Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 429 All eyes on {2 more}

Chapter 429 All eyes on {two more}
When the upper-middle man stood up, he was already on the ground of the Demon Cave.

Cursing in the mouth.

But soon he stopped talking, and saw martial practitioners rushing towards this side, obviously they were all going to get out of the devil's lair.

In this case, it is obvious that these mages and martial arts practitioners will come out only when the demons retreat.

"Charlie, why are you down?"

A mage obviously knew this middle-aged man.

"Stan, have you defeated the demons?"

Charlie asked.

"Of course, that Eastern martial artist is too terrifying!"

When Stan said this, he exclaimed:
"Charlie, come here, I'll show you a video I secretly recorded."

Charlie brought his face closer.

In the video, a dragon appeared, devouring the demons, like a long whale sucking water, under the mouth of this dragon, no demons could escape.

"This divine dragon was transformed by an oriental martial artist, that's him."

Stan then released another video for Charlie to watch.

This person was obviously one of the two leading young men he saw outside just now.

"This eastern martial artist is extremely powerful. This time the demons were able to retreat so quickly, it was entirely up to him alone. Most of the demons, maybe hundreds of thousands, even millions of them were swallowed by this person, and then he Later, he also killed a great demon general, who is equivalent to a strong man in the king realm."

Stan sighed:

"Dongfang Shenlong, very powerful!"

Si Li said with a look of awe and envy.

Charlie stopped talking, and the horror in his eyes could not be concealed.


Ling Feng and Duo Xiaobao returned to China.

But Ling Feng did not go back to school.

Instead, he went to Tiandu City.

This time, he was going to rescue his parents.

Soon he will be able to meet his parents.

However, he couldn't do this alone. There was another person, Sister Yin.

Sister Yin was raised by his mother together with him.

Ling Feng also told Sister Yin about such an important matter.

The next day.

Qi Longyin also arrived in Tiandu City.

"Sister Yin."

Ling Feng laughed.

"Little brother."

There was also a smile on the corner of Qi Longyin's mouth, her smile was reassuring and calm.

"Little brother, are you sure?"

Qi Longyin asked again.

"I've become the king now. I can deal with even a three-star king. A mere Ling Zhantian is nothing. I can easily defeat him."

Ling Feng knew that with Ling Zhantian's cultivation level, no matter how strong the two-star king was, he could indeed deal with it. At worst, he could cast the blood burning technique again.

Anyway, this time, he must rescue his parents.


Qi Longyin nodded.

"Sister Yin, just wait."

Ling Feng soared into the sky.

One person stood in the sky above Tiandu City, and suddenly said: "Ling Zhantian, come out and fight!"

The voice rolled out.

Like thunder and lightning before rain.

This voice was heard by almost everyone in Tiandu City.

swoosh swish...

A series of figures appeared on the street and in the square.

They looked up at the sky, and a black spot stood in the sky.

The martial practitioners have sharp eyes, but they saw Ling Feng's appearance.

In the battle of the Devil's Nest, Ling Feng's prestige had already been established long ago. Hearing his voice and seeing him, there are still people who don't know him.

"Tobu Lingfeng!"

Some young martial practitioners roared wildly.

The current Ling Feng's reputation is even greater than that of Beiwu No.1 Ling Zaitian.

Moreover, Ling Feng has no background, and he has cultivated to the current state by himself, and he is the object of admiration and study by many young martial arts practitioners.

"What's wrong with Ling Feng? If he wants to fight Ling Zhantian, isn't he just looking for trouble?"

"You may not know this, but I have heard that Ling Feng is actually from the Ling family."

"How is this possible? I've never heard of such a person in the Ling family. Like our Beiwu students, they know Ling Feng very well. It's impossible."

"But the fact is that, listen to me, this Ling Feng, he is the son of Ling Zhanyun, the younger brother of Ling Zhantian from the Ling family. Back then, because of his injury, Ling Zhanyun met an ordinary woman outside, who was Ling Feng's mother. She has a son named Ling Feng with her, but the Ling family has strict rules, and it is forbidden for family members to marry ordinary people. Because of this, his father was locked up in the back mountain of the family. Later, when his mother came to find Ling Zhanyun, she was also arrested. Locked up together, now it seems that Ling Feng must have come to save his mother."

"Yes, Ling Feng came here some time ago, bringing the expelled person from the Ling family. Unfortunately, the Ling family will not let his parents go just because of Ling Feng."

"That's a pity. If it was me, with such a genius, their parents would have been let go."

"That's true, he alone can stand up to a family."


A group of martial artists talked about it.

All eyes wide open looking at the sky.

Some even took out lookout glasses.

"You say that Ling Zhantian is a strong man in the king realm. How could Ling Feng be his opponent? Could it be that he also became a king?"

"This is impossible, how can it be so fast?"

"This is really not certain. If Ling Feng didn't have this confidence, he would not be able to challenge Ling Zhantian. And have you ever thought that he can devour the demons to improve his strength. I heard that he was arranged by the head of Skynet before. I went to the devil's lair in the continent of Europe, and now I'm coming back, I'm afraid..."

"In that case, he is no different from a king. This is simply a terrifying evildoer!"

"In the past, the most powerful genius I have ever seen was Ling Zaitian, but compared to Ling Feng, there is really more than one mention."

"That's the reason, but Ling Zaitian has now gone to the Tianlong Continent. I heard that it is the center of this universe. The concentration of spiritual energy is hundreds of times stronger than here. There is a huge distance between the two. It can't be compared, speaking of this, I feel a pity for Ling Feng, he didn't come back in time, otherwise, with his talent, he would definitely be selected and went to Tianlong Continent together."


The young man's figure in the sky attracted everyone's attention.

brush!At this moment, a figure flickered and appeared beside Ling Feng.

This person is Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng looked up and down carefully, looking at Ling Feng carefully. Now, he could no longer see Ling Feng's cultivation.

In the past, there was a big difference in the realm, no matter how much Ling Feng hid it, he could still see it, but now he couldn't see it.

"That's right, that's right, boy Lingfeng, I didn't expect that you would step into the King Realm so quickly."

Tang Zheng smiled and said:

"However, Ling Zhantian has recently made a breakthrough and stepped into the three-star king realm. If you want to defeat him, I'm afraid it will be difficult."


Ling Feng was a little surprised.

If so, he is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

But since he came today, there is no reason to back down.

Tang Zheng nodded: "But don't worry, I'm here, you have no problem, this time your parents will always let them come out."

(End of this chapter)

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