I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 3 A melon talks about the earth

Chapter 3 A Melon Talks about the Earth
The system is still messed up.

1/2 what the hell...

Sitting on the horseback, Li Yu felt full of tricks, looked at the sky full of dark clouds, and couldn't help but let out a long roar: "God, you should strike a thunderbolt and hack this system... "

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, frightening the old horse sitting under Li Yu's body trembling, pacing and neighing.

Zhao Yun's expression changed behind him...

The lord is a true god and man, he will thunder when he says it will thunder.

Zhang Liang chased him away, only to hear Li Yu's roar, chanting words: What thunder from heaven... The words are jerky and weird.

A thunderbolt really fell from the sky, and they were dumbfounded in fright.

Brother Li is really unpredictable, the ability to call out thunder and flashes is only seen in his life.

The three rode their horses and galloped wildly, and finally arrived at the small town near Yunmeng Mountain before it rained.

I saw that the residents around the town had closed their doors and windows, and there were no people on the street.

Puzzled, Li Yu guessed a little bit, found a random inn to live in, and asked for some food and drink, and then said: "Brother Zifang, have you ever seen..."

The meaning in the words was beyond words, Zhang Liang's eyes were complicated, then he nodded and said: "The hunting tour of the world has begun, and this town has been wiped out by the imperial cavalry..."

The appearance of the imperial cavalry means that the last eastward tour that will affect the subsequent history of China has begun.

A long black dragon continued to walk, and [-] imperial cavalry galloped on the solid military road.

Ying Zheng sat in the slow-moving chariot, his seemingly peaceful heart was actually full of ups and downs.

"When the first emperor died, the land was divided."

The eight characters engraved on the Skyfall Stone were like a thorn, piercing deeply into Ying Zheng's heart.

Ying Zheng hates death...

"Zhao Gao."

Majesty appeared on his face, and his piercing eyes looked through the car window, as if to see through the starry sky.

"His Majesty the First Emperor~"

Before the words were finished, there was a sound of Lao Yinyang's promise in the carriage, and Bai Wuxu's head shook with the movement of his knees.

Ying Zheng looked at the bamboo slips in his hand and said, "Where are you going?"

Zhao Gao's ability to observe words was first-class, and by the dim light, he could see that His Majesty the First Emperor was very unhappy.

Hastily asked the courtiers outside the window, turned around and greeted him: "Your Majesty, you have already arrived outside Yunmeng Town."

Ying Zheng put down the letter at the right time, and said: "Legendary Xiangguo will accompany you."

Zhao Gao's face changed, and he said urgently: "Your Majesty, please don't..."

At this time, Ying Zheng just wanted to see how the people who were deceived by the demonic words would react.

I am an ancestral dragon, and my life is as long as the sky, why no one can understand my philosophy of governing the country...

There was a cloud of anger in Ying Zheng's chest, which must be released. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The army is staying outside this town, so hurry up and make arrangements."

Zhao Gao saw that Ying Zheng was determined to go to the town to wait and see the people's situation, so he didn't dare to dissuade him.

Hearing what Zhao Gao said, Li Si said without any change on his face: "Besides Xianyang, Your Majesty still can't let go of distracting thoughts..."

Zhao Gao nodded, looked at Li Si and said, "Master Xiangguo's intention?"

Li Si revealed a trace of thought-provoking, shook his head and said: "With the secret protection of the Zhongche Order, if you think about His Majesty's safety, the truth is right."

Zhao Gao was startled, and said calmly: "Master Xiangguo is joking, I have no strength to restrain a chicken, and I want to find General Meng to protect His Majesty."

"The commander-in-chief!"

Meng Yi cupped his fists and bowed towards Ying Zheng's chariot.

As night fell, a ray of starlight swayed the earth. This small town near Xianyang became more and more deserted.

Li Yu was drinking, and casually said some vague words: "Why do the stars in the sky twinkle? It's because the distance is too far, and it takes time to transmit light, so there is discontinuity."

The boarders and lodgers in the inn in twos and threes pricked up their ears and listened, their faces full of bewilderment.


What is this.

Not only diners can't understand, even Zhang Liang, who is praised as a holy man, can't understand.

During the speech, the clerk of the inn lit the lights in the house and prepared to close the shop.

A scabbard was stuck in the crack of the door that was about to close.

"The store is slow."

As soon as the door was opened, Meng Yi held the sword hilt and looked at the three or two tables of diners in the hall, and immediately shouted: "Officials are traveling, wait for common people to avoid quickly."

Before Meng Yi could finish speaking, Ying Zheng, who was dressed in black gold dragon strips and had beard and cheeks behind him, walked in directly.

Black and Gold Inlaid Dragon Robe...

Zhang Liang's pupils shrank, and his hand holding the chopsticks couldn't help shaking.

Li Yu's heart from after 2000 couldn't help beating wildly.

This majestic appearance, stalwart figure...


