Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 440 1 Buildings

Chapter 440 A Building
A group of young heroes waited outside, their eyes all falling on the side of the canyon ahead.

Relics will appear here.

At this moment, the fog is gradually rising in this area, and it is not clear what is going on inside.

"The ruins are about to be opened."

Someone said something.

Everyone here knows this.

Ling Feng was also ready to explode, and he didn't underestimate anyone. With his strength, there is nothing terrible on Earth, but it's different here. People stronger than him can be seen everywhere. Fang was beaten to death, and all that hard work in cultivation was in vain in the end, and one more thing, he now has people he cares about, Linger, Lan Qing, Tang Hongxue, his father and mother.

With these people around, he can't have any problems.

Of course, he won't shrink back. If there is an opportunity to improve his strength, he will definitely not let it go.

Boom boom boom...

There was a dull sound in the mist.

Then the fog disappeared, and a brand new world appeared in their eyes, as if it appeared out of thin air.

A piece of mountains and rivers connected, the scenery is very good.


Immediately, someone flew towards the front of the world.

Whoosh whoosh!Someone is faster than them.

Among the group of young heroes, Dong Xinhai was the fastest and the first to plunder. In fact, Ling Feng had already sensed that there were two of them who were not weaker than Dong Xinhai, but they hid themselves. It doesn't make people feel, he is different.

"Ling Feng, let's go too."

Yan Mingxin waved his hand and followed.

Ling Feng smiled, moved, and swept forward.

He came with Yan Mingxin and the others, but they couldn't be together when they reached the destination. The next time the ruins appeared, it was up to him.

For Ling Feng, he didn't want to be with these people either, it would be much more convenient to act alone.

In fact, based on his own state, it is very dangerous to come to this kind of place to compete with these young heroes for the relics, and his cultivation base is still a bit low, but his actual strength is more than that, plus his hidden means , is enough, as long as there are treasures, there are still some opportunities.

Falling into this newly emerged world, what makes Ling Feng a little strange is that this ruins is actually silent, without any powerful monsters.

Before, there were a few people who were worried about the danger of falling on the ground, but after seeing that they didn't mean to fall at all, they kept flying towards the center of this piece of heaven and earth, fearing that the benefits would be taken first, so they had to follow quickly .

After flying for less than 2 minutes, an ancient city appeared in the distance. With just one glance, one could feel the heavy historical atmosphere emanating from this ancient city.

If there is any treasure, it can only appear in this ancient city.

Ling Feng mingled among the crowd. Although it looked relaxed, his spirit had actually been concentrated in the surrounding environment. What made him strange was that he didn't sense any danger. This was a bit strange. Ruins, there are some dangers in them.

And his induction is generally not wrong.

"There are no dangerous ruins..."

Ling Feng felt that his thinking was a little stubborn, not every relic had to be dangerous in itself.

He was not the only one, but some other young heroes seemed to feel it too. Without hesitation, they quickly flew towards the building in the center of the city ahead. If there was any treasure, it would only be in that place.

And Ling Feng gradually felt it: "The aura here seems to have changed."

He found that from entering this piece of heaven and earth, from the outside of the aura to here, the aura gradually became thinner, and when he approached the tall building in the center, he could hardly sense the slightest aura.

As if, as if...

Ling Feng stared at the building in front of him, yes, the surrounding spiritual energy was absorbed by this building.

"There is actually a swallowing formation inside."

Ling Feng could see that the Heavenly Spirit Formation was a higher-level spirit-gathering formation than ordinary spirit-gathering formations. If the other spirit-gathering formations were relatively mild, the Spirit-swallowing Formation was simply a glutton, sucking the surroundings madly. Generally speaking, if you set up this formation, you need to practice some kind of domineering technique.

Could it be that there...

Ling Feng had to guess that there might be unknown things in this building that were absorbing the spirit energy outside with the help of the spirit swallowing array. After such a long time, the spirit energy in this area seemed to be sucked dry. How much aura.

It's just that the unknown thing inside, what exactly is it?

He didn't feel the danger at the same time. Maybe there was some danger in it, which was too mysterious and blocked his perception.

Ling Feng shook his head, he decided not to take any risks for the time being, and wait for a while to observe.

This high-rise building has nine floors. It looks like a tower but not a tower, but it is not a tower.

On the first floor, there are also nine doors, which are closed.

All the young heroes who came here, none of them were foolish, looked at this building, and did not act rashly, after a while, someone approached this building, squeak!The door was opened easily, and the young man went in, but he didn't come out.

The faces of some other people gradually changed.

There is no danger elsewhere, but there may be danger here.

However, Ling Feng secretly smiled, there is no danger on this floor, there is only a small ecstasy formation, which was broken by the young man who entered first, at this moment, the young man may have already reached the second floor.

Not only that, but according to his speculation, the other few floors are probably full of formations.

"There seems to be a formation inside."

At this time, someone also noticed it and stepped inside first, but he walked in through another door.

These young heroes did not mean that they were timid, but cautious. Once they considered what would happen, they followed into this building without hesitation.

Ling Feng's reputation is not obvious at the moment, and he also followed these people into it.

Although the building looks majestic from the outside, it is not that great, but once you enter the inside, you can feel that the space inside is huge, which is hundreds of times larger than what you see from the outside. It is caused by a space change technique.

Ling Feng's abilities are displayed at this moment. He has a treasure chest, has absorbed some relevant knowledge, and knows it well.

The unknown is the frightening thing. Now that he knows it, Ling Feng has nothing to worry about.

In his eyes, this ecstasy was like being outside, it was of no use at all, and he reached the second floor smoothly.

The second floor is also a formation, a sleepy formation, and he is the only one in this space, and it is empty everywhere. If you can't break through the formation and stay in such an empty and empty place, you will definitely go crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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