Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 290 Earth Star Award

Chapter 290 Earth Star Award

To fend off the threat from a team of heroes, super criminals have formed gangs.

The members of the Brotherhood are all supernatural beings who do their own thing, and they are extremely defensive.

Other members were bullied and beheaded, and the remaining members did not help to avenge, and the Brotherhood disbanded.

If the gang doesn't protect its own people, sooner or later the gang will disband.

Knowing that the brothers who had gone out to avenge were killed again, Barr, the boss of the brotherhood, was shocked and angry.

"Boss, what do we do?" Sanders asked.

"Call all the brothers, I want to make that hateful Zhao Guo's life worse than death." Barr said coldly.

In less than an hour, more than twenty fraternity members rushed over from nearby.

Barr took 28 guys and rushed to the suburbs aggressively.

Shangdi, who was about to go to bed, heard the sound of cars coming from far and near, and suddenly lost sleep.

This is a suburb, only his house is around, the car is parked at the door, it is obvious that the visitor is not friendly.

It's not daytime now, who would choose to visit at night with a well-meaning person?

Shandy took out a pistol, opened the door and pulled the trigger, and invisible bullets flew out one after another.

Corpses fell to the ground one after another, and in the blink of an eye, Barr and the others were wiped out.

On a whim, Shangdi threw more than a dozen corpses into the space bracelet for the intelligent robot to study.

He got all kinds of talents, but no abilities to match them.

By studying the corpse of Superman, it may be possible to develop a genetic agent to replace dark energy.

In Shangdi's view, the main function of dark energy is to make people possess talents, and the second is to let people master supernatural powers.

Even with the help of Superman's corpse, no genetic medicine for people with talents has been developed.It is also a good harvest to produce genetic medicines that allow humans to master abilities or enhance abilities.

Using clairvoyance and the pupil of reality, I looked at the remaining dozens of corpses, and peeped again with my spiritual sense.

Shangdi, who had gained something, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After Jason and others took away the body, he went back to his room to sleep.

After waking up from sleep, doing some morning exercises, and having breakfast, Shandi drove out in an off-road vehicle.

With Wu Ying's prompt, he finds a superhero.

Follow the opponent silently, silently observe how the opponent uses the ability.

It took more than three months before and after, and he watched a total of more than a dozen superheroes.

Driving to the farm, Shandy began to test the ability.

With the talent of electric eel physique, he has already mastered the power of thunder.

Recalling the situation when supermen cast their supernatural powers one by one, Shandi began to try it out.

Change the genetic structure, the speed soars, change the genetic structure again, the power soars
Briefly absorbing the surrounding metal, in the blink of an eye, his whole body was covered in metal.

"Ordinary Superman's mental strength is insufficient, and the metalization can only last for a few minutes."

Shanzhai and self-created various abilities. After two hours, Shangdi stopped.

To him, abilities are like chicken ribs, they have no effect at all.

Basically, he is too strong now, and his ability is too weak.

Today, he has innumerable skills, innumerable resources, and incalculable treasures. It is easy to cultivate into an immortal, and his weak abilities are not worth mentioning.

Shangdi, who had nothing to do, decided to go to Zhao Guo after some consideration to get the first Earth Star Award.

The Nobel Prize has just ended, and the Earth Star Award will surely become famous all over the world by striking while the iron is hot.

Let Wuying send electronic invitation letters to many physicists, chemists and historians around the world.

Let Zhao Guo's magic robot buy a gymnasium
After everything was done, Shangdi boarded the passenger plane to Zhao.

"The final winners are all from Zhao Guoren. It is inevitable that they will be criticized, but they can satirize the Nobel Prize!"

"As long as the bonus is set high enough, I don't have to worry about the star award that no one is chasing after me!"

"The bonus is set to be several times that of the Nobel Prize!"

Wuying has no losses in stocks, and his personal assets are increasing every day.

With so much money and nothing to do, Shangdi has always done whatever comes to his mind.

Time is like running water, and it is half a month in the blink of an eye.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Haicheng Gymnasium.