Finally saw the Emperor Qianguyi.

Ying Zheng looked at Li Yu's table with deep eyes, like a [-]-watt searchlight, so piercing that Li Yu didn't dare to look directly.

"Meng Qing retreated, my territory, my people, why should I care about assassination."

Hearing these domineering words, Li Yu was so shocked that he almost knelt down to worship.

"His Majesty the First Emperor has toured so far, and the common people still don't bow down."

Li Yu trembled when he heard the sound, if Te Niang guessed correctly, this yin and yang smell must be Zhao Gao's fellow.

As soon as Zhao Gao finished speaking, the tables and chairs in the hall chattered endlessly, and a crowd of people fell to their knees.

Li Yu and the others moved a little slower, and Zhao Gao scolded: "Bold and unreasonable, why don't you kneel when you meet His Majesty?"

This action did come a little fast, Li Yu was stunned for a moment, but it was already half a beat slow.

If you kneel now, it would be too abrupt, if you don't kneel, you might be chopped off every minute...

"Zhang Liang, a Confucian scholar, respects saints and respects saints, and respects people when meeting kings."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Ying Zheng three times.

Li Yu's heart skipped a beat, you just failed to assassinate the First Emperor a few years ago, and now you're so bluntly revealing your identity...

Is he really not afraid of being recognized by Ying Zheng, or is he deliberately being a model of Confucianism.

Zhang Liang came out neither humble nor overbearing, but Ying Zheng smiled and said: "I destroyed six countries and burned tens of thousands of books, you will think it's my fault."

Seeing that Zhang Liang was about to speak again, Li Yu took a deep breath and interrupted: "Forgive me for your boldness. Your Majesty's destruction of the six kingdoms shows the unity of the race, and the destruction of the books of the hundred schools of thought shows the unity of words and deeds. What is wrong with it?"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of Ying Zheng and Li Si changed, and they looked at the handsome young man in front of them.

For many years, Yingzheng's intentions are nothing more than to hear these two sentences from his own people...

"Oh? I put a lot of corvée on it. I enlisted you and other common people to build the Great Wall and open the straight road. There were countless casualties, but it was my fault."

Li Yu shook his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty's mind has already surpassed the vastness of the empire's territory. The Great Wall was built to fight against foreigners, but..."

I have worked hard for the people, and it is rare to hear someone sing praises. It is the heartbeat that is heard, how can I stop.

Seeing that Li Yu hesitated to speak, Ying Zheng's face turned cold, and he said, "I have been prevaricating in my heart for a long time, and you are allowed to wait for freedom of speech."

Only then did Li Yu say: "Your Majesty is eager to fight against foreign countries after destroying the six kingdoms, but you must know that the population of the empire is only 2000 million, and now His Majesty has conscripted more than two million civilians to build the Great Wall and the Afang Palace, which is regarded as a waste of money and people.

Seeing Yingzheng's ugly face, Li Yu said again: "You must know that water can carry a boat and it can also overturn it, and the people are the driving force for the empire to move forward.

It is even more important to know that beyond the empire, there is a boundless territory, and there are many countries that are not weaker than Qin.

Your Majesty's act of laboring his life and wasting money is nothing more than providing opportunities for foreigners. "

Ying Zheng didn't expect to be scolded by this young man, but he couldn't refute every sentence, and said angrily: "How can my iron cavalry be invincible to the country, and how did you know that the outer territory is vast and boundless, young boy. "

Li Yu was panic-stricken, and his mouth was dry after some remarks. He drank a sip of tea to moisten the mulberry, and continued: "If your majesty takes a break, let your majesty know that the territory we are in is just Living in peace with Yu is just a frog at the bottom of a well."

After a while, Li Yu asked the innkeeper to fetch a melon.


 Many book lovers do not understand the description in this paragraph, so I will explain the original intention.

  The content of Yingzheng's questioning of Zhang Liang does not cover "all historical records written after the Han Dynasty", and it comes from Yingzheng's heart to ask questions from voices other than Legalism, which can also be regarded as Yingzheng's self-defense argument .

  It probably means: I won the government and burned books to confuse scholars. Do you think this is true?
  I pulled people to build the Great Wall for no reason, but do you know the truth?
  The Qin Dynasty was good at fighting, this was the folk custom of the old Qin people before Shang Jun's reform, and tens of thousands of people fought in groups at every turn.

  In this context, the later Qin Dynasty used a large number of prisoners to build the Great Wall, roads, and canals.

  However, according to the latest historical investigation, subsidies were issued regardless of whether civilians or prisoners were recruited at that time.

  It's like that if a prisoner builds the Great Wall for one day, his sentence will be reduced, while civilians will be given baht money as a subsidy, which means that they are paid for participating in these projects.

  Therefore, Yingzheng's questioning of Zhang Liang is more of a question from those in power to the rumormongers, rather than directly stating that Yingzheng is such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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