Chapter 425 Yang Zhen
In the living room of the Skynet headquarters, there were not only people from the Tianlong Continent, but Zhao Wuji.

There are five foreign powerhouses like him.

Each of them seems to contain endless power.

Among the five, it seems that Zao Wou-ki's strength is the strongest, and the other four are a little apprehensive when they see Zhao Wou-ki.

Of course, it's just fear.

"Zhao Wou-ki, it doesn't look like you got there first, you got all these good seedlings."

One of the men said in a sour tone.

At this moment, besides Ling Zaitian and Qian Linger, Su Xiaobai was also among the people following Zhao Wuji, and there were two other people, a total of five people. These five people were all very talented, especially Qian Linger and Qian Linger. Ling Zaitian, these two people are very special, of course, Lan Qing is no worse than them.

Fortunately, after each of them came here, they also received their favorite disciples.

"The talents he has accepted are quite good, but there seem to be quite a few geniuses here. We can look for them again, and maybe we can meet some great geniuses."

Another person said.

"That's natural, so we don't need to go out now, let them call some of the world's best-performing geniuses, and then concentrate on the selection to save trouble."

"So good."


"Hallmaster of Xuelong Palace!"

At this moment, Zao Wou-ki's face changed slightly, as if he had sensed something:
"Yang Zhen, why don't you stay in Tianlong Continent well, what are you doing here?"

Two women appeared in the hall.

One of the women, Qian Ling'er, they knew, was Lan Qing, and the other woman had blue hair like a waterfall, with a clear and elegant temperament, but also had a faint edge.

"Do I still need to report to you when I come here?"

Although Yang Zhen's voice was cold, it was very nice.

"Of course this is unnecessary."

Zhao Wou-ki said with a fake smile.

Several other people were relieved at this time. Zao Wou-ki was here before, which made them feel a lot of pressure, but now that Yang Zhen came, it was different. This woman is much stronger than Zhao Wou-ki, but she has no Zao Wou-ki is ruthless.


The Chinese martial arts world at this moment can be said to be boiling.

Every school, every force, and family brought what they thought were geniuses to Tiandu City.

Just to be selected by these people as disciples.

As for safety...

About is no problem.

Although the Earth is far away from Tianlong Continent, it does not mean that the news is blocked.

Like a few powerful sects and families, they all know that Emperor Tianlong is a person who came from the earth, went to Tianlong Continent to establish the Tianlong Dynasty, and became the strongest person in history, although Emperor Tianlong seems to have disappeared now He disappeared, but no one dared to desecrate his majesty in the Tianlong Dynasty.

In particular, the Tianlong Temple, which upholds his will, is inextricably linked to him.

However, this Heavenly Dragon Hall has been split now, and there are Qianlong Hall, Snow Dragon Hall, Yanglong Hall and so on.

Although they both belong to Tianlong Temple, there are still great contradictions between them.


Fortunately, the Skynet headquarters is relatively large, and there is a training ground inside, even if it can accommodate ten thousand people, there is no problem.

At this moment, there are a lot of people gathered in this training ground, and all of these people are powerful and talented.

All gathered here.

Their goal is very simple, just waiting to be selected by the six people in the front center.

If you become his disciple, you will reach the sky in one step.

Beside Zhao Wuji and Yang Zhen, Tang Zheng, Ling Zhantian, the strongest fighters on the Chinese martial arts list accompanied them.

These people all had smiles on their faces, even Ling Zhantian, who was usually a little cold, squeezed out a smile.

On the earth, they are the strongest, but in the eyes of people like Zhao Wuji, they are no different from ants, they can blow him to death with just one breath.

Zhao Wuji and the others didn't pay much attention to these people, except for one, Tang Zheng.

"You are Tang Zheng, the descendant of old ghost Tang De?"

Zhao Wuji asked a question.

"Yes, it is my ancestor."

Zhao Wuji pouted:
"That old guy is a bastard!"

"Senior can't insult my ancestors like this."

Tang Zheng said seriously.

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Wuji laughed hahaha, as if sensing Yang Zhen's eyes, he immediately stopped talking.

"Junior Tang, your Tang family doesn't seem to have any geniuses. Although you have some talents, you are still a bit inferior. The main reason is that you are not young."

Zhao Wuji said:

"I haven't seen anyone from your Tang family here yet."

"This one……"

Tang Zheng was a little embarrassed.

Although the Tang family is the largest family, its population is pitifully small.

As for his grandchildren, Tang Hongxue was the only girl.


Tang Zheng secretly sighed.

I don't know if his son is in the Azure Dragon Starfield or the Tianlong Continent now, and I don't know if they will have another grandson for him.


At this time, a woman walked in.

It was Tang Hongxue.

Wearing a red dress and red hair, she is very conspicuous wherever she goes.

And Zhao Wou-ki's gazes also noticed her for the first time. After seeing her, Zhao Wou-ki's eyes flashed: "The blood of Vulcan is the same as Tang De's blood, but it is more pure than his. , This, how is this possible?"

Not only Zhao Wou-ki, but also Yang Zhen and the others were a little unbelievable.

Vulcan's bloodline, a chaotic bloodline from the beginning of heaven and earth, is very powerful.

For example, Tang De, the ancestor of the Tang family, has the blood of the Vulcan, which is already extremely rare. If his descendants have a trace of the blood of the Vulcan, although the probability is small, it is still possible, but it is stronger than Tang De's own blood. It's almost impossible to get thick.

But the truth was right in front of their eyes.

have to believe.

"Little girl of the Tang family, would you like to be my disciple? I am the vice-master of the Qianlong Palace in the Tianlong Continent. My strength is earth-shattering. If you become my disciple, I promise that I will give you whatever you want in the future, and As my disciple of Zhao Wuji, you can basically walk sideways wherever you go, and no one dares to bully you."

Zhao Wuji boasted, and said.

"Be my disciple, I will devote all my strength to support you!"

"Yes, what do you want, what will I give you!"

Several other people also spoke at the same time.

Although they felt that they couldn't compete with Zao Wou-ki, it was not Zao Wou-ki who had the final say, but Tang Hongxue who had the final say.

Although this Zhao Wuji is powerful, he doesn't dare to do what he did to Qian Linger and Ling Zaitian, it doesn't matter if you agree or not, as long as I am willing.

Tang De is not easy to provoke.

When Tang Hongxue came here again, she had roughly figured out the situation and knew the origins of these people, but hearing them say that her blood was stronger than her ancestors was a little hard to believe.

That being said, his talent is pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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