God Level Collection

Chapter 365 The Strange Bee People

Chapter 365 The Strange Bee People

The reason why he didn't understand the last sentence was that Ya Shuo was not from the Northeast. He understood this sentence clearly.

But after he heard it clearly, he was stunned. He glanced at Yunjin, then at the little queen bee, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and he didn't know whether he should take off the clothes.

"This, this, and this is the only piece of clothing."

Yun Jin didn't look at him, because the little queen bee was obviously in charge, so he looked at the little queen bee, waiting for her answer.

The little queen bee is also a domineering master. She waved her little hand, "Take off, take off, take off. Quickly take off."

The queen bee ordered again, and Yashuo couldn't disobey, so he could only weep and start to take off his clothes. He took off his shirt first, then carefully put it on the bushes, and then stopped.

After seeing that Yun Jin and the little queen bee had been watching him, he couldn't continue to take off.

After Yashuo finished taking off his clothes, Su Yang flapped his wings, picked up the clothes, flew not far away, changed back into a human form, and began to put on clothes.

Ya Shuo is crisp, handsome, and looks very clean. Yunjin's clothes were turned over, very clean, but after thinking about it, Yunjin still didn't wear his pants, but wrapped his shirt around her crotch.

Although it's a bit windy and cool, Ya Shuo didn't even wear underwear, and Yun Jin always felt a little disgusted wearing his pants.
As for letting Yashuo take off his whole body, Yun Jin didn't know that he didn't wear underwear.

After putting it on, Yunjin came out from the bushes, the little queen bee took a look at Yunjin, and stretched out her hand, "Hold me."

Yun Jin: .
Although the words that came out of her mouth deserved a beating, but looking at her like that, no matter how you look at it, she looks a little cute.

So Yun Jin took the hand of the little queen bee and followed her out.

Walking out of the jungle, the little queen bee brought Yun Jin to the cave.

The cave was a bit dark, and Ya Shuo, who ran away just now, was in front of him. He was sitting on the ground with a dejected face, and he was already wearing a tattered dress. Obviously, he didn't know who was robbing him.

And he was surrounded by some thin bee people, who were persuading him for something. Those bee people were also wearing patterned clothes, and they looked like Xiongfeng.

Seeing the little queen bee and Yunjin enter the cave, these bee people stood up quickly, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "I pay my respects to my king, and to your lordship."

The little queen bee waved her hand imposingly, "Excuse me."

Those bee people stood up obediently and retreated to the sides.

As soon as they retreated, they gave way to hundreds of thousands of bee people in the cave. Those bee people hid in darker corners, keeping a certain distance from these male peaks, wearing ragged clothes and not covering their bodies. Many are not even wearing clothes.

Compared with those emaciated Xiongfeng, these bee people look more pale and thin, and they are very pitiful. Because they are all women.

It's not that Yunjin is patriarchal, or that she can't move when she sees a woman.

But women are inherently weaker than men.

Compared with the dozen or so men whose clothes are still in good condition but thin, the hundreds of thousands of women with disheveled clothes and skinny faces are obviously more shocking.

At this time, Ya Shuo seemed to have adjusted his mentality, he came to the side of the little queen bee and Yun Jin, and then saluted, "My lord, Your Excellency."

The little queen bee nodded and let go of Yunjin's hand.

Yun Jin glanced at her, the little girl in front of her didn't say anything, and she didn't make any gestures, but Yun Jin understood that this was for him to get to know for himself.

And Ya Shuo followed Yunjin and started to explain, "Our family is the bee-human race of the Free Continent. Different from other races and humans, each generation of our family has a queen bee, seventeen queen bees, and tens of thousands of male peaks. , or close to a million worker bees."

Ya Shuo pointed to the group of female beekeepers, "They are all worker bees. However, they are only the lowest-level nurse bees. Besides, worker bees actually include nest-builder bees, harvester bees, and soldier bees."

"We are a matriarchal clan. Whether it is the queen bee, the queen bee, or the worker bees are all female, only our androgens are male."

"Our Xiongfeng is actually divided into two types, one is like me who advises the Queen Bee and manages the country, and the other is like them."

As he spoke, Ya Shuo pointed to the Xiongfeng who were also dressed in gorgeous clothes but had a prominent position beside him, "Birth machines."

Speaking of this, Ya Shuo sighed, "It's just that reproductive machines are good, after all, they are at least men. And those of us who are courtiers don't even have the ability to reproduce."

Yashuo explained, "We have been banned by the queen bee. Only when our merits reach a certain level can we be allowed to give birth. However, out of a thousand courtiers, only one may be allowed."


It seems that I accidentally posted the wrong chapter before, sorry everyone, it has been corrected.

 The reason why Kawen is actually because of the need to compile the history of the entire bee people and the free continent, let’s look back, it’s a very wonderful epic (although I may not be able to write that feeling)

(End of this chapter)

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