Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 322 Became Immortal Again

Chapter 322 Became Immortal Again
The forces in the Dragon Kingdom have chosen camps one after another, and their combat power is getting stronger and stronger.

Without real money, Dong Dao has no money to buy weapons from foreigners.

Dongdao currency is only suitable for Dongdao people, and foreigners will not recognize Dongdao currency.

Paper can be turned into money because paper can be exchanged for gold and silver to buy various commodities.

Paper money that has lost its purchasing power is simply paper, and naturally it cannot be converted into money.

Half a year later, Dongdao was defeated and withdrew from Dragon Kingdom.

Time is like running water, and it will be five years in a blink of an eye.

Shandy had ceased to be Chief Inspector of the International Settlement three years ago.

Before the International Settlement was abolished, he, the Chief Inspector, resigned.

At the beginning of the melee, Qiufeng and Nail resigned, and Shangdi stayed behind closed doors all day.

The intelligent robots that were released all returned to the space bracelet when he resigned.

"It's getting boring, it's time to practice."

After practicing marksmanship for a while, Shang Di felt relieved, and began to practice the Primal Chaos Sutra.

"Use spirit stones to cultivate, temporarily do not use mana crystals and spiritual consciousness crystals."

Exercise your body every day, devour and refine some spirit stones, and practice your fists and kicks.

"It's all here, you have to do something meaningful."

"I used to be from the Dragon Kingdom, so after all, I am also from the Dragon Kingdom."

In addition to training, Shandi released intelligent robots one by one, and asked them to serve as guest engineers.

With the passage of time, the science and technology of Longguo is changing with each passing day.

That night, Shandy recovered drones, satellites, and micro-surveillance.

The war in the Dragon Kingdom has long since ceased, and the things released should have been recovered long ago.

"Recently, there have been more and more people wandering around Shang Mansion."

Not wanting to be disturbed, Shandy decided to move as soon as possible.

I found a large uninhabited island, and within a day, there was a Shang mansion on the island.

With the eight beauties around him, Shangdi moved all the things from the Shang mansion to the island.

Once the Reiki villa was placed on the island, flowers, plants and trees were transplanted, and fish, shrimp and crabs in the fish pond were transferred.

After Shang Di left, only the walls remained of the Shang mansion.

The defeated Qingtian Society wanted him to come out again, and the victorious People's Society did not give up on him.

Not wanting to be disturbed by trivial matters, Shandi had to go overseas.

"The beauty is like a cloud, the scenery is picturesque, and it is very convenient for fishing and treasure hunting."

Shangdi, who was idle and bored, wandered around the underwater world and experienced the fun of treasure hunting.

Breaking out of the sea, he took out a spiritual weapon yacht from the exclusive space, and threw it forward casually.

Before the blink of an eye, a yacht as white as jade appeared on the sea.

On the imperial yacht, with the sea breeze blowing, Shandy sat on the deck, fishing for tuna in the sea.

"In the space bracelet, there are many fish, shrimp and crabs that don't have it."

After catching big fish for a while, Shandy returned to his island on a yacht.

"Beauty as a company, the sea as a company, picking flowers and fruits, fishing and growing vegetables"

After staying on the island for a while, Shandi changed his appearance and height, and teleported back to Dragon Kingdom.

His spiritual consciousness covered several thousand meters, submerged into the earth, and he started treasure hunting again.

"For funerary objects such as gold and silver, let them wait for someone who is destined."

"Antiques such as porcelain and jade, let them wait for a new owner."

After wandering around Longguo, Shangdi only got some martial arts cheats and medical books.

He received too little goods, so he went to overseas countries and earned some hard work.

"I have earned back all the supplies that were consumed before."

"Qin Xing doesn't have a cultivator?"

Shandi, who had a poor harvest, teleported back to the island.

I became proficient in a foreign language and practiced in seclusion for a few days.

Shangdi, whose strength grew rapidly, found a job for himself.

After setting a price for a species of fish, shrimp and crab, he started to catch the sea.

Turning rocks to catch crabs at the beach, because the resources are extremely rich, making money is easy.

"It's not difficult at all, try rowing and getting off the net."

I personally built a wooden fishing boat and made several fishing nets.

"It's too easy and boring to catch so many fish in one net!"

After pretending to be a fisherman for a few days, Shandy lost interest in being a fisherman.

A few months later, he got a brand new identity and came to a machinery factory.

"The whole factory is full of energy and the atmosphere is lively."

With superb technology, Shandy became a worker.

A worker who played a guest role for half a year, he disappeared again.

After enjoying the island for more than a month and practicing to the fullest for a few months, Shandy went to work again.

With an unlimited lifespan, he doesn't want to practice all day long, so he often finds a job to pass the time.

"I wanted to be an ordinary person for decades, so that I could experience an ordinary life."

"I can never go back to the past, it's hard to be an ordinary person!"

"Hanging up too much, getting emotional, and lacking self-control."

After adjusting his mentality, Shangdi practiced without distraction.

Body refining, Qi refining, and God cultivation are improving day by day. Unknowingly, his Qi refining cultivation has soared to the late stage of fusion.

"Refining the body to become a top-grade artifact, and cultivating the gods to become the peak of a god-man."

After a few days of practicing heartily, Shangdi's cultivation level broke through to the peak of integration.

Teleported to a desolate planet, and practiced again, not long after, the punishment of God came as scheduled.

Ignoring the ferocious tribulation thunder, run the Zixiao Shenlei Jue with all its strength, devouring the power of refining the tribulation thunder.

Without any accidents, Shangdi easily survived the punishment of Heavenly Tribulation.

"The physical strength has not improved? The cultivation of the gods has not improved?"

"Becoming a fairy is just around the corner, but becoming a god is nowhere in sight."

Teleporting back to Qin Xing, Shang Dijing waited to ascend to immortality.

From time to time, I would ponder about my skills, and from time to time I would practice my marksmanship.

Monica and the others' cultivation has grown over time.

"There are three catastrophes, but only one punishment."

"The cultivation base in the middle stage of the tribulation, and when to become a fairy, is up to me."

A cultivator who survives three catastrophes will break through to the Mahayana stage/transformation state.

After the body transformation is completed, the cultivators who have survived the catastrophe will involuntarily ascend.

There is only one punishment from heaven, and a cultivator who survives the punishment can still suppress his own cultivation.

On a whim, Shangdi wandered the vast starry sky, constantly collecting various cultivation resources.

"A newly born planet? More than 3000 spiritual veins, good luck."

After taking away all the spiritual veins, Shangdi came to another planet in one step.

"On this planet, [-]% of the materials are used to refine spirit weapons, and [-]% are used to refine fairy weapons?"

After finding a precious star again, Shangdi couldn't help laughing.

Extract the refining materials and store them in space rings one by one.

Wander around one planet after another, collecting cultivation resources and high-quality ingredients.

Walk around the entire mortal world, harvest countless Shangdi, and return to the island to live in seclusion.

Monica and the others have survived three catastrophes in succession, and their cultivation has reached the Mahayana stage.

"I'm about to go to the fairy world, and you still want to rob my island?"

To deal with the unfriendly fleet, Shandi gave the island to Longguo.

"It's time to go to the fairyland."

With this in mind, Shangdi tried his best to refine the immortal stone, and a few months later, the light of guidance descended from the sky.

The immortals who wanted to arrest him for mining were all killed by him at a glance.

The immortal who came to take revenge was also destroyed by him.

"The physical strength is comparable to that of a top-grade artifact, the level of refining a god is comparable to that of a peak god, and the ninth-order Xuanxian is vulnerable to a single blow."

"Ascension to become a fairy, directly invincible, such a feeling is really wonderful."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandi began to think about becoming a god.

The last time he faced the divine punishment, he had no power to resist.

"There is no way to increase the strength of the body, and the cultivation base of refining the gods is also stuck, and the punishment of the gods is obviously unbearable!"

If he can't survive the divine punishment, he won't be able to ascend to the God Realm.

"What are you thinking about so much? Look in the fairy world first, maybe you can find a way to improve your strength!"

After cheering up his spirits, Shangdi wandered around the fairyland, inspecting various exercises as if no one else was around.

In just a few decades, he investigated the fairyland.

I found some artifacts, gained a lot of skills, and I still have no idea how to overcome the divine punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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