Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 147 The Battle of One Person

Chapter 147 Fighting Alone

The task of attacking Crouching Tiger Mountain was handed over to Xia Hu, the deputy company commander. Under the guise of recruiting troops, Shang Di walked away alone.

Xia Hu made a plan for three platoon leaders to lead troops to attack Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Relying on the advantages of marksmanship and weapons, the soldiers kept shooting and killing the bandits on the mountain.

Shandi came to an empty forest and took out a shadowless version of the magic weapon robot and thirty intelligent robots.

Afterwards, he took 31 robots that looked no different from normal people, and hurried back to the foot of Crouching Tiger Mountain.

"Company commander, who are they?" Xia Hu asked suspiciously.

"I found it outside." Shandy said casually.

Thirty-one intelligent robots joined the battle, and the bandits on Crouching Tiger Mountain retreated steadily.

In less than half a day, the bandits in Qihu Village chose to surrender.

Shoot the most heinous bandits, and give each of the remaining bandits an empty bullet of loyalty.

After defeating Crouching Tiger Mountain, the number of Shangdi's men became more than 900.

Find the treasure house in Qihuzhai, and get more than 1000 two hundred gold coins and more than 5000 silver coins.

After thinking about it, Shang Di summoned his men and said loudly: "From now on, we are the Tiger Roaring Regiment, I am the head of the Tiger Roaring Regiment, Xia Hu is the deputy head of the Tiger Roaring Regiment, and Wang Daniu is the first battalion of the Tiger Roaring Regiment long."

Three platoon leaders were promoted to battalion commanders, three deputy platoon leaders were promoted to deputy battalion commanders, and the squad leaders and deputy squad leaders of each platoon were promoted to company commanders and deputy company commanders. Platoon leader, squad leader, deputy squad leader.

Let Xia Hu preside over the training of the Tiger Roaring Regiment, and Shang Di draws out a forbidden area in Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Take out the weapons and ammunition production lines and raw materials, and let 31 robots imitate guns and ammunition.

The production line of weapons and ammunition is powered by a micro-reactor, and it can be used when it is taken out.

The bolt-action rifle with an effective range of 400 meters was replaced by a semi-automatic rifle with an effective range of 600 meters.

The water-cooled machine gun with an effective range of 800 meters was replaced by a general-purpose machine gun with an effective range of 2000 meters.

In order to increase the combat effectiveness of the Tiger Roaring Regiment, Shangdi asked 31 intelligent robots to produce some longer-range and more powerful blasters and howitzers, as well as some anti-aircraft machine guns and rocket launchers.

There are already planes and tanks in the Western Regions, Northern Regions, and Southern Regions, and the Tiger Roaring Regiment also needs some new weapons.

The more than 900 subordinates under his command have basically never read a book, and it is difficult to learn to drive a tank, let alone learn to fly an airplane. Instead of building airplanes and tanks, it is better to get some rocket launchers and anti-aircraft machine guns.

Handing over the matter of the Tiger Roaring Regiment to Xia Hu and the intelligent robot, Shang Di left Crouching Tiger Mountain alone.

"It's also possible to get soul power by killing bandits. First clean up the bandits around Crouching Tiger Mountain."

A few hours later, Shandy stood 2000 meters away and shot and killed the bandits in the distance with his exclusive pistol.

Relying on far superior eyesight and perspective talent, he can clearly see the bandits even if there are trees and walls blocking them.

Bullets pierced through walls and tree trunks, hitting the heads of the bandits.

A few minutes later, Shangdi, who had a poor harvest, left with consideration for gains and losses.

After sweeping the surrounding cottages, Shangdi began to slaughter the officers and soldiers of the barbarian country.

One shot at a time, every time he pulled the trigger, an enemy fell.

In order to collect his soul power, Shangdi activates and adjusts various additional abilities. When he is condescending, enemies tens of thousands of meters away will be instantly killed by him.

All the way to the east, vertically and horizontally invincible.

"There are more than 5 soul power, and strive to earn enough soul power of [-] as soon as possible."

At nine o'clock this morning, Shangdi walked into a county town and found a restaurant for dinner.

"Have you heard? Someone shoots and kills barbarians?"

"Recently, several regiments of the barbarian army have been wiped out."

Shandy listened to the conversations of strangers as he ate his meal.

After eating and drinking enough, he dropped a silver coin and walked out of the restaurant.

A few minutes later, a patrol from the barbarian army appeared in his field of vision.

