are more than 9000 evil points left, improve your eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell."

As soon as he changed his mind, Shandy's vision, hearing, and sense of smell increased by three points respectively.

"Vision is 18.8, hearing is 18.9, and sense of smell is 18.5. To improve a little bit, you need [-] evil points."

The evil value was exhausted, and Shangdi stopped with a sense of satisfaction.

The gangs that operate illegal import and export have been worried recently and have died down one after another.

Shandy, who was idle and bored, sat in the office and copied the script.

Hong Kong City Television cannot make ends meet, so he plans to produce several high-quality TV series.

As the ratings rise, the advertising costs increase, and the TV station makes money.

"The strongest brain, a millionaire grassroots star, these shows are also up."

It took a few days for Shandy to copy three TV series and write the outlines of several entertainment programs.

After returning home at night, he gave the things to Zhao Yating.

After sweating profusely for a while, Shangdi, who was comfortable all over, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

"With a fixed monthly income of [-] evil points, I'm going to get rich."

At eight o'clock the next morning, Shandy, who was sitting in the office, couldn't help laughing.

"The end of the world is close and the bullet is redirected. The value of [-] crimes will increase a little. Let's talk about it first."

In one thought, the evil value decreased by [-] points, and both the distance from the end of the world and the redirection of the bullet became [-] centimeters.

"There are 3564 crime points left, save enough 100 million crime points, and buy another life."

Staying in the current position and maintaining the current situation, he has 17 evil points per month, and 100 evil points a year. In less than [-] years, he can get [-] million evil points.

At the age of 22 this year, he still has more than 50 years to live, so he has plenty of time to accumulate crime points.

"Mr. Shang" William came to the office and tipped him off.

What Shandy did in the Marine Police Fleet led to a sharp drop in the income of some high-level officers in the police force. Someone in the police force wanted to transfer him away. Fortunately, the boss of the police force is the Duke of Berne, who refused again and again with righteous words. .

"These stocks" Shang Di took out a pen and paper and started to write in a hurry.

"Happy cooperation." William was very excited. Under the guidance of the other party, he made a lot of money by investing in stocks. This is legal income, and he can use it as he wants. It is far from the gray income before.

"In fact, making money is very simple, just buy some stocks." Shandi said.

"Mr. Shang, be careful recently. I have heard that someone has hired a killer." William reminded.

"The person who can kill me has not yet been born." Shang Di didn't care.

"I went to the headquarters for a meeting." William left with a smile on his face.

"Those black sheep should be kicked out of the police force." Shandy whispered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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