Chapter 143
Shandy's method of doing things is very simple, set a goal first, and complete it as quickly as possible while ensuring safety.

After each rebirth, he improves his strength and enhances his survivability at the fastest speed.

When self-protection is safe, harvest the system money as soon as possible, and try to increase various additional capabilities.

He takes it for granted, except for a few people around him, he has no mood and time to be friends with strangers.

In almost every world, the strong are respected, and powerful people naturally have fewer friends.

The ancients often said that the heights are too cold. When you stand at a certain height, there are very few loyal and reliable friends.

Everyone has some low self-esteem. When you become unattainable, your sincere friends will inevitably stay away from you.

Ninety-nine percent of people care about other people's opinions. If you follow a rich friend all day, what will others think of you?

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship between villains is as sweet as honey.

A friend in adversity sees the truth, and benefits touch people's hearts.

Apart from family members, [-]% of the people who surround the rich are those who are motivated by wealth.

To put it bluntly, Shandi in this world has no real friends except for a handful of family members.

If you don't have your heart in exchange for your heart, who will share your heart with you?
Shangdi, who only wants to earn system money and improve his own strength, has no time and mood to make friends.

After talking to his family, he stepped into the vast starry sky again. He wanted to go around the Zerg galaxy to see if he could get the number of monsters killed.

After leaving Titan in a starship and arriving on a barren planet, he put the starship into the storage space.

Take out an intermediate metal giant, after identifying the direction, put away the metal giant, and take the flying bomb on the road.

In less than three days, Shandi, who passed through the space-time tunnel twice, came to the Zerg galaxy.

Landed on a planet full of Zergs, took out the top grade Taiyi Spear, and slaughtered bugs with rainstorm marksmanship.

"Killing the Zerg also has a number of monsters to kill. A bug the size of a humanoid has only a few dozen monsters to kill, and a bug that is comparable in size to a small hill will have millions or tens of millions of monsters to kill, and it can make a lot of money. gone."

Using additional abilities, constantly changing the length, hardness, weight, toughness, and sharpness of the Taiyi spear, Shangdi practiced the rainstorm spear to his heart's content.

A Taiyi gun that pierced the worm's neck suddenly pierced the worm's head.

"Swords can be divided into hard swords and soft swords, and my long spear can also be hard and soft."

Relying on the additional abilities of length change, weight change, and toughness change, Shandi's rainstorm marksmanship has become unpredictable.

The Taiyi gun, which was originally only 1.8 meters long, suddenly increased to [-] meters in length
The Taiyi gun, which was originally only a few tens of kilograms, suddenly increased in weight by 360 kilograms.

After practicing the Taiyi gun for several hours, Shandi subdued a flying insect with the empty ammunition attached to loyalty.

Sitting on the back of the Zerg, he took out his exclusive pistol and killed each Zerg in seconds with great vigor.

With a flick of the wrist, a bullet flew in an arc, blasting an insect the size of an elephant.

The muzzle of the gun was thrown back, and another invisible bullet hit a bug behind him.

Wrists flicked constantly, fingers kept pulling the trigger, and hundreds of bugs shattered into slag every second.

"The efficiency is too slow, let's take the metal giant and kill those giant insects."

With a second thought, Shandi took out a metal giant and flew into the palm of the metal giant.
"Millions and tens of millions of monsters are killed in one shot, and the efficiency has increased by tens of thousands of times."

Swim around the planets, kill a huge bug, and collect some elixir and ore.

After more than a month, Shandi went back to Titan and stayed with his family for more than ten days.

Come to the Zerg galaxy again and continue to slaughter all kinds of bugs.

"I almost killed all the valuable bugs, go back!"

Take the metal giant through the tunnel of time and space, and change to the flying bomb to go on the road
After fighting for more than two years, after upgrading for a few seconds, the number of monsters killed is exhausted.

"Hearing, vision and touch have all risen to 133 points."

"The distance from the sky and the redirection of bullets have both increased to 500 centimeters."

"Killing broken bodies with a diameter of 360 cm, breaking Qi, and destroying souls are all 370 points."

"The exclusive space of 5000 million cubic meters, the cultivation base of the golden core period is the limit, and the harvest is full!"

Shangdi, who is over 30 years old, has been studying hard at home for several months, but he has not been able to break through.

"The concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy and the power of stars is insufficient, and the probability of cultivation base reaching the Nascent Soul stage is very small."

"I hope that the six metal giants released outside can find me a planet with rich spiritual energy."

It is difficult to improve one's qi refining practice, and Shang Di focuses on body and spirit training.

"Body refinement and god refinement are also in shackles."

The metal giant that was released outside did not come back, and there was no way to improve his cultivation. After thinking about it, Shangdi studied cooking again.

Adjust your sense of taste and touch, and cook various dishes over and over again.

Relying on the advantages that ordinary people do not have, Shangdi's cooking skills have improved rapidly.

He can see, smell, and eat every nuance.

"If the chef's cooking skills are divided into ten levels, the first level is the lowest and the tenth level is the highest, and the cooking skills of those special chefs in Xiaguo are the first level. Even if my current cooking skills do not reach the tenth level, I can still be rated as an eighth." Grade nine."

Culinary skills have risen to the limit at this stage, and Shangdi, who has nothing to do, turned to study medicine.

"With the combination of clairvoyance and pupil of reality talents, microorganisms can be seen clearly, and medical skills are not difficult!"

After practicing marksmanship for a few days, Shangdi, who was refreshed physically and mentally, decided to study other things.

"Qin, chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine, divination, astrology, elephant, martial arts, and Tao!"

After practicing casually for a few days, his piano, chess, calligraphy and painting have reached the point of perfection.

"Divination, astrology, and zodiac all require talent. Calculating the future is meaningless, so don't learn it."

"The realm of strength is still the peak of Danjin. If you have nothing to do, let's delve into martial arts!"

The state of strength was born out of boxing, and it is a technique of exerting strength. I don't know how to practice strong strength, so Shangdi practiced boxing tirelessly.

Read a hundred times, its meaning will be self-evident.Punch a thousand times, the movement is natural.

Gang Jin has only one name, and there is no relevant introduction. In desperation, he had to practice boxing repeatedly.

Day after day, month after month, year after year.

Unknowingly, more than [-] years passed away quietly.

"Finally understand Gang Jin. The essence of Gang Jin is to develop Gang Qi, and Gang Qi is the energy of essence, which comes from the energy of the body!"

"Gang Qi is similar to Xiantian Zhenqi, which can kill enemies from a distance, but it is infinitely more mysterious than Xiantian Zhenqi."

After dispelling the messy thoughts, Shandi cheered up and hurried back to the villa.

Today, he is already in his eighties, and theoretically, he can still live for 410 years.

But his parents and father-in-law and mother-in-law have no cultivation talent, and their limit life span is only 150 years.

The limit lifespan in the acquired realm is 120 years, and the limit lifespan in the congenital realm is 150 years, but that is only a theoretical limit lifespan, and many people cannot live that long.

For more than fifty years, the laboratory has developed the potion of immortality, which can make people stay young, but they have not been able to develop the potion of longevity.

In the Hunyuan Da Luo Dan Jing, there is a life-extending elixir, but he does not have the corresponding medicinal materials.

The breath of parents and the others became weaker day by day, and the long-lost sense of powerlessness once again filled Shandi's heart.

Year after year, Shang Yunfeng, Zhang Xiufen, Chen Hai, and Li Jie passed away one after another.

Shandi, who is used to seeing life and death, is still sad when he sees his family members leaving.

"If I have the medicinal materials to refine the longevity elixir, my parents will not die of old age."

"If I can change the physique of my parents, they will have the talent for cultivation."

Looking at the cemetery of his parents and the others, Shandi, who blamed himself in his heart, felt more and more the importance of strength and resources.

"Let's go." Chen Xiyan said.

"En." Shangdi nodded, and left Wushan Island by boat.

Twenty years later, Ito Mitsuko and Ishihara Lisa passed away one after another.

The acquaintances died of old age one by one, and Shang Di and Chen Xiyan lived in seclusion on Wushan Island.

They have reached the golden core stage, and they have taken the potion of immortality, and they look only in their twenties.

Sometimes travel to the vast starry sky, and sometimes exercise at home.

On this day, 480, five-year-old Chen Xiyan lost her breath of life.

"Theoretically speaking, I can still live for more than ten years."

After dealing with his wife's funeral, Shandi left Titan quietly in the magic weapon spaceship.

A few months later, the magic weapon spacecraft hit a black hole, and the powerful tearing force directly shattered the magic weapon spacecraft into slag.

Facing the powerful black hole, Shangdi had no power to resist, and was instantly wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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