Shan Di's heart moved, his exclusive pistol flashed, and he pulled the trigger one after another, and there were nine more corpses underground.

Putting away his exclusive pistol, he continued to move forward quickly. After a while, he came outside the camp of the barbarian army.

With one shot at a barbarian, Shandi, who is invincible in defense, easily kills all the barbarians in the barracks.

"Killed a regiment of barbarians and got more than 1000 soul power, not bad."

After killing all the barbarian troops in the county, Shangdi continued eastward.

"It's still convenient for one person, you can kill as you want."

"If you really want to bring the Tiger Roaring Group out, how much soul power will you lose?"

Shandy, who completely freed himself, searched around like the wind.
"If you get one hundred thousand soul power, you can buy another life."

The soul power decreased by 45, and Shandi's life reserve changed from 46 to [-].

After galloping through Beizhou for more than three months and killing countless officers and soldiers of the barbarian army, an idea came to his mind.

"If there are no accidents, you can get soul power by killing those who do bad things."

"The more people who do bad things, the more soul power they will get after killing them."

"Compared to soul power, the territory is not worth mentioning. If you don't think about it, clean up the Beizhou and Northeast states first!"

Shangdi, who coveted the money of the system, relied on his invincibility in defense and started killing without fear.

The most vicious bandits fell under his guns, and the officers and soldiers of the barbarians who invaded the Western and Northeastern states fell into a pool of blood one after another, occasionally shooting one by one, and occasionally several at a time.

With a diameter of 360 centimeters, no enemy within a diameter of [-] meters can be spared when a bullet goes down.

In the exclusive space, all kinds of supplies are abundant, and Shangdi, who has no worries about food and clothing, took the trouble to kill the officers and soldiers of the barbarian army.

He needs soul power, and killing the brutal barbarian officers and soldiers can give him soul power.

The invincible and elusive Shangdi made it difficult for the officers and soldiers of the barbarians everywhere to guard against him.

Who is slaughtering the officers and soldiers of the barbarian army, the upper echelon of the barbarian army has no idea.

The garrisons lost contact one by one, and the top barbarian army was shocked and angry.

In order to force the murderer to come out, the top barbarian army ordered his subordinates to arrest the civilians of Dazhou, intending to shoot them in public.

After hearing the news, Shangdi came and stood thousands of meters away, instantly killing those barbarian soldiers who were about to slaughter civilians.

With his current strength, he can pull the trigger tens of hundreds of times per second, and every time the trigger is pulled, the enemy will fall.

The officers and soldiers of the barbarian army who aimed their guns at civilians were blasted in the head by bullets before they could react.

Not knowing where the enemy is, how many there are, or how strong the enemy is, the officers and soldiers of the barbarian army are trembling all day long.

That afternoon, Shangdi entered a county town and found a restaurant to stay.

"More than 6000 points of soul power, upgrade the invisibility of the gun."

With a movement in his heart, his soul power decreased by eleven thousand points, and the gun's invisibility reached 20.00%.

"When the gun's invisibility becomes [-]%, it will be able to truly kill the enemy invisible!"

After a simple calculation, Shandi found to his dismay that to make the gun 110% invisible, he still needs 110 soul power. Obviously, in the current world, it is impossible for the gun to be completely invisible.

There are only more than 5 billion people in the Four Domain Stars, and the Great Zhou Empire has more than 1 million people. It is not that if you kill a person, he can get soul power. No matter how you count, the Four Domain Stars cannot provide him with more than [-] trillion souls. force.

"Invisibility 20.00%, the gun has become somewhat transparent."

After eating and sleeping, in the dead of night, Shangdi entered the camp of the barbarian army.

Holding the Taiyi Spear, he silently stabbed and killed the barbarian officers and soldiers one by one.

In less than half an hour, he slaughtered all the officers and soldiers of a regiment of the barbarian army.

"The Taiyi Spear and Taiyi Battle Armor used in the last world have been tempered by me into low-grade spiritual weapons. Unfortunately, they encountered a black hole."

Today, Shangdi only has a top-grade treasure-level Taiyi Spear and a top-grade treasure-level Taiyi Battle Armor.

Kill the barbarian officers and soldiers guarding the city, and head to another county in the dark.

"Running around for soul power, killing enemies for soul power, how boring!"

"Even if you endure hardships, you will become a master. If you can't bear the boredom, what are you talking about becoming immortals and gods?"

Braving up his spirits, Shandi walked quickly, tirelessly hunting down the barbarian officers and soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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