Chapter 13
The black monitor lizard groaned in pain as its body was nailed to the ground in pain.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a huge pillar of fire more than ten meters long. The grass and trees it passed were ignited, and there was a tendency of sparks to start a prairie fire.

call out!
He Yuan shot an arrow again, piercing the skull of the black monitor lizard, killing it on the spot!

"What a bow!" He sighed, the scales of the beast that had unlocked the two gene locks were so hard that even a sharp steel knife could hardly cut them.

And this longbow is obviously not an ordinary bow, it is impossible for an adult to pull it into a full moon shape.

Unless it is an evolutionary who unlocks the gene lock, it is possible to do it.

Coupled with the arrows that go with the longbow, the arrowheads are polished from some kind of biological teeth, which are harder and more penetrating than metal.

It was in the hands of He Yuan, and it exerted its greatest power. With only two arrows, it shot and killed a strange beast that had unlocked the second gene lock.

Blackwing Salamander
Level: Open two genetic locks

Devour extracts 18 energy.

"So many." He Yuan was surprised, but he was relieved after thinking about it. This is a creature that unlocked the second gene lock, and it had just died not long ago, so it is reasonable to get [-] points of energy.

Touching the corpse and getting energy points, he sighed softly, but failed to get the opponent's flame ability.

This chance is too small, only one in a thousand chance to get it. It is already a surprise to get the poison ability, and it is impossible to be so lucky next time.

Pulling out the arrow sticking out of the Black-winged Salamander, He Yuan secretly thought that it was a pity that this corpse of a strange beast could be sold for hundreds of thousands in human cities, so it had to be thrown here.

If you can contact humans to sell them, how many chickens and ducks can you buy for energy points?

But this is just thinking about it. Before he has no strength, he will never easily contact people, and it may bring himself a fatal disaster.

The mountain forest is silent, with dense trees, thick old vines, and weeds one or two meters high on the ground, hiding too many creatures.

He Yuan moved forward slowly, drawing the bow and arrow in his hand into a full moon, and found a new prey.

The long arrow flew out, disappeared in an instant, and pierced through a giant yellow python that was as thick as a thigh and wrapped around the tree trunk.

This giant python was more than ten meters long, and it was just an ordinary animal, and it only gained five points of energy from swallowing it.

He threw away the giant python and waited nearby. The smell of blood attracted a two-meter-long black centipede!

With a bang, the long arrow pierced the black centipede's body precisely, and it was difficult to break free even though it twisted violently.

Not in a hurry, He Yuan hid in a tree more than ten meters away, and continued to wait for the prey to appear.

Ten minutes later, a black leopard came out without a sound. Its fur was black and shiny, and it was three meters long. After mutation, it grew two exposed snow-white fangs, which looked like two curved daggers.

The panther sniffed the air, walked slowly to the side of the python and stopped, as if he was not interested, and did not open his mouth for a long time.

He Yuan couldn't wait any longer, and immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow.

The long arrow hit the panther's abdomen. The arrow was highly poisonous and had already begun to exert its toxicity.

The panther roared in pain, rushed into the bushes and disappeared.

He Yuan jumped down from the tree, took away the long arrows that pierced through the black centipede and giant python, and chased after the black panther's escape route.

Following the blood on the road, he found the black panther in a bush that had died of poison.

Level: Open a genetic lock
Devour extracts 7 energy.

Stepping on the black panther to gain energy points, when he was about to leave, a gray-white spider the size of a millstone suddenly hung down in front of him, which startled him a lot.

Holding the longbow as a weapon, he drew it and exploded it, and the juice splashed all over the ground!
"Scare me!" He patted his rapidly beating heart. He didn't scare him half to death just now. He was almost less than one meter away from the spider. Any other girl would probably faint from fright and become the spider's feast.

The big spider contributed three points of energy, and He Yuan continued hunting after devouring it.

In just one day, he gained a huge amount, gaining 68 points of energy.

If this momentum continues, it will only take two days to evolve again and open the third gene lock!

The next day, he got another 53 points of energy, and his shooting skills improved.

However, the next day, before the hunt started, a giant wild boar the size of a truck stunned his eyes.

The whole body of this wild boar is crimson red, its hair is as hard as steel needles, and its two tusks are as sharp as knives. It passed by here, followed by a group of more than 20 wild boars, and disappeared into the bushes.

It wasn't until a long time before He Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, guessing in his heart that this must be a strange beast that had unlocked the four gene locks. It was not afraid of bullets for a long time, but it could resist grenades without dying.

A tree as thick as a thigh will break if you arch it casually.

It seems that walking in the depths of the forest, you still have to be more careful, once you are targeted by a beast that is stronger than your own, it will be dangerous.

"I need to practice fist, foot and stick skills!" He thought, once he was approached by a tiger and giant leopard, he would have to wait for death if he didn't have any backhand ability.

There is no third time in life, He Yuan cherishes it very much, and does not want to die before seeing his parents.

But without a weapon at hand, it is really troublesome. It is too unwise to deal with a beast with sharp claws and fangs with bare hands.

"It's really impossible. Try to dismantle an excavator. The iron pillars on it are quite big, long, and thick. It's just right as a weapon."

He Yuan thought, but not long after, a huge skeleton of a strange beast dissuaded him from dismantling the excavator.

"What a big leg bone!"

This skeleton was too big, He Yuan was amazed, he was not as tall as its calf bone.

It seemed to be a bear that had been killed by some kind of creature. It had obviously been dead for a long time, and its bones were shining white like jade.

It took He Yuan a lot of effort to remove a shin bone, which was about [-] centimeters taller than him, and he couldn't hold it with one hand. When he weighed it, it weighed at least a few dozen catties.

It's stiff, better than an iron bar, and has more feel to it.

He Yuan looked a little funny when he carried the leg bones, and it became very inconvenient to carry the longbow on his back.

He is going to find the beast to hone himself.

More than an hour later, a two-meter-long red beast with blue pupils, of unknown species, encountered him.

It's just an ordinary beast, good for training.

Throwing away the longbow, He Yuan rushed forward holding the leg bones in both hands!
The scarlet beast roared, frightened, and its fur exploded, but it did not run away, preparing for a sharp blow.

He Yuan waved the bone stick, the wind whizzed, he met the enemy purely with the strength of his body, the bone stick waved with sound.

The bone stick hit the paw of the red beast, and a scream rang in the ears. When the red beast fell to the ground, its two paws were bloody, and it could no longer stand up.

"So weak?" He Yuan raised such an idea, rushed over, swung the bone stick two or three times, smashed the spine of the red beast, and easily killed it.

(End of this chapter)

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