One by one, the invited people walked into the gymnasium one after another.

Shangdi acted as an audience, and let several intelligent robots guest judges for this Earth Star Award.

A foreigner version of an intelligent robot in a suit and leather shoes came on stage and said a few words in a foreign language.

The opening was simple and the awards were presented quickly. In less than four hours, the prize money for the first Earth Star Award was finished.

The earth star chemist was acquired by three Zhao people.

The earth star mathematician was acquired by three Zhao people.

The Earth and Star Physics Award was won by three Zhao people.

The Earth Star Peace Prize was won by three Zhao people.

The Earth Star Biology Award, the winners are Zhao Guoren, Mi Guoren, and Nanli people.

If Shangdi didn't think that the winners are all from Zhao, which is not conducive to the next Earth Star Award, he would not choose an American and a Nanli to make up the number.

More than 1000 foreigners were invited, but only a dozen came.

Not coming means giving up, and no one can say anything.

There were [-] winners, and Zhao Guoren won [-] awards.

Those who won the Nobel Prize only have more than 100 million gold, and those who won the Earth Star Award all have 1000 million gold.

The intelligent robot took the microphone and said with ease: "Thank you for your participation."

In less than half a day, the news of the Earth Star Award spread all over the world.

A bonus of one billion and 8000 million meters is enough to make many people spread the word.

Winners will receive 1000 meters of gold per person, and those who have not won awards will receive an excellent award of [-] meters of gold per person.

It doesn't cost much to add an excellent award, and it can also make foreigners enthusiastic about the star award.

After getting the invitation letter and taking a trip to the country of Zhao, you will get one hundred thousand meters of gold, and most people will be tempted.

The matter of inviting people to dinner was left to the magic weapon robot, and Shangdi left quietly.

The magic robot is the chairman of the Xinghai Group, and the Xinghai Group is the organizer of the Earth Star Award.

"There are many men in Zhao Guo and few women, so we won't compete with male compatriots for resources."

Shandi, who returned to his hometown, donated [-] million rice to the orphanage and three schools, and then returned to the United States.

The Land and Star Award with a huge prize money has been unparalleled for a while, directly crushing the Nobel Prize.

After arriving in Shandy in the United States, he returned to the farm by car.

After thinking about it, he built a laboratory a few hundred meters underground on the farm.

Becoming an immortal is as easy as turning the palm of your hand, and becoming a god is nowhere in sight. He is not worried about his lifespan, and he feels that there is no need to worry about becoming an immortal.

Almost all the angels who ascended to the Taihao Immortal Realm will become miners, and he doesn't want to mine anymore.

Once you have the strength to cross the fairy world, it will not be too late to become a fairy.

Now he has no lack of skills and no worries about training resources. It is safer to stay in the mortal world and practice than in the fairy world.

Take out more than a dozen superman corpses, more than thirty intelligent robots
Shang Di personally participated in the research, intending to develop a genetic medicine to replace dark energy.

"Changing certain genes in the body can give people the corresponding abilities."

"Dark energy is equivalent to a catalyst, a catalyst that can change the genetic structure."

With the power of clairvoyance, the pupil of reality, and divine consciousness, Shangdi has already understood the reason why human beings acquire supernatural powers.

It took only three days for him to make the genetic potion that can allow humans to have fire powers.

"Earth-type supernatural potion is done."

"The gold-type supernatural potion was successful."

"The wood-type supernatural potion is done."

"The thunder-type supernatural potion was successful."

"The light-type supernatural potion is done."

"The dark-type supernatural potion was successful."

Shandi, who was thinking like a tide, developed various supernatural potions.

"There are no clues about the supernatural potions of time, space, yin, and yang attributes."

"Nine supernatural potions, that's all for the time being."

"Develop genetic agents that strengthen various abilities."

Throwing the development of enhanced potions to more than thirty robots, Shangdi escaped from the ground.

Ability potions and potions that strengthen abilities have no effect on him, but the development of potions for abilities and potions that strengthen abilities can accumulate some experience, and it is possible to develop some useful things.

(End of this chapter)

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