Chapter 16 Fighting
Standing on the top of Shimiao Mountain, He Yuan didn't show any fear even in the face of dozens of strange beasts down the mountain.

Then it's life or death, there is no other choice.

Just think of it as sharpening yourself, if you can't get through this, and there will be countless encounters like this in the future, what should you do?
Fortunately, many of the strange beasts on the ground could not climb up, and a few of them tried to climb the mountain with vigorous movements, but it would take a few minutes to get up.

In this way, he would have enough time to deal with these three raptors in the sky.

Apply poison to the arrow, then draw the bow and arrow, and aim at the target.

There are only two arrows, He Yuan must make sure that one hit is sure to hit!
A big eagle hovered for a while, and suddenly one swooped down, followed by two birds of prey.

At this time, He Yuan shot arrows resolutely, and without looking at the result, he set up the last arrow again, aimed at another raptor and shot.

puff puff!

The two arrows hit, and the two raptors vacated again, but it didn't take long before they crumbled and fell into the sky.

The toxin worked.

"Sure enough, it's an animal. Even if it becomes a strange beast, its wisdom hasn't improved much!" He Yuan thought to himself, if he was facing a creature with a high IQ, it would be impossible to solve it so easily.

He threw away his longbow, no more arrows, and kept it as a fire stick.

Carrying the bone stick, he walked to the edge of the mountain, while watching out for the last falcon circling in the air, he saw a black poisonous snake climbing halfway through the uneven stones.

There is also a black centipede four or five meters long, which is about to reach the top.

In less than a minute, the centipede had just exposed its head on the top of the mountain, and He Yuan waved it down with a stick. A piece of the ground sank, and the big centipede's head was smashed to pieces.

Black Armored Centipede
Level: Open a genetic lock
Devour extracts 8 energy.

Gaining the energy of the black-armored centipede, He Yuan continued to stare down the mountain to make sure nothing was missed.

In the air behind him, Da Falcon seized the opportunity and swooped down!

He Yuan narrowed his eyes, turned his head slightly to check, and sneered in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, he immediately turned around and jumped to the side. At the same time, he swung the bone club and hit the big falcon, as if the opponent had hit him.

There was a muffled bang, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard. The big falcon fluttered its wings, failed to stop, and wobbled down to the top of the mountain.

He Yuan didn't go to see what was going on, and hurried to the edge of the mountain a few meters away, and the bone stick fell on the head of a newly emerged weasel!

Send it down the mountain, straight to hell, for free, no doubt.

Then he took a look down the mountain, then walked quietly not far away, raised the bone stick above his head, and couldn't help showing a smile.


A black snake's head was just exposed, and before he could move, his head hurt sharply, and when his eyes went dark, he was blown away.

Looking at the blood remaining on the bone stick, He Yuan suddenly felt that there was no danger here, it was clearly a group of Gods of Wealth who came to the door on their own initiative.

A giant rat fell down the mountain and died.

A red fox had just climbed up, and with a scream, its skull was shattered, and it fell down the mountain and died so dead that it couldn't die anymore.

One after another, He Yuan killed more than a dozen alien beasts, leaving only a few alien beasts that had problems with their size and could not climb the mountain.

Among them, the big white tiger gave him a lot of pressure.

"Since I won't come down, then I will go down!" He Yuan made a decision and slowly climbed down the mountain.

A dozen or so strange beasts below were staring at each other and roaring again and again.

Halfway up the mountain, He Yuan grabbed a stone next to him and threw it suddenly, hitting a bear and making it howl in pain.

He continued to throw stones. With his strength, the stones thrown out were as powerful as bullets, and several strange beasts fell down immediately.

In the end, only the big white tiger was left standing.

It was also hit by a stone, but it was not fatal, at most it felt severe pain. It lifted its huge head and stared at He Yuan.

"It's a bit difficult." He Yuanru was facing a big enemy, and throwing stones didn't have much effect. He had to either continue the stalemate, or go down and start fighting.

It's just that He Yuan didn't know whether he could win the fight.

During this stalemate, the giant white tiger kept roaring at him and paced back and forth below, looking very anxious.

It even started digging towards the foot of the mountain, with its claws touching the ground. If it continues like this, it can really make it dig down this mountain of chopsticks.

That being the case, He Yuan held the bone stick tightly, feeling the huge strength in his body, jumped up, and the bone stick greeted the giant tiger!

The giant tiger sensed the danger and avoided it in time. The bone stick fell to the ground, splashing smoke and dust all over the ground.

The giant tiger rushed forward, with sharp claws and sharp fangs.

He Yuan escaped in a dangerous way, and the quadruple increase in speed played a very good role. He turned around and swung the bone stick down, landing on the giant tiger!
With a burst of screams, the giant tiger shifted to the side, adjusted its body, and culled it again.

He Yuan kept swinging the bone stick and dodging, his movements were extremely sensitive, and he would sometimes attack fiercely when he was dealing with the giant tiger.

His fighting skills have become more and more proficient, and with it comes the excitement and thrill of fighting.

Although the white tiger is a creature that unlocks the three gene locks and is very powerful, He Yuan is not a vegetarian, and can avoid danger every time through speed.

When the bone stick fell on it, it was not as simple as tickling it, it was simply killing half of it.

The giant tiger's fierce light suddenly appeared, its body was arched, it was accumulating strength, and it was ready to go all out.

It jumped up suddenly, and its claws and mouth came close to He Yuan, trying to tear him apart and bite off his neck.

He Yuan had an early warning in advance and jumped away in time. His paws rubbed against his body to avoid the danger. While avoiding, he swung the bone stick more than ten times in a row, and completed it in just ten seconds. The speed was too fast and the strength was astonishing!
One of them hit the giant tiger's spine, and there was only a click, breaking its spine!

The giant tiger fell down and let out a stern roar, but it couldn't get up again.

He Yuan backed away several meters, reminiscing about the battle just now, gained a lot, and gained a lot of fighting skills and experience.

There was a bloody smell in the vicinity, and corpses could be seen everywhere.

He Yuan knew that he couldn't stay here for long, and the smell of blood would attract other ferocious beasts. Who knew if there would be strange beasts that unlocked the four gene locks in this deep mountain and old forest, and he would never be able to defeat them.

A stick cracked the giant tiger's head, and a message appeared before his eyes.

mutant white tiger
Level: Open three genetic locks

Devour can extract 50 points of energy!
"So many!" He Yuan was surprised, this was the same energy as the strange fruit he had devoured.

Without wondering so much, he touched the giant tiger's body with his feet and devoured its energy.

Then he walked around, devouring the energy of the other beasts, and the corpse of the raptor a little farther away also brought considerable energy points.

Looking at his profile again, he was about to evolve again.

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(End of this chapter)

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