Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 31 Fixed Income

Chapter 31 Fixed Income
After the shootout, Shandy ordered his men to search the scene.

"Captain, we found these." Zhou Xing walked over with a travel bag in his left hand and a suitcase in his right, smiling all over his face.

Shangdi used the brick machine to report the situation to the team leader.

Not long after, Zhou Biao drove over in a police car with a dozen police officers.

"Team leader, this should be a case of the anti-drug team." Shang Di tentatively said.

"How did you get involved?" Zhou Biao asked.

"We patrolled the jurisdiction with the idea of ​​police ahead of the past. After hearing the gunshots, we worried that innocent people would be injured, so we rushed over from nearby." Shandi explained.

"If someone dies, it is the case of our serious crime team." Zhou Biao said without doubt.

"Inspector Zhou, we have been watching this case for a long time. From now on, we will take over this case." At this moment, Han Feng, the leader of the anti-drug team, walked in with his subordinates.

"You are late." Zhou Biao was too lazy to talk to the other party, wanting to claim credit?no way!

"Director, the Serious Crime Squad does not want to hand over people to us." Han Feng handed the brick machine to Zhou Biao.

Zhou Biao returned the brick machine to the other party and snorted coldly: "Hmph, let's go!"

"Leader, they can't take away what belongs to us." Shandi whispered.

"Bring people, goods, and money back," Han Feng said.

"The corpse is also taken away." Zhou Biao added.

In the blink of an eye, all the people in the anti-drug team left.

"Close the team!" Zhou Biao laughed.

After driving a few hundred meters away, Shandi parked the car on the side of the road and said, "Go back!"

"Captain, what is this?" Zhou Xing looked puzzled.

"Let's kill the carbine." Shandi didn't explain. During the shootout just now, he heard gangsters breaking into the people's homes, but because the situation was unknown, he didn't do anything.

After several people dressed up in disguise, they returned to the vicinity of the crime scene.

More than an hour later, two young men with gloomy expressions came down from upstairs, followed by a middle-aged man.

"Be careful." After Shandi finished speaking, he took out the brick machine and pretended to make a phone call.

"You took on a project to build a sea in the desert?"

"Isn't it just a desert-made sea project? What's the big deal?
"Let me tell you, I received a job to install a switch for the sun, and the project cost is more than 500 billion."

Listening to Shandy's nonsensical words, the people around burst into laughter.

"Brother Long, I lost everything, and Ah Lang and the others are also dead." A young man looked ugly.

After getting close to the three of them, Shan Di made a sudden move and instantly subdued the three of them.

Before the three of them could react, they were knocked down to the ground.

After finding three pistols and earning more than 200 crime points, Shandi couldn't help laughing.

"Captain, you are amazing!" Zhou Xing gave a thumbs up.

"Run to my site to make trouble and seek death." Shan Di sneered.

The group returned to the police station with the three criminals.

"What's going on?" Zhou Biao asked suspiciously.

"Fish that slipped through the net," Shandy replied.

"How did you catch it?" Zhou Biao asked again.

"We shot back," Shandy said.

"Good job!" Zhou Biao praised.

After handing over the person to the anti-drug team, Shangdi checked the time and waited quietly to leave after get off work.

The crime is worth the money, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for him to hand over the captured people.

Their credit can't escape, it's nothing more than the follow-up work of the case, which is handed over to the anti-drug team.

After get off work, Shangdi drove to his parents' house with Wang Xian, Li Jiaxin and Zhao Yating.

I had dinner with my parents, saved some homemade tendon pills, and drove to the villa in the suburbs.

"It's so beautiful." Wang Xian was very excited.

After swimming for a while, Shangdi began to instruct them to practice dragon tendons and tiger bones skills, falling leaf steps, and five-element breathing techniques.

Dragon tendons and tiger bones can improve strength and agility, leaf-falling steps can increase agility, and five-element breathing technique can enhance endurance, physical strength, and resilience.

It is easy to build muscles by practicing iron shirts, and a muscular woman does not conform to his aesthetic concept.

The next morning, they had breakfast together and drove Li Jiaxin, Zhao Yating, Shang Di and Wang Xian to the police station.

As time went by day after day, the crime rate in the jurisdiction became less and less.

The gangs dare not fight with weapons in Shangdi's jurisdiction, and the young and Dangerous boys who collect protection fees have also begun to reason.

"The crime rate is almost zero, and you collect [-] crime points every month?"

Finding that the crime value had suddenly increased by a thousand points, Shandi looked at the Gunslinger system and couldn't help laughing.

"I actually have a fixed income. One thousand crimes per month is twelve thousand per year."

In one thought, the evil value plummeted by [-] points, and his life reserve increased by one time.

"The next crime points I got are all earned by me."

"The next time I exchange life, I only need [-] sin points, and I still have a chance to earn a life!"

Seeing that he still had more than 300 crime points, Shangdi raised his listening ability by three points.

The exchange price of the Starfish version of the Gunslinger system is roughly the same as the original exchange price of the Canglan version of the Gunslinger system.

To increase a single attribute by one point for the first three times, only one hundred evil points are needed.

The exchange price of being so close to the world and redirecting bullets has also become [-] points of evil value increased by one centimeter.

"My hearing has become much stronger again, and the range of hearing information has expanded again."

After lunch at the police station, Shangdi took Zhao Zhuo and others out to patrol.

Even if he can't do the police before, he should try his best to avoid vicious cases.

In order to collect one thousand crime points every month, he must reduce the crime rate in the jurisdiction.

One month later, Shandy increased his vision, touch, smell, and taste by three points.

This morning, he put down the phone and walked to the director's office.

"Director." Shandi saluted.

"Sit!" Li Wenyao said with a smile.

Shandy nodded and sat up in the chair.

"I received a report that there is a group of mercenaries." Li Wenyao took out a boat ticket.

In Hong Kong City, there are many undercover policemen and many informants.

"When are you leaving?" Shandy asked.

"The boat will leave at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon," Li Wenyao said.

"I see." Shandi nodded in response.

"This matter is confidential!" Li Wenyao said.

"Yes!" Shandy replied, and left the office quickly.

In the afternoon of the second day, Shandy boarded the Anji cruise ship with a ticket.

Hong Kong city tycoons who are unable to go to Macao to open a casino have to buy a cruise ship.

Take the ship to the high seas and do whatever you want, no one can control it.

Shandy, in a suit and leather shoes, stood on the plywood of the Anji, smoking a cigarette alone.

Throwing away the cigarette butts in my hand, I went around the cruise ship and found many suspicious foreigners.

"Clarify the situation first, and then decide when to do it."

Back downstairs for some buffet, Shandy found his room.

Lying on the bed, relying on his hearing of 15.9, he listened to sounds from all directions.

"There are three wanted criminals on board, and more than 20 mercenaries. Get rid of the wanted criminals first."

Shandi, who followed the sound, knocked on the door a few times.

"Who is it?" A mid-spirited voice rang out.

"Waiter," Shandy responded.

The middle-aged man with cross-eyed eyes opened the door. He just realized something was wrong, and before he could react, he was kicked away.

Shandy, who was as fast as the wind, quickly knocked out the three wanted criminals in the room.

Tear the bed sheet into strips, bind the hands and feet of the three wanted criminals, and gag their mouths.

With three wanted men stuffed under the bed, Shandy hunted down the mercenaries.

Once the Anji sailed to the high seas, he would have no law enforcement authority.

Just when the captain was taken down by mercenaries, Shandy made a move.

Easily stunned the mercenaries one by one, and drove the Anji back to the port.

A middle-aged man with a big belly said in a dissatisfied tone, "Why are we back?"

"Hello everyone, I am the No. [-] Police Station in the Southern District." Shan Di took out his ID and explained the situation.

"Fortunately." Each gambler rejoiced.

When the Angie arrived on the high seas, let alone whether they would survive, they would definitely lose a lot of money.

Shandi took out the brick machine and called the director.

Before the Anji arrived at the port, Li Wenyao and the others arrived at the port.

"Director, these are mercenaries. The captain was killed by them. These three are wanted criminals for the central bank robbery."

After handing over the twenty or so criminals he had caught, Shandy returned to the police station by car.

(End of this chapter)